Peer-Reviewed journals
1. Berza, B., Sekar, J., Ramalingam, P.V., Pagano, M.C, Assefa, F., 2022. Phytobeneficial bacteria endowed with multiple plant growth promoting traits isolated from Erythrina brucei rhizosphere enhanced wheat (Triticum aestivum) growth under greenhouse conditions, BMC Microbiology, (Under review).
2. Lukas, S., Sundarakrishnan, B., Tamilselvan, S., Jegan, S., Prabavathy, V.R., Yuvaraj, P., Bhavitha, N. C., Thimmegowda, M.N., Paul, M., Thomas B., Natarajan, M., Sakthivel, N., 2022. Microbial population dynamics in the rhizosphere of pigeon pea and finger millet in an intercropping system amended by biofertilizers. Basic and Applied Ecology, (Under review).
3. Jegan, S. and Prabavathy, V.R. 2022. Functional gene-based strain level molecular tracer tool for the detection of potential bioinoculant Pseudomonas sp. MSSRFD41. Rhizosphere, (Under review).
4. Jegan, S., Natarajan, M., Prabavathy V.R. 2022. Genome sequences of novel plant growth-promoting fluorescent Pseudomonas sp. MSSRFD41 Isolate from the finger millet rhizosphere. Microbiology Resource Announcements, (Under review).
5. Shaw, D.K., Sekar, J. and Prabavathy, V.R. 2022. Recent insights into dimethylsulfoniopropionate biosynthesis, and structure and mechanism of enzymes participating in its catabolism. Environmental Microbiology (in press), (Impact factor – 5.49).
6. Devesh, S., Natarajan, M., Jegan, S., Prabavathy, V.R., et al., 2021. Spatial arrangement and biofertilizers enhance the performance of legume – millet intercropping system in rainfed areas of southern India. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems,, (Impact factor – 5.0).
7. Berza, B., Sekar, J., Ramalingam, P.V., Pagano, M.C, Assefa, F., 2021. Genetically and functionally diverse symbiotic and non-symbiotic native bacteria colonized root nodules of Erythrina brucei growing in different land use types in Ethiopia, Rhizosphere, 17, (Impact factor – 3.12).
8. Ganga V#, Jegan, S#., and Prabavathy V.R., 2020. Detection of diverse N- Acyl homoserine lactone signalling molecules among bacteria associated with rice rhizosphere. Current Microbiology, 77, 11, 3480–3491. factor – 2.18). #Equally contributed.
9. Purushothaman, D., Jegan, S., Anu, D.A., and Prabavathy, V.R., 2020. Kinetics of phenol biodegradation by heavy metal tolerant rhizobacteria Glutamicibacter nicotianae MSSRFPD35 from distillery effluent contaminated soils. Frontiers in Microbiol. 9, 1573. (Impact factor – 6.06).
10. Natarajan M#, Jegan, S#., Thimmegowda, M.N#., Prabavathy, V.R., Thomas, B., Paul, M., et al., 2020. Intercropping transplanted pigeon pea with finger millet: Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and plant growth promoting rhizobacteria boost yield while reducing fertilizer input. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 4, 88., (Impact factor – 5.0). (#Equally contributed).
11. Chenniappan, C., Narayanasamy, M., Daniel, G.M., Ramaraj, G.B., Ponnusamy, P., Sekar, J., and Vaiyapuri Ramalingam, P. 2019. Biocontrol efficiency of native plant growth promoting rhizobacteria against rhizome rot disease of turmeric. Biological Control, 129, 55-64. (Impact factor – 3.85).
12. Jegan, S., Kathiravan, R, and Prabavathy, V.R, 2018. Genetic diversity and plant growth promoting functions of biocontrol pseudomonads associated with finger millet rhizosphere. Journal of Soil Biology and Ecology, 38, 1, 17-37.
13. Jegan, S., Raju, K., Duraisamy, P., and Ramalingam, P.V., 2018. Potential of finger millet indigenous rhizobacterium Pseudomonas sp. MSSRFD41 in blast disease management-growth promotion and compatibility with the resident rhizomicrobiome. Frontiers in Microbiol, 9, 1029. (Impact factor – 6.06).
14. Kathiravan, R., Jegan, S., and Prabavathy, V.R., 2016. Salinicola rhizosphaerae sp. nov., isolated from the rhizosphere region of Avicennia marina from Pichavaram mangroves. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 66, 1074-1079. (Impact factor – 2.74).
15. Ganga, V., Jegan, S., Baskaran, V., Kathiravan, R, and Prabavathy, V.R, 2015. Diversity and N-acyl homoserine lactone production by Gammaproteobacteria associated with Avicennia marina rhizosphere of South Indian Mangroves. Systematic and Applied Microbiology, 38, 5, 340–345. (Impact factor – 4.06).
