Jake J. Wen
  • Sr. Scientist, University of Texas medical branch
Research fields
  • Molecular Biology
Personal information


Ph.D, Sichuan University, 2001

Research focus

Infection disease, mitochondrial disease, cardiomyopathy, Free radical biology.


A. Articles in peer-reviewed journals:

1. Wen, J.J(Co-corresponding)., Cummins, C.B., and Radhakrishnan, R.S. Burn serum induces cardiomyocyte mitochondrial dysfunction via PDE5A-oxidative stress axis. Cell Report, 2020 (In preparation, IF: 8.282),
2. Wen, J.J(Co-corresponding)., Cummins, C.B., and Radhakrishnan, R.S. Sildenafil Reverses Burn-induced Cardiac Dysfunction via the PDE5A-cGMP-PKG pathway. Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology. 2020, (Submitted, IF: 5.55),
3. Wen, J.J(Co-corresponding)., Cummins, C.B., and Radhakrishnan, R.S. Burn injury induced cardiac mitochondrial dysfunction via interruption of PDE5A-cGMP-PKG pathway. International Journal of Molecular Science, 2020 (Submitted, IF: 4.183),
4. Wen, J.J(Co-corresponding)., Cummins, C.B., and Radhakrishnan, R.S. Changes in Cardiac Metabolism-Related Gene Expression Profile After Burn. Journal of Burn Care Research, 2020 (In review, IF: 1.571),
5. Wen, J.J., Cummins, C.B., Szczesny, B., and Radhakrishnan, R.S. Cardiac Dysfunction after Burn Injury: Role of the AMPK-SIRT1-PGC1α-NFE2L2-ARE Pathway. Journal of the American College of Surgeons (In press, IF: 4.971), 2020
6. Wen, J.J., Y.W. Yin, and N.J. Garg, PARP1 depletion improves mitochondrial and heart function in Chagas disease: Effects on POLG dependent mtDNA maintenance. PLoS Pathog, 2018. 14(5): p. e1007065. (Citation:2)
7. Wen, J-J and Garg, N. Manganese superoxide dismutase deficiency exacerbates the respiratory complex II driven ROS production and oxidative damage in Chagas disease. PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 2018, 12(7):e0006687.
8. Sonowal H, Pal PB, Wen, J-J, Awasthi S, Ramana KV, Srivastava SK. Aldose reductase inhibitor increases doxorubicin-sensitivity of colon cancer cells and decreases cardiotoxicity. Scientific Report, 2017,7(1):3182. doi: 10.1038/s41598-017-03284-w.
9. Wen J-J, Porter C and Garg, N. Inhibition of NFE2L2-ARE pathway by mitochondrial ROS contributes to development of cardiomyopathy and left ventricular dysfunction in Chagas disease. Antioxid. Redox. Sign, 2017, 27(9):550-566. doi: 10.1089/ars.2016.6831. Epub 2017 Jul 13. (Citation:4)
10. Wan X, Wen J-J, Koo SJ, Liang LY, Garg NJ. SIRT1-PGC1alpha-NFkappaB Pathway of Oxidative and Inflammatory Stress during Trypanosoma cruzi Infection: Benefits of SIRT1-Targeted Therapy in Improving Heart Function in Chagas Disease. PLoS pathogens. 2016;12(10):e1005954. Epub 2016/10/21. doi: 10.1371/journal.ppat.1005954. PubMed PMID: 27764247; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC5072651. (Citation:9)
11. Wen J-J, Wan X-Z, Thacker J and Garg, N. Chemotherapeutic efficacy of phosphodiesterase inhibitors in chagasic cardiomyopathy. J Am Coll Cardiol,2016,1(4):235-250. DOI: 10.1016/j.jacbts.2016.04.005 Published 8 June 2016. (Citation:6)
12. Tanowitz HB, Wen J-J, Machado F-S, Desruisseaux M-S, Robello C, and Garg NJ. Trypanosoma cruzi and Chagas disease: innate immunity, ROS, and cardiovascular system. In: Vascular Responses to Pathogens. Waltham, MA Academic Press / Elsevier Inc. ; 2016,183-195.
13. Wen J-J, Nagajyothi F, Machado FS, Weiss LM, Scherer PE, Tanowitz HB, Garg NJ. Markers of oxidative stress in adipose tissue during Trypanosoma cruzi infection.Parasitol Res. 2014, 113(9):3159-65. (Citation:12)
