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Smurf Assay to Detect Drosophila Intestine Leakage   

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摘要:肠道的完整性是衡量个体健康的重要指标之一,与肠道感染、炎症、衰老等生理病理过程密切相关。无论是Crohn肠病和溃疡性肠炎,还是肠道局部恶性增生都会伴随着肠壁结构的破坏,导致肠内容物渗漏至体腔,甚至诱发机体系统性的菌毒血症。果蝇的中肠上皮细胞层可以很好的模拟高等动物的小肠上皮细胞结构,是解析肠道病原-宿主互作过程中肠上皮结构动态平衡的优良场所。本文详细地描述了如何利用蓝精灵(Smurf) 实验,快速简便地评判果蝇肠道的完整性。以非可代谢性蓝色染料溶液饲喂果蝇,通过观察染料在果蝇体内的浸透性,来判断果蝇肠道完整度 (Rera等,2012)。如果蝇肠道出现渗漏,饲喂后的蓝色染料将从肠道渗漏至全身;反之,蓝色染料只会存在于消化道中,不会扩散。因此,蓝精灵实验可以作为评判肠道生理病理变化的指标之一。

关键词: 果蝇, 肠道损伤, 蓝精灵实验


  1. 0.22 μm滤膜 (Millipore,SLGV033RB)
  2. 滤纸
  3. 成虫果蝇或三龄幼虫
  4. Sucrose (Sigma, catalog number: S0389)
  5. 可食用蓝色染料 (CareTM亮蓝特浓级85%,OC BB 85%)
  6. DSS (MP,160110)
  7. 5%蔗糖溶液 (见溶液配方)
  8. Smurf染料溶液 (见溶液配方)
  9. 5% DSS溶液 (见溶液配方)


  1. 体视镜 (Leica,S6)


  1. 配制指示溶剂,将可食用蓝色染料以2.5% (质量体积比) 溶于5%的蔗糖溶液,并用0.22 μm滤膜过滤后无菌保存。
  2. 将双层圆形滤纸片塞入装有食物的饲养管中,完全覆盖食物,吸取200 μl指示溶剂,均匀的悬滴于滤纸片上,等滤纸片吸干溶剂后,再吸取200 μl指示溶剂,二次均匀滴加在滤纸片上,静置 (滤纸被浸润至饱和但不会有多余液体溢出为准)。
  3. 将待检测的成虫果蝇先用CO2麻醉,每挑选20只,放入一个饲养管中。将饲养管横放,用刷子先将果蝇轻轻刷到管壁上,等果蝇完全苏醒后,再将饲养管慢慢竖放。
  4. 在该果蝇管中饲喂9~12个小时后在镜下观察smurf的情况,如果只有口器至消化道呈现蓝色者判定为肠道未出现渗漏;如果除口器至消化道之外腹腔、胸腔、头部等部位出现蓝色则判定为肠道出现渗漏,说明果蝇肠道结构发生变化出现严重损伤。
  5. 因肠道出现渗漏后,蓝色染料浸满全身,果蝇形似蓝精灵,因此,此实验命名为蓝精灵实验,实验结果以呈现蓝精灵果蝇的数目除以总数目乘以100%,以指征肠道渗漏果蝇的比例数。对于同一种基因型果蝇的同样处理,至少需要三管作为平行实验,且至少需要三次独立实验重复。




正常果蝇肠道壁完整,饲喂可食用蓝色染料后,染料将集中于果蝇的口器、前胃及肠道中。我们以Dextran Sulfate Sodium Salt (DSS) 饲喂后的果蝇为阳性对照。DSS可对肠道基底层造成损伤 (主要成分为胶原蛋白IV),使得肠道壁变薄,肠道组织出现损伤。也因此DSS常被用来作为诱导肠炎模型的药物 (Amcheslavsky等,2009)。给果蝇高剂量长时间饲喂DSS引发的果蝇死亡率增加,也是由肠道损伤引起的。果蝇中常用DSS诱导肠道损伤作为研究肠道干细胞修复的模型 (Amcheslavsky等,2009)。因此,蓝精灵实验可以指示果蝇在DSS诱导下肠道渗漏的现象。DSS诱导肠道损伤的果蝇在饲喂可食用蓝色染料后,不仅在口器、前胃及肠道中滞留有蓝色染料,在果蝇的整个腹腔,甚至胸腔及头部都会出现蓝色染料。同理,在幼虫时期也可以使用该方法来指征果蝇肠道的完整性 (He等,2017) (图1)。

