Claudia S. Lόpez
  • Research Assistant Professor, Biomedical Engineering, Oregon Health & Science University, OR
Research fields
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Ph.D., University of Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2003


Since 2009
• Thibault, G., Riesterer, R., Stoltz, K., Loftis, K., Schau, G., Stempinski, E., López, C. S., Chang, H. Y. and Gray JW. (2019). Computer Vision Techniques for Cancerous Cells Analysis in FIB-SEM Images. Microsc. Microanal. 25 (Suppl 2)
• Riesterer, J. L., Loftis, K., Stoltz, K., Stempinski, E., Williams, M., López, C. S., Thibault, G. and Gray, J. W. (2019). Microsc. Microanal. 3D EM Data Collection of Cancer Biopsies: Comparing FIB-SEM and SBF-SEM 25 (Suppl 2),
• Riesterer, J. L., Loftis, K., Stoltz, K., Stempinski, E., Williams, M., López, C. S., Thibault, G. and Gray, J. W. (2019). 3D EM Data Collection of Cancer Biopsies: Comparing FIB-SEM and SBF-SEM”. Microsc. Microanal. 25 (Suppl 2)
• López, C. S., Loftis, K., Thibault, G., Kwon, S., Stempinski, E., Riesterer, J. L. and Gray, J. W. (2019). Microsc. correlation of imaging technologies: Methodologies Microanal. 25 (Suppl 2)
• Doh1, J. K., White, J. D., Zane, H. K., Chang, Y. H., Lόpez, C. S., Enns, C. A. and Beatty, K. E. (2019). VIPER: A Genetically-Encoded Tag for Fluorescence and Electron Microscopy. Microsc. Microanal. 25 (Suppl 2)
• Rykiel, G., López, C. S., Riesterer, J. L., Williams, M., Courchaine, K., Maloyan, A., Thornburg, K. and Rugonyi, S. (2019). Multiscale Cardiac Imaging: From Whole Heart Images to Cardiac Ultrastructure. Microsc. Microanal. 25 (Suppl 2).
• Schaser, A., López, C. S. and Unni, V. (2019). Utilizing correlated light and electron microscopy to examine alpha-synuclein pathology in a mouse model of parkinson’s disease. Microsc. Microanal. 25 (Suppl 2)
• López, C. S., Riesterer, J., Loftis, K., Kwon, S., Thibault, G., Williams, M., Johnson, B. and Gray, J. W.. Correlative light and 3D electron microscopy of subnuclear structures. Volume 24, Supplement S1 Proceedings of Microscopy & Microanalysis pp. 1222-1223.
• Doh, J. K., White, J. D., Zane, H. K., Chang, Y. H., López, C. S., Enns, C. A. and Beatty, K. E. (2018). VIPER is a genetically encoded peptide tag for fluorescence and electron microscopy. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2018 Dec 18;115(51):12961-12966.
• Alewijnse, B., Ashton, A. W., Chambers, M. G., Chen, S., Cheng, A., Ebrahim, M., Eng, E. T., Hagen, W. J. H., Koster, A. J., López, C. S., Lukoyanova, N., Ortega, J., Renault, L., Reyntjens, S., Rice, W. J., Scapin, G., Schrijver, R., Siebert, A., Stagg, S. M., Grum-Tokars, V., Wright, E. R., Wu, S., Yu, Z., Zhou, Z. H., Carragher, B. and Potter, C. S. (2017). Best practices for managing large CryoEM facilities. J Struct Biol 199(3): 225-236.
• López, C. S., Williams, M. and Bouchet-Marquis, C. (2017). Advantages of using a variable pressure serial block face scanning electron microscope for 3D volume analyses. Volume 23, Supplement S1 Proceedings of Microscopy & Microanalysis pp. 1162-1163
• López, C. S., Bouchet-Marquis, C., Arthur, C. P., Riesterer, J. L., Heiss, G., Thibault, G., Pullan, L., Kwon, S. and Gray, J. W. (2017). A fully integrated, three-dimensional fluorescence to electron microscopy correlative workflow. Methods Cell Biol 140: 149-164.
