master, captical normal university, 2008
Lab information
Core Facility
Research focus
Flow cytometry, microbiology ,immunology
Heteroresistance at the single-cell level: adapting to antibiotic stress through a population –based strategy and growth-controlled interphenotypic coordination. mBio.
Blockade of IDO-kynurenine-AhR metabolic circuitry abrogates IFN-γ-induced immunologic dormancy of tumor-repopulating cells. Nature Communications.
Codon-resolution analysis reveals a direct and context-dependent impact of individual synonymous mutations on mRNA level. Molecular Biology and Evolution.
Independent regulation of gene expression level and noise by histone modifications. PLOS Computational Biology.
A versatile system for fast screening and isolation of Trichoderma reesei cellulose hyperproducers based on DsRed and fluorescence-assisted cell sorting . Biotechnology for Biofuels.