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11. Ramón, F., Serrato, J., y Hernández-Falcón, J. (1998). El ojo del acocil como modelo de telescopio espacial. Ciencia y Desarrollo, XXIV (140): 24-31.
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32. Segura B., Melo A. I., Fleming Alison S., Mendoza-Garrido M. E., González del Pliego M., Aguirre-Benitez E. L., Hernández-Falcón J., and
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33. Arellano-Tirado S. A., Hernández-Falcón J, Mendoza-Ángeles K., Chairez Oria I. (2016) Modelo Bionspirado de la actividad eléctrica del tritocerebro del acocil. INAOE-BUAP.
34. Aguirre-Benítez, E. L., Porras, M. G., Parra, L., González-Ríos, J., Garduño-Torres, D. F. Albores-García, D., Avendaño, A., Ávila-Rodríguez, M. A., Melo, A. I., Jiménez-Estrada, I., Mendoza-Garrido, M. E., Toriz, C., Diaz, D., Ibarra-Coronado, E., Mendoza-Ángeles, K., and Hernández-Falcón, J. (2017). Disruption of Behavior and Brain Metabolism in Artificially Reared Rats. Developmental Neurobiology, 77(12): 1413 – 1429.
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35. Jiménez-Morales N., Mendoza-Ángeles K., Porras-Villalobos M., Ibarra-Coronado E., Roldán G., Hernández-Falcón J. (2018) Who is the boss? Individual recognition memory and social hierarchy in crayfish, Neurobiology of Learning and Memory,
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36. Velázquez-Gutiérrez, M., Hernández-Falcón, J. (2018). El uso de simuladores médicos en el desarrollo de competencias. I Comunicación Interpersonal. Memoria in extenso. Congreso de Educación Médica, 12-14 de septiembre, 2018, Facultad de Medicina, UNAM, Ciudad de México, pp 366-374.
37. Hernández-Prior, I., de la O-Martínez, A., Mendoza-Ángeles, K., & Hernández-Falcón, J. (2020). Under threat… Chemical communication in decapods. A minireview on the role of olfaction during agonistic interactions. International Biology Review, 4 (1), 1-18.
38. Mireya Osorio-Palacios, Iván Oliver-Domínguez, Laura Montiel-Trejo, Jesús Hernández-Falcón and Karina Mendoza-Ángeles. (2021). Sleep in Crayfish: Relationships between brain electrical activity and autonomic variables. AIP Conference Proceedings 2348, 050024 (2021);
Published Online: 30 April 2021
39. Oliver-Domínguez I., García-Kroepfly A.L., Osorio-Palacios M., Hernández-Falcón J., Mendoza-Ángeles K. (2021) Cardiorespiratory Activity in the Auto-Organization of the Hierarchical Order in Crayfish. In: Braha D. et al. (eds) Unifying Themes in Complex Systems X. ICCS 2020. Springer Proceedings in Complexity. Springer, Cham.
40. Osorio-Palacios M, Montiel-Trejo L, Oliver-Domínguez I, Hernández-Falcón J and Mendoza-Ángeles K (2021) Sleep Phases in Crayfish: Relationship Between Brain Electrical Activity and Autonomic Variables. Front. Neurosci. 15:694924.