A. Peer reviewed journal articles
1. Steffes LC, Froistad AA, Andruska A, Boehm M, McGlynn M, Zhang F, Zhang W, Hou D, Tian X,
Miquerol L, Nadeau K, Metzger R, Spiekerkoetter E, Kumar ME. A Notch3-Marked Subpopulation of
Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells is the Cell of Origin for Occlusive Pulmonary Vascular Lesions.
Circulation, Aug 2020
2. Si X, Steffes LC, Schymick JC, Hazard FK, Tracy MC, Cornfield DN. Three infants with pathogenic
variants in the ABCA3 gene: presentation, treatment and clinical course. The Journal of Pediatrics
Dec 2020
3. Steffes LC, Cornfield DN. Coronavirus disease 2019 respiratory disease in children: clinical
presentation and pathophysiology. Current Opinions Pediatrics June 2021
B. Book chapters
1. Steffes, L. (2018) Urine Output Abnormalities. JJ Nocton, R Gedeit (Eds) On Call Pediatrics, 4th
Edition, Elsevier. ISBN 978-0-323-52905-1
C. Abstracts not published in other forms.
1. Moody L, Scanlon M. Physician Documentation of Pressure Ulcers in the PICU; An Error of
Omission? American Academy of Pediatrics National Conference, Oral Presentation, October 2013.
2. Steffes L, Conrad C, Mafla M, Yarlagadda V, Ryan K, Maeda K. Is it a Bridge Too Far? Ambulatory
VV- ECMO as a Bridge to Lung Recovery or Transplant in a Pediatric Patient with Presumed End-
Stage Lung Disease due to Idiopathic Respiratory Failure. American Thoracic Society International
Conference, Poster Presentation, May 2018
3. Steffes L, Froistad A, McGlynn M, Zhang F, Zhang W, Metzger RJ, Spiekerkoetter E, Cornfield D,
Kumar M. Transcriptomic Analysis of Neointimal Expansion in an Inflammatory Model of Pulmonary
Arterial Hypertension. Stanford Medicine, Department of Pediatrics, 10th Annual Pediatric Research
Retreat, Poster Presentation, April 2019
4. Steffes L, Cornfield D, Tracy M. More Than BPD? Diagnosis, Prognosis and Treatment of ABCA3
Deficiency in an Extremely Premature Infant. American Thoracic Society International Conference,
Poster Presentation, April 2019
5. Steffes L, Cornfield D, Kumar M. Genomic Analysis of Cellular Signals Driving Neointimal Expansion
in an Inflammatory Model of Pulmonary Hypertension. American Thoracic Society 2019 Grover
Conference; Pulmonary Vasculature in Lung Development, Homeostasis, Injury, Repair and Aging,
Poster Presentation, Sept 2019.
6. Steffes L, Cornfield D, Kumar M. Defining the Neointima in an Inflammatory Model of
Pulmonary Hypertension. 2019 Neonatal Cardiopulmonary Biology Young Investigators Forum,
Oral Presentation, Sept 2019.
7. Steffes L, Cornfield D, Kumar M. Defining the Neointima in an Inflammation Driven Model of
Pulmonary Hypertension, 11th Annual Pediatric Research Retreat, Oral Presentation, April 2020
(Event canceled due to COVID-19 pandemic)
8. Steffes L, Cornfield D, Kumar M. Defining the Neointima in an Inflammation Driven Model of
Pulmonary Hypertension, American Thoracic Society International Conference, E-Poster
Presentation, August 2020. (Delayed, COVID-19 pandemic)
9. Steffes L, Tan S, Tracy MC, Buu M. Pulmonary Infantile Hemangioma in a Premature Infant with
Persistent Respiratory Distress and Failure to Thrive, American Thoracic Society International
Conference, E-Poster Presentation, August 2020. (Delayed, COVID-19 pandemic)
10. Steffes L, Cornfield D, Kumar M. Defining the Cellular and Molecular Basis of Neointimal
Expansion in Pulmonary Hypertension, Pulmonary Vascular Research Institute International
Digital program, E-Poster Presentation, January 2021.
11. Steffes LC, Cornfield DN, Kumar M. Defining the cellular and molecular basis of neointimal
expansion in pulmonary hypertension, Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital Heart Center Research
Day, Oral Presentation, April 2021.
12. Steffes LC, Cornfield DN, Kumar M. Defining the cellular and molecular basis of neointimal
expansion in pulmonary hypertension, Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital 12th Annual Pediatric
Research Retreat, Poster Presentation, April 2021.