Ph.D in Faculty of Science, Kyushu University, 1996.
Current position
Assistant Professor in Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan.
Publications (since 2006)
Negi, J., Moriwaki, K., Konishi, M., Yokoyama, R., Nakano, T., Kusumi, K., Hashimoto-Sugimoto, M., Schroeder, J. I., Nishitani, K., Yanagisawa, S. and Iba, K. (2013). A Dof transcription factor, SCAP1, is essential for the development of functional stomata in Arabidopsis. Curr Biol 23(6): 479-484.
Sakamoto, H., Sakata, K., Kusumi, K., Kojima, M., Sakakibara, H. and Iba, K. (2012). Interaction between a plasma membrane-localized ankyrin-repeat protein ITN1 and a nuclear protein RTV1. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 423(2): 392-397.
Kusumi, K., Hirotsuka, S., Kumamaru, T. and Iba, K. (2012). Increased leaf photosynthesis caused by elevated stomatal conductance in a rice mutant deficient in SLAC1, a guard cell anion channel protein. J Exp Bot 63(15): 5635-5644.
Monda, K., Negi, J., Iio, A., Kusumi, K., Kojima, M., Hashimoto, M., Sakakibara, H. and Iba, K. (2011). Environmental regulation of stomatal response in the Arabidopsis Cvi-0 ecotype. Planta 234(3): 555-563.
Kusumi, K., Sakata, C., Nakamura, T., Kawasaki, S., Yoshimura, A. and Iba, K. (2011). A plastid protein NUS1 is essential for build-up of the genetic system for early chloroplast development under cold stress conditions. Plant J 68(6): 1039-1050..
Kusumi, K., Hirotsuka, S., Shimada, H., Chono, Y., Matsuda, O. and Iba, K. (2010). Contribution of chloroplast biogenesis to carbon-nitrogen balance during early leaf development in rice. J Plant Res 123(4): 617-622.
Kusumi, K., Hirotsuka, S., Shimada, H., Chono, Y., Matsuda, O. and Iba, K. (2010). Contribution of chloroplast biogenesis to carbon-nitrogen balance during early leaf development in rice. J Plant Res 123(4): 617-622.
Yoo, S. C., Cho, S. H., Sugimoto, H., Li, J., Kusumi, K., Koh, H. J., Iba, K. and Paek, N. C. (2009). Rice virescent3 and stripe1 encoding the large and small subunits of ribonucleotide reductase are required for chloroplast biogenesis during early leaf development. Plant Physiol 150(1): 388-401.
Yara, A., Yaeno, T., Montillet, J. L., Hasegawa, M., Seo, S., Kusumi, K. and Iba, K. (2008). Enhancement of disease resistance to Magnaporthe grisea in rice by accumulation of hydroxy linoleic acid. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 370(2): 344-347.
Yara, A., Yaeno, T., Hasegawa, M., Seto, H., Seo, S., Kusumi, K. and Iba, K. (2008). Resistance to Magnaporthe grisea in transgenic rice with suppressed expression of genes encoding allene oxide cyclase and phytodienoic acid reductase. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 376(3): 460-465.
Yara, A., Yaeno, T., Hasegawa, M., Seto, H., Montillet, J. L., Kusumi, K., Seo, S. and Iba, K. (2007). Disease resistance against Magnaporthe grisea is enhanced in transgenic rice with suppression of omega-3 fatty acid desaturases. Plant Cell Physiol 48(9): 1263-1274.
Sugimoto, H., Kusumi, K., Noguchi, K., Yano, M., Yoshimura, A. and Iba, K. (2007). The rice nuclear gene, VIRESCENT 2, is essential for chloroplast development and encodes a novel type of guanylate kinase targeted to plastids and mitochondria. Plant J 52(3): 512-527.
Kusumi, K., Yaeno, T., Kojo, K., Hirayama, M., Hirokawa, D., Yara, A., Iba, K. (2006). The role of salicylic acid in the glutathione-mediated protection against photo-oxidative stress in rice. Physiol Plant. 128: 651-661.
Kojo, K., Yaeno, T., Kusumi, K., Matsumura, H., Fujisawa, S., Terauchi, R. and Iba, K. (2006). Regulatory mechanisms of ROI generation are affected by rice spl mutations. Plant Cell Physiol 47(8): 1035-1044.