Since 2012
• Goldberg, E. L., Molony, R. D., Kudo, E., Sidorov, S., Kong, Y., Dixit, V. D. and Iwasaki, A. (2019). Ketogenic diet activates protective gammadelta T cell responses against influenza virus infection. Sci Immunol 4(41).
• Panaampon, J., Kudo, E., Kariya, R. and Okada, S. (2019). Ephedrine enhances HIV-1 reactivation from latency through elevating tumor necrosis factor receptor II (TNFRII) expression. Heliyon 5(9): e02490.
• Kudo, E., Song, E., Yockey, L., Rakib, T., Wong, P., Homer, R. and Iwasaki, A. (2019). Low ambient humidity impairs barrier function and innate resistance against influenza infection. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 116: 201902840.
• Kudo, E., Taura, M., Suico, M. A., Goto, H., Kai, H. and Okada, S. (2018). Transcriptional regulation of HIV-1 host factor COMMD1 by the Sp family. Int J Mol Med 41(4): 2366-2374.
• Goto, H., Kariya, R., Kudo, E., Okuno, Y., Ueda, K., Katano, H. and Okada, S. (2017). Restoring PU.1 induces apoptosis and modulates viral transactivation via interferon-stimulated genes in primary effusion lymphoma. Oncogene 36(37): 5252-5262.
• Alam, M., Kariya, R., Kawaguchi, A., Matsuda, K., Kudo, E. and Okada, S. (2016). Inhibition of autophagy by chloroquine induces apoptosis in primary effusion lymphoma in vitro and in vivo through induction of endoplasmic reticulum stress. Apoptosis 21.
• Suico, M. A., Taura, M., Kudo, E., Gotoh, K., Shuto, T., Okada, S. and Kai, H. (2016). The ETS Factor Myeloid Elf-1-Like Factor (MEF)/Elf4 Is Transcriptionally and Functionally Activated by Hypoxia. Biol Pharm Bull 39(4): 641-647.
• hiroki, g., Kariya, R., Matsuda, K., Kudo, E., Katano, H. and Okada, S. (2016). A potential role of the NOD genetic background in mouse peritoneal macrophages for the development of primary effusion lymphoma. Leuk Res 42.
• Vaeteewoottacharn, K., Kariya, R., Dana, P., Fujikawa, S., Matsuda, K., Ohkuma, K., Kudo, E., Kraiklang, R., Wongkham, C., Wongkham, S. and Okada, S. (2016). Inhibition of carbonic anhydrase potentiates bevacizumab treatment in cholangiocarcinoma. Tumor Biol 37(7): 9023-9035.
• Matsuda, K., Hattori, S., Kariya, R., Komizu, Y., Kudo, E., Goto, H., Taura, M., Ueoka, R., Kimura, S. and Okada, S. (2015). Inhibition of HIV-1 entry by the tricyclic coumarin GUT-70 through the modification of membrane fluidity. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 457(3): 288-294.
• Taura, M., Kudo, E., Kariya, R., Goto, H., Matsuda, K., Hattori, S., Vaeteewoottacharn, K., McDonald, F., Suico, M. A., Shuto, T., Kai, H. and Okada, S. (2015). COMMD1/Murr1 Reinforces HIV-1 Latent Infection through IκB-α Stabilization. Journal of Virology 89(5): 2643-2658.
• Goto, H., Kudo, E., Kariya, R., Taura, M., Katano, H. and Okada, S. (2015). Targeting VEGF and interleukin-6 for controlling malignant effusion of primary effusion lymphoma. J Cancer Res Clin Oncol 141(3): 465-474.
• Srikoon, P., Kariya, R., Kudo, E., hiroki, g., Vaeteewoottacharn, K., Taura, M., Wongkham, S. and Okada, S. (2013). Diethyldithiocarbamate suppresses NF-κB dependent metastatic pathway in cholangiocarcinoma cell line. Asian Pac J Cancer Prev 14: 4519-4524.
• Taura, M., Kariya, R., Kudo, E., hiroki, g., Iwawaki, T., Amano, M., Suico, M., Kai, H., Mitsuya, H. and Okada, S. (2013). Comparative analysis of ER stress response into HIV protease inhibitors: Lopinavir but not Darunavir induces potent ER stress response via ROS/JNK pathway. Free Radic Biol Med 65.
• Kudo, E., Taura, M., Matsuda, K., Shimamoto, M., Kariya, R., Goto, H., Hattori, S., Kimura, S. and Okada, S. (2013). Inhibition of HIV-1 replication by a tricyclic coumarin GUT-70 in acutely and chronically infected cells. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters 23(3): 606-609.
• Tanimoto, S., Sakai, S., Matsumura, S., Takahashi, D. and Toshima, K. (2008). Target-selective photo-degradation of HIV-1 protease by a fullerene-sugar hybrid. Chem Asian J 5767-5769.
• hiroki, g., Kariya, R., Shimamoto, M., Kudo, E., Taura, M