适用说明:本说明书适用于KAPA Library Quantification Kits for Ion Torrent platforms (07960158001, 07960212001,07960263001, 07960344001 与 07960301001), KAPA Library Quantification Primer and PCR Mix Kits for Ion Torrent platforms (07960450001, 07960492001, 07960549001, 07960735001与07960581001), KAPA Library Quantification Standards and Primer Kit for Ion Torrent platforms (07960107001), KAPA Library Quantification Standards Kit for Ion Torrent platforms (07960395001), 和 KAPA Library Quantification Primer Kit for Ion Torrent platforms (07960115001).
友情提示:本网页说明书包括原说明书中的产品描述,产品应用及实验操作流程、故障排查等主要信息,欲了解关于更多信息,请参考原说明书 (点击面板上“下载PDF”可下载)。
Product Description
Accurate quantification of amplifiable library molecules is critical for the efficient use of the Ion Torrent next generation sequencing (NGS) platform—overestimation results in too few DNA-bearing beads, while underestimation leads to multiple template molecules per bead during emPCR. Accurate library quantification is equally important when pooling indexed libraries for multiplexed sequencing to ensure equal representation of each library.
qPCR is inherently well-suited to NGS library quantification, as it overcomes many of the difficulties posed by alternative approaches, for example it:
● quantifies only the PCR-amplifiable library molecules that are relevant to optimizing emPCR,
● is exceptionally sensitive and accurate across an extremely broad dynamic range, and
● is amenable to high sample throughput and automated liquid handling. The extreme sensitivity of qPCR enables accurate quantification of very dilute libraries. This minimizes the need for PCR amplification of libraries and the associated problematic biases.
KAPA Library Quantification Kits are comprised of DNA Standards (six 10-fold dilutions) and Primer Premix (10X), paired with KAPA SYBR® FAST qPCR Kits to accurately quantify the number of amplifiable molecules in an NGS library. The 153 bp KAPA Ion Torrent DNA Standard consists of a linear DNA fragment flanked by qPCR primer binding sites. Quantification is achieved by inference from a standard curve generated using the six DNA Standards.
KAPA Library Quantification Kits are vigorously tested to ensure minimal lot-to-lot variation. The kit contains the novel KAPA SYBR FAST DNA Polymerase, engineered through a process of directed evolution for high- performance SYBR Green I-based qPCR. The ability of the engineered polymerase to amplify diverse DNA fragments with similar efficiency enables the use of a universal standard for the reliable quantification of libraries with an average fragment length of up to 1kb, irrespective of library type or GC content. KAPA Ion Torrent Library Quantification Kits are suited for the quantification of libraries constructed with Ion Torrent adapters containing the following qPCR primer sequences:
Product Applications
KAPA Library Quantification Kits are suitable for any application requiring sensitive, accurate, reproducible, and/ or high-throughput NGS library quantification, including:
● high-throughput library construction and quantification pipelines, especially where automation is desirable;
● pooling of indexed libraries for multiplexed sequencing, to ensure equal representation of pooled samples in sequencing data; and
● optimizing input DNA concentrations for reliable emPCR.
Process Workflow
Detailed Protocol
Reagent Preparation
Sample Preparation
Reaction Setup and Cycling
Data Analysis
In general, when standard libraries are quantified by qPCR, optimal DNA input for emPCR is
0.2 – 1 copies/bead, with the optimal input concentration varying from lab to lab according to sample type, library construction, etc. If the emPCR has been previously optimized using a different library quantification method and now qPCR is to be used, then it may be necessary to determine the optimal loading concentration (copies/bead) using qPCR-derived library concentrations. This can be accomplished empirically either via qPCR library quantification followed by emPCR titrations, or by using qPCR to retrospectively quantify a number of representative libraries that have already been used successfully in emPCR. For more information, please contact Technical Support at sequencing.roche.com/support.
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