图1. 果蝇蓝精灵实验. 3龄幼虫饲喂5% DSS 24小时后,大约有20%的幼虫可检测到肠道渗漏 (图A与图B对照);成虫饲喂5% DSS 48小时后,大约有40%的成虫可检测到肠道渗漏 (图C与图D对照)。E图为统计数据。


  1. 5%蔗糖溶液
    称取5 g蔗糖溶于100 ml ddH2O,并用0.22 μm的滤膜过滤后无菌保存
  2. Smurf染料溶液
    称取2.5 g可食用蓝色染料,溶于100 ml 5%蔗糖溶液中,并用0.22 μm的滤膜过滤后无菌保存
  3. 5% DSS溶液
    0.5 g DSS溶于10 ml 5%无菌蔗糖溶液中


感谢潘磊实验室全体成员的建议和帮助。该研究受国家自然基金 (31870887,31570897–潘磊)、(31670909–俞珺璟) 和中国科学院青年创新促进会优秀会员 (潘磊)的支持。本文实验方案改编自本实验室已发表的文章Nat Microbiol. 2017 Apr 18; 2:17056. doi: 10.1038/nmicrobiol.2017.56.


  1. Amcheslavsky, A., Jiang, J. and Ip, Y. T. (2009). Tissue damage-induced intestinal stem cell division in Drosophila. Cell Stem Cell 4(1): 49-61.
  2. He, X., Yu, J., Wang, M., Cheng, Y., Han, Y., Yang, S., Shi, G., Sun, L., Fang, Y., Gong, S. T., Wang, Z., Fu, Y. X., Pan, L. and Tang, H. (2017). Bap180/Baf180 is required to maintain homeostasis of intestinal innate immune response in Drosophila and mice. Nat Microbiol 2: 17056.
  3. Rera, M., Clark, R. I. and Walker, D. W. (2012). Intestinal barrier dysfunction links metabolic and inflammatory markers of aging to death in Drosophila. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 109(52): 21528-21533.
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Copyright: © 2019 The Authors; exclusive licensee Bio-protocol LLC.
引用格式:俞珺璟, 杨烁, 潘磊. (2019). 果蝇肠道损伤检测方法--蓝精灵实验. Bio-101: e1010267. DOI: 10.21769/BioProtoc.1010267.
How to cite: Yu, J. J., Yang, S. and Pan, L. (2019). Smurf Assay to Detect Drosophila Intestine Leakage. Bio-101: e1010267. DOI: 10.21769/BioProtoc.1010267.

If you have any questions/comments about this protocol, you are highly recommended to post here. We will invite the authors of this protocol as well as some of its users to address your questions/comments. To make it easier for them to help you, you are encouraged to post your data including images for the troubleshooting.

If you have any questions/comments about this protocol, you are highly recommended to post here. We will invite the authors of this protocol as well as some of its users to address your questions/comments. To make it easier for them to help you, you are encouraged to post your data including images for the troubleshooting.

Tadao Usui
Kyoto University

Please tell us the exact way to prepare the DSS-containing food for larvae. We can just add DSS-solution to the standard corn-meal fly food or have to make a special food? And also, when should we transfer the larvae to the food? The first instar stage, or the early third instar stage?

3/26/2023 11:28:31 PM Reply
kyan young

1.Thoroughly mix the DSS solution with normal fly food by the ratio of 1ml DSS solution /4g food.

2.Collect 3rd instar feeding larvae and transfer to the food.

4/10/2023 10:59:41 PM Reply

Tadao Usui
Kyoto University

Thank you very much for your answer. We will try it soon!

4/11/2023 2:34:02 AM Reply

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