14. Wen J-J, Zago MP, Nunez S, Gupta S, Burgos FN, and Garg NJ. Serum proteomic signature of human chagasic patients for the identification of novel protein biomarkers of disease Mol Cell Proteomics. 2012, 11(8):435-52.(Citation:20)
15. Wen J-J, Garg, NJ. Proteome expression and carbonylation changes during Trypanosoma cruzi infection and chagas disease in rats. 2011, Molecular and Cellular Proteomics, Mol Cell Proteomics mcp.M111.010918. First Published on December 22, 2011, doi:10.1074/mcp.M111.010918. (Citation:5)
16. Gupta S, Dhiman M, Wen J-J, Garg NJ. Chapter 7 - ROS Signalling of Inflammatory Cytokines During Trypanosoma cruzi Infection. Advances in Parasitology.2011, (76):153-170. (Citation:24)
17. Wen J-J, Gupta S, Guan Z-J, Dhiman M, Condon D, Liu C and Garg NJ. Adjunct Therapy Controlled the Mitochondrial Oxidative Stress and Arrested the Evolution of Chronic Cardiomyopathy in Benzonidazole-treated Chagasic Rats., J Ameri College Cardiology, 2010, 55(22):2499-2508. (Citation:34)
18. Wen J-J, Garg NJ. Mitochondrial complex III defects contribute to inefficient respiration and ATP synthesis in the myocardium of Trypanosoma cruzi-infected mice. Antioxid. Redox. Sign, 2010, 12(1):27-37. (Citation:20)
19. Gupta S, Wen J-J, Garg NJ. Oxidative Stress in Chagas Disease. InterdiscipPerspect Infect Dis. 2009; 2009:190354. Epub 2009/06/24. doi: 10.1155/2009/190354. PubMed PMID: 19547716; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC2696642.
20. Gupta S, Bhatia V, Wen J-J, Wu Y, Huang M-H, Garg NJ. Trypanosoma cruzi infection disturbs mitochondrial Δmand ROS production rate in cardiomyocytes. Free Radic. Biol. Med., 2009, 47(10):1414-21. (Citation:47)
21. Li SW, Long ZF, Du J, Liu SG, Wen J-J* (corresponding author). Analysis of Differential Expression and Characterization of PIN in the Gonads during Sex Reversal in the Red-Spotted Grouper. Mol and Cell Endocrinol, 2009, 309:32-38.
22. Bhatia, V., Wen, J. J., Zacks, M. A., & Jain Garg, N. (2009). American Trypanosomiasis. In Vaccines for Biodefense and Emerging and Neglected Diseases (pp. 1423-1450). Elsevier Inc.. DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-12-369408-9.00069-X
23. Wen J-J, Garg NJ. Mitochondrial generation of reactive oxygen species is enhanced at the Qo site of the complex III in the myocardium of Trypanosoma cruzi-infected mice: beneficial effects of an antioxidant. J BioenergBiomembr, 2008, 40(6):587-598.(Citation:32)
24. Wen J-J, Dhiman M, Whorton EB, Garg NJ. Tissue-specific oxidative imbalance and mitochondrial dysfunction during Trypanosoma cruzi infection in mice. Microbes Infect. 2008, 10(10-11):1201-1209. (Citation:41)
25. Dhiman M, Nakayasu ES, Madaiah YH, Reynolds BK, Wen J-J, Almeida IC, Garg NJ. Enhanced Nitrosative Stress during Trypanosoma cruzi Infection Causes Nitrotyrosine Modification of Host Proteins. Implications in Chagas disease. Am J Pathol. 2008, 173(3):728-740.
26. Wen, J-J., Bhatia, V., Vsevolod, P., and Garg, N. Phenyl-alpha-tert-butyl nitrone reverses mitochondrial decay in acute chagas disease. America Journal of pathology. 2006, 169 (6):1953-1964. (Citation:37)
27. Wen J-J, Yachelini PC, Sembaj A, Manzur RE, Garg NJ. Increased oxidative stress is correlated with mitochondrial dysfunction in chagasic patients. Free Radic. Biol. Med., 2006, 41 (2): 270-276. (Citation: 62)
28. Zeng RY, Xiong PJ and Wen J-J. Characterization and gene cloning of a cold-active cellulase from a deep-sea psychrotrophic bacterium Pseudoalteromonas sp. DY3. Extremophiles. 2006, 10(1):79-82.
29. Li SW., Wen J-J., Liu SG., Nong ZF. Cloning and Characterization of a Sex-Reversal-Related Gene ECaM in Epinephelusakaara Gonads. Prog. Biochem. Biophys, 2005, 32 (2):147-153.