16. Jegan, S., and Prabavathy, V.R., 2014. Novel Phl-producing genotypes of finger millet rhizosphere associated pseudomonads and assessment of their functional and genetic diversity. FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 89, 32-46. (Impact factor – 4.19).
17. Kathiravan, R., Jegan, S., Ganga, V., Prabavathy, V.R., Tushar, L., Sasikala, C. and Ramana Ch, V., 2013. Ciceribacter lividus gen. nov., sp. nov., isolated from rhizosphere soil of chick pea (Cicer arietinum L.). International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 63, 4484-4488. (Impact factor – 2.74).
Manuscripts in preparation
1. Jegan, S., Selvamukilan, B., Rengalakshmi, R., and Prabavathy, V.R., Management of tomato wilt disease using bioinoculants and enhance the quality and quantity of the yield.
Book chapters and proceedings
1. Prabavathy, V.R., Selvamukilan, B., Jegan, S., Rengalakshmi, R., 2021. Village-level production and use of biofertilizers and biocontrol agents: a farmer-centered approach for sustainable development, In: Norman, U., Andrew, S.B., et., (Eds.), Biological Approaches to Sustainable Soil Systems, 2 ed. CRC Press, Boca Raton.
2. Mathimaran, N., Singh, D., Rengalakshmi, R., Thimmegowda, M.N., Prabavathy, V.R., Sekar, J., King, E.D.I.O., Bagyaraj, D.J., Boller, T., Kahmen, A, and Mäder, P., 2021. Millet based intercropping systems facilitated by beneficial microbes for climate resilient sustainable farming in tropics. In Orphan crops for sustainable food and nutrition security: Promoting neglected and underutilized species eds. Stefano Padulosi, Israel Oliver King, Danny Hunter and M.S., S. Taylor & Francis Ltd: London, United Kingdom. 300-308,
3. Jegan, S., Krishna, S., Kathiravan, R., Ummed, S, and Prabavathy, V.R, 2019. Consequences of bioinoculants and intercropping approach to alleviate plant drought and salinity stress for sustainable agriculture. In M.S. Akhtar (Eds), Salt stress, microbes, and plant interactions: mechanisms and molecular approaches. Springer International Publishing, V-2, pp 161-182.
4. Jegan Sekar and V. R. Prabavathy, 2018. 2,4-Diacetylphloroglucinol biosynthesis in pseudomonads and its antagonistic efficacy against phytopathogens for sustainable agriculture systems. In R.N. Pandey, B.N. Chakraborty, Dinesh Singh and Pratibha Sharma (Eds), Microbial Antagonists: Their role in biological control of plant diseases. Today & Tomorrow’s Printers and Publishers, New Delhi, pp 431-460.
5. Rengalakshmi, R., Manjula, M., Prabavathy, V.R., Jegan, S., and Selvamukilan, B., 2018. Building Bioeconomy in agriculture: harnessing soil microbes for sustaining ecosystem services. In W. Leal Filho, D.M. Pociovălișteanu, P.R. Borges De Brito & I. Borges De Lima (Eds), Towards a Sustainable Bioeconomy: Principles, Challenges and Perspectives. Springer International Publishing, 261-277.
6. Ganga Viswanath., Jegan Sekar and V.R. Prabavathy, 2016. Acyl-homoserine lactone producing rhizobacteria-elicit systemic resistance in plants. In D. K. Choudhary & A. Varma (Eds.), Microbial-mediated induced systemic resistance in plants. Springer, pp 135-146.
7. Jegan Sekar, Rengalakshmi Raj, and Prabavathy, V.R., 2016. Bacterial Consortia- A potential tool for safe and sustainable agriculture. In H.B. Singh (Eds.), Agriculturally Important Microorganisms: Commercialization and Regulatory Requirements in Asia. Springer pp 107-132.
8. Jegan S., Baskaran V., Ganga V., Kathiravan, R. and Prabavathy, V.R., 2016. Rhizomicrobiome – A biological software to augment soil fertility and plant induced systemic tolerance under abiotic stress. In D.J. Bagyaraj and Jamaluddin (Eds.), "Microbes for plant stress management". New India Publishing Agency, New Delhi, India, pp 25-53.
9. Prabavathy, V.R., Jegan, S., Jeyaraman, A and Nair, S., 2011. Genetic diversity of PGPR Pseudomonas associated with rhizosphere of different crops cultivated in the saline agri-ecosystem. Plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) for sustainable agriculture. Proceedings of the 2nd Asian PGPR Conference, Beijing, China, 21-24 August 2011, pp. 112-118.