• Deole, R., Hoff, W., Truitt, C. Health Functionalities of Betaine in Patients with Homocystinuria. Frontiers in Nutrition, 2021, 627.
• Deole, R., Hoff, W.D. A potassium chloride to glycine betaine osmoprotectant switch in the extreme halophile Halorhodospira halophila. Science Reports. 2020, Volume 10: 3383.
• Menie M, Deole R, Halophilic Micro-Organisms Resources and its Application in Industrial and
Environmental Biotechnology. BAOJ Biotechnology. 2016, Volume 2 (2): 1-3.
• Kumar S, Kirksey J, Hoff W and Deole R. Draft Genome Sequence of the extremely halophilic
phototrophic purple sulfur bacterium Halorhodospira halochloris. Journal of Genomics. 2014, Volume 2:118-120.
• Hoyt N, Deole R. Genome mining of the draft genome of O.nigro-viridis reveals mycosporine like amino acids genes. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Letters. 2014, Volume 2 (4):126-130.
• Joshi, K, Deole R, Data Mining Approach for determining amino acid frequencies in the two halophilic adaptations. Trends in Data Engineering. 2014, Volume 3:234-252
• Deole R. “Use of halophile physiology and adaptations in various industrial applications”. Res. J. Biotech, 2013, 8(2):1-3
• Challacome JF, Majid S, Deole R, Lapidus A, Ivanova N, Hoff WD. Complete genome sequence of Halorhodospira halophila SL1. Standards in Genomics.2013, 8(2).
• McKenzie A, Deole R. Genome mining of the draft genome of O. limnetica reveals mycosporine like amino acids genes. Recent Developments in Biotechnology. 2013, Volume 8:1-4.
• Deole R, Challacome JF, Raiford D, Hoff WD. “Extreme halophile with a low cytoplasmic potassium content and acidic proteome”. J. Biol. Chem. 2012, 288: 581-588.
Book Chapters:
Chelsea Truitt and Ratnakar Deole (April 21st, 2021). Viruses of Extremely Halophilic Prokaryotes [Online First], IntechOpen, DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.96720.
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