1. Na Tu, Dan Liang & peng Zhang. Whole exome sequencing and genome wide evolutionary analyses identify novel candidate genes associated with infrared perception in pit vipers. Scientific Reports. 2020.
2. LiJun Ma, Yuan Zhang, David J.Lohman, Niklas Wahlberg, FangZhou Ma, Soren Nylin, Niklas Janz, Masaya Yago, Kwaku Aduse-Poku, Djunijanti Peggie, Min Wang, Peng Zhang and HouShuai Wang. A phylogenomic tree inferred with an inexpensive PCR-generated probe kit resolves higher-level relationships among Neptis butterflies(Nymphalidae: Limenitidinae). Systematic Entomology. 2020.
3. XiaoYun Wang, Dan Liang, Wei Jin, MingKun Tang, Shalayiwu, ShaoYing Liu, Peng Zhang. Out of tibet genomic perspectives on the evolutionary history of extant pikas. Mol. Biol. Evol. 2020.
4. Jiang-Ni Li, Dan Liang, Ying-Yong Wang, Peng Guo, Song Huang, Peng Zhang. A large-scale systematic framework of Chinese snakes based on a unified multilocus marker system. Mol. Phylogenet. Evol. 2020.
5. Yuan Zhang, Siyao Huang, Dan Liang, Houshuai Wang, Peng Zhang. A multilocus analysis of Epicopeiidae (Lepidoptera, Geometroidea) provides new insights into their relationships and the evolutionary history of mimicry. Mol. Phylogenet. Evol. 2020.
6. Zhaochi Zeng, Dan Liang, Jiaxuan Li, Zhitong Lyu, Yingyong Wang, Peng Zhang. Phylogenetic relationships of the Chinese torrent frogs (Ranidae: Amolops) revealed by phylogenomic analyses of AFLP-Capture data. Mol. Phylogenet. Evol. 2020.
7. Chong He, Dan Liang, Peng Zhang. Asymmetric Distribution of Gene Trees Can Arise under Purifying Selection If Differences in Population Size Exist. Mol. Biol. Evol. 22 Oct 2019.
8. Zhang Yuan, Deng Shaohong, Liang Dan, Zhang Peng. Sequence capture across large phylogenetic scales by using pooled PCR-generated baits: A case study of Lepidoptera. Mol. Ecol. Resour. 2019.
9. 李佳璇, 梁丹,张鹏. 发育基因组学方法研究进展. 中国科学:生命科学. 2019.
10. Jia-Xuan Li, Zhao-Chi Zeng, Ying-Yong Wang, Dan Liang, Peng Zhang. Sequence capture using AFLP‐generated baits: A cost‐effective method for high‐throughput phylogenetic and phylogeographic analysis.Ecology and Evolution. 2019.
11. Na Tu, MengHua Yang, Dan Liang, Peng Zhang. A Large-scale Phylogeny of Microhylidae Inferred from a Combined Dataset of 121 Genes and 427 Taxa. Mol. Phylogenet. Evol .2018.
12. Shao-Qian Zhang, Li-Heng Che, Yun Li, Dan Liang, Hong Pang, Adam Ślipiński, Peng Zhang. NC-Evolutionary history of Coleoptera revealed by extensive sampling of genes and species. Narure Communications 2018.
13. Jiang-Ni Li, Chong He, Peng Guo, Peng Zhang, Dan Liang. A workflow of massive identification and application of intron markers using snakes as a model. Ecology and Evolution. 2017.
14. Mengyun Chen, Dan Liang, Peng Zhang. Phylogenomic Resolution of the Phylogeny of Laurasiatherian Mammals: Exploring Phylogenetic Signals within Coding and Noncoding Sequences. Genome Biol. Evol. 2017.
15. Yan-Jie Feng, David C. Blackburn, Dan Liang, David M. Hillis, David B. Wake, David C. Cannatella, Peng Zhang. Phylogenomics reveals rapid, simultaneous diversification of three major clades of Gondwanan frogs at the Cretaceous–Paleogene boundary. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 2017.
