PhD, Université de Montpellier, Institut de Recherche pour le Développement, 2015 Bangratz, M., Wonni, I., Kini, K., Sondo, M., Brugidou, C., Béna, G., Gnacko, F., Barro, M., Koebnik, R., Silué, D., Tollenaere, C., 2020. Design of a new multiplex PCR assay for rice pathogenic bacteria detection and its application to infer disease incidence and detect co-infection in rice fields in Burkina Faso. PLOS ONE 15, e0232115.
2. Kini, K., 2018. Pantoea spp : a new bacterial threat to rice production in sub-Saharan Africa (phdthesis). Université Montpellier.
3. Oludare, A., Tossou, H.T., Kini, K., Silué, D., 2016. Diversity of Rice yellow mottle virus in Benin and Togo and Screening for Resistant Accessions. Journal of Phytopathology 164, 924–935.
4. Kini, K., Agnimonhan, R., Afolabi, O., Milan, B., Soglonou, B., Gbogbo, V., Koebnik, R., Silué, D., 2016a. First Report of a New Bacterial Leaf Blight of Rice Caused by Pantoea ananatis and Pantoea stewartii in Benin. Plant Disease 101, 242–242.
5. Kini, K., Agnimonhan, R., Afolabi, O., Soglonou, B., Silué, D., Koebnik, R., 2016b. First Report of a New Bacterial Leaf Blight of Rice Caused by Pantoea ananatis and Pantoea stewartii in Togo. Plant Disease 101, 241.
6. Kini, K., Agnimonhan, R., Dossa, R., Silué, D., Koebnik, R., 2018. A diagnostic multiplex PCR scheme for identification of plant-associated bacteria of the genus Pantoea. bioRxiv.
7. Kini, K., Agnimonhan, R., Dossa, R., Soglonou, B., Gbogbo, V., Ouedraogo, I., Kpemoua, K., Traoré, M., Silue, D., 2017. First report of Sphingomonas sp. causing bacterial leaf blight of rice in Benin, Burkina Faso, The Gambia, Ivory Coast, Mali, Nigeria, Tanzania and Togo. New Dis. Reps. 35, 32–32.
8. Kini, K., Dossa, R., Dossou, B., Mariko, M., Koebnik, R., Silué, D., 2019. A semi-selective medium to isolate and identify bacteria of the genus Pantoea. J Gen Plant Pathol 85, 424–427.