30. Wen J-J and Garg N. Oxidative modification of mitochondrial respiratory complexes in response to the stress of Trypanosoma cruzi infection. Free Radic. Biol. Med, 2004, 37 (12):2072-2081. (Citation:54)
31. Wen J-J,Vyatkina G and Garg N. Oxidative damage during chagasic cardiomyopathy development: role of mitochondrial oxidant release and inefficient antioxidant defense. Free Radic. Biol. Med, 2004, 37 (11): 1821-1833. (Citation:84)
32. Li SW, Wen J-J (Corresponding author), Liu SG. Cloning and Screening of Differentially Expressed Genes from Sex-Reversal Gonad of Epinephelusakaara. Chinese Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 2004, 20(2):189-195.
33. Xiong P-J, Wen J-J (Corresponding author). Isolation of thermophilic bacteria Thermus.sp YBJ-1 and cloning of amylase gene. Chinese Journal of Biotechnology, 2004, 20 (3):434-437.
34. Xiong P-J, Wen J-J (Corresponding author). Characterization and gene cloning of the endoglucanase from Pseudoalteromonas.sp DY3 strain. Chinese Journal of Biotechnology, 2004, 20 (2):233-238.
35. Wen J-J, Xie J, Gui J-F. cDNA cloning and characterization of a novel SNX gene differentially expressed in previtellogenic oocytes of gibel carp. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part B, 2003, 136:451-461.
36. Hu G-K, Zang Y-Z, Wen J-J(Corresponding author). The screening of differentially expressed cDNA clones in pituitary of sex-reversal. Epinephelusakaara. J Chin Biotechnol,2003, 23(6):59-62.
37. Xie J, Wen J-J, Yang Z-A, Wang H-Y, Gui J-F. Cyclin A2 is differentially expressed during oocyte maturation between Gynogenetic Silver Crucian Carp and Gonochoristic Color Crucian Carp. J Exp Zoolog Part A Comp Exp Biol. 2003 Jan 1; 295(1):1-16.
38. Wen J-J, Xie J, Liu S-G and Gui J-F. Differential expression and characterization analysis of a new gene with WD domains in fish oogenesis. Science in China, 2001, 44(5):541-553.
39. Xie J, Wen J-J, Chen Bo, Gui Jian-Fang. Differential genes in fully-grown oocytes between gynogenetic and gonochoristic crucian carps. Gene. 2001, 271(1):109-116.
40. Wen J-J., HE Y-S., He D-P., LIU Shi-gui, GAO Rong. Extraction and characteristics of storage proteins in rapeseed (Brassica napus L.), Southwest China Journal of Agriculture Sciences (Chinese), 2000, 13(2):46-50.
41. Wen J-J., He Y-S., Liu S-G. And He D-P. The Analysis of Constituents of Protein and Relationship of Brassica. Chinese Journal of Oil Crop Sciences (Chinese), 1999, 21(3)1-3.

B. Thesis/Dissertation
1. Wen, J-J. (1991). Characterization and purification of rapeseed storage protein. M.S. thesis, Sichuan University, Chengdu, China.
2. Wen, J-J. (2001). Cloning, identification and expression of differentially expressed genes at different stages of oocytes between gynogenetic and gonochoristic crucian carps. Ph.D. thesis, Sichuan University, Chengdu, China.
C. Reviews
1. Wen J-J., Liu S-G. The Progress of Interleukin-18 (IL-18), .Journal of New Medicine (Chinese), 2000, 10(2):77-79.
2. Zacks, M.A., Wen, J-J., Vyatkina, G., Bhatia V., and Garg N (2005). An overview of chagasic cardiomyopathy: pathogenic importance of oxidative stress. Invited Review. An Acad Bras Cienc., Brazil. 2005, 77 (4):1-21. (Citation:52)
3. Gupta S, Wen J-J, and Garg NJ. Oxidative Stress in Chagas Disease. InterdiscipPerspect Infect Dis. 2009, 2009:190354.
4. Gupta S, Dhiman M, Wen JJ, Garg NJ. ROS signalling of inflammatory cytokines during Trypanosoma cruzi infection. Adv Parasitol. 2011, 76:153-70.
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