16. Li-Heng Che, Shao-Qian Zhang, Yun Li, Dan Liang, Hong Pang, Adam Ślipiński, Peng Zhang. Genome-Wide Survey of Nuclear Protein-Coding Markers for Beetle Phylogenetics and Their Application in Resolving both Deep and Shallow-Level Divergences. Mol. Ecol. Resour. 2017.
17. Xingxing Shen, Dan Liang, Mengyun Chen, Rongli Mao, David B. Wake, Peng Zhang. Enlarged Multilocus Data set Provides Surprisingly Younger Time of Origin for the Plethodontidae, the Largest Family of Salamanders. Syst.Biol. 2016.
18. Mengyun Chen, Dan Liang, Peng Zhang. Selecting Question-Specific Genes to Reduce Incongruence in Phylogenomics A Case Study of Jawed Vertebrate Backbone Phylogeny. Syst.Biol. 2015.
19. Riga Wu, Qingfeng Liu, Peng Zhang and Dan Liang. Tandem amino acid repeats in the green anole (Anolis carolinensis) and other squamates may have a role in increasing genetic variability. BMC Genomics 2016.
20. Riga Wu, Qingfeng Liu, Shaoquan Meng, Peng Zhang and Dan Liang. Hox cluster characterization of Banna caecilian (Ichthyophis bannanicus) provides hints for slow evolution of its genome. BMC Genomics 2015.
21. Yan-Jie Feng, Qing-Feng Liu, Meng-Yun Chen, Liang Dan, Zhang Peng. Parallel tagged amplicon sequencing of relatively long PCR products using the Illumina HiSeq platform and transcriptome assembly.Mol. Ecol. Resour. 2015.
22. Meng-Yun Chen, Rong-Li Mao, Liang D, Masaki Kuro-o, Xiao-Mao Zeng, Zhang P. A reinvestigation of phylogeny and divergence times of Hynobiidae.Mol. Phylogenet. Evol. 2014.83:1-6.
23. Shen XX, Liang D, Feng YJ, Chen MY, Zhang P.A Versatile and Highly Efficient Toolkit Including 102 Nuclear Markers for Vertebrate Phylogenomics, Tested by Resolving the Higher-level Relationships of the Caudata.Mol. Biol. Evol. 2013.30(10):2235–2248.
24. Zhang P, Liang D, Mao RL, D. M. Hillis, D. B. Wake, D. C. Cannatella. Efficient Sequencing of Anuran mtDNAs and a Mitogenomic Exploration of the Phylogeny and Evolution of Frogs. Mol. Biol. Evol. 2013, 30(8): 1899-1915.
25. Liang D, Shen XX, Zhang P. One Thousand Two Hundred Ninety Nuclear Genes from a Genome-Wide Survey Support Lungfishes as the Sister Group of Tetrapods. Mol. Biol. Evol. 2013, 30(8): 1803-1807.
26. Shen XX, Liang D, Zhang P. The Development of Three Long Universal Nuclear Protein-Coding Locus Markers and Their Application to Osteichthyan Phylogenetics with Nested PCR. PLoS ONE 2012, 7(6): e39256.
27. Geng J, Liang D, Jiang k, Zhang P. Molecular Evolution of the Infrared Sensory Gene TRPA1 in Snakes and Implications for Functional Studies. PLoS ONE 2011, 6(12): e28644.
28. Shen XX, Liang D, Wen JZ, Zhang P. Multiple Genome Alignments Facilitate Development of NPCL Markers: A Case Study of Tetrapod Phylogeny Focusing on the Position of Turtles. Mol. Biol. Evol. 2011, 28(12): 3237-3252.
29. Liang D,Wu RG, Geng J, Wang CL, Zhang P. A general scenario of Hox gene inventory variation among major sarcopterygian lineages. BMC Evol. Biol. 2011, 11: 25.
30. Peng R, Zhang P, Xiong JL, Gue HJ, Zeng XM, Zou FD. Rediscovery of Protohynobius puxiongensis and its phylogenetic position based on complete mitochondrial genomes. Mol. Phylogenet. Evol. 2010, 56: 252–258.