• Midgett, M., López, C. S., David, L., Maloyan, A. and Rugonyi, S. (2017). Increased Hemodynamic Load in Early Embryonic Stages Alters Myofibril and Mitochondrial Organization in the Myocardium. Front Physiol 8: 631.
• Zhang, Y., Huang, T., Jorgens, D. M., Nickerson, A., Lin, L. J., Pelz, J., Gray, J. W., López, C. S. and Nan, X. (2017). Quantitating morphological changes in biological samples during scanning electron microscopy sample preparation with correlative super-resolution microscopy. PLoS One 12(5): e0176839.
• Jorgens, D. M., Inman, J. L., Wojcik, M., Robertson, C., Palsdottir, H., Tsai, W. T., Huang, H., Bruni-Cardoso, A., López, C. S., Bissell, M. J., Xu, K. and Auer, M. (2017). Deep nuclear invaginations are linked to cytoskeletal filaments - integrated bioimaging of epithelial cells in 3D culture. J Cell Sci 130(1): 177-189.
• Midgett, M., López, C. S. and Rugonyi, S. (2015). 3D Imaging of the Early Embryonic Chicken Heart After Altered Blood Flow with FocusedIon Beam Scanning Electron Microscopy. Microscopy and Microanalysis, 21 (Suppl. 3), pp 909-910.
• Keene, D. R., Kwon, S., Gonzales, S. F. and López CS. (2016). Fluorescence recovery of GFP emission in samples embedded for tem upon exposureto an alkaline solution. Microscopy and Microanalysis July pp. 206-207.
• Rennie, M. Y., Gahan, C. G., López, C. S., Thornburg, K. L. and Rugonyi, S. (2014). 3D imaging of the early embryonic chicken heart with focused ion beam scanning electron microscopy. Microsc Microanal 20(4): 1111-1119.
• López, C. S., Sloan, R., Cylinder, I., Kozak, S. L., Kabat, D. and Barklis, E. (2014). RRE-dependent HIV-1 Env RNA effects on Gag protein expression, assembly and release. Virology 462-463: 126-134.
• Alfadhli, A., McNett, H., Eccles, J., Tsagli, S., Noviello, C., Sloan, R., López, C. S., Peyton, D. H. and Barklis, E. (2013). Analysis of small molecule ligands targeting the HIV-1 matrix protein-RNA binding site. J Biol Chem 288(1): 666-676.
• López, C. S., Tsagli, S. M., Sloan, R., Eccles, J. and Barklis, E. (2013). Second site reversion of a mutation near the amino terminus of the HIV-1 capsid protein. Virology 447(1-2): 95-103.
• Riesterer, J. L., López, C. S. and Barklis, E. (2013). Extreme High Resolution Imaging of Uncoated Cells in a DualBeamTM. Microscopy and Microanalysis 19: 922-923.
• López, C. S., Eccles, J. D., Still, A., Sloan, R. E., Barklis, R. L., Tsagli, S. M. and Barklis, E. (2011). Determinants of the HIV-1 core assembly pathway. Virology 417(1): 137-146.
• Noviello, C. M., López, C. S., Kukull, B., McNett, H., Still, A., Eccles, J., Sloan, R. and Barklis, E. (2011). Second-site compensatory mutations of HIV-1 capsid mutations. J Virol 85(10): 4730-4738.
• Naka, H., López, C. S. and Crosa, J. H. (2010). Role of the pJM1 plasmid-encoded transport proteins FatB, C and D in ferric anguibactin uptake in the fish pathogen Vibrio anguillarum. Environ Microbiol Rep 2(1): 104-111.
• Barklis, E., Alfadhli, A., McQuaw, C., Yalamuri, S., Still, A., Barklis, R. L., Kukull, B. and López, C. S. (2009). Characterization of the in vitro HIV-1 capsid assembly pathway. J Mol Biol 387(2): 376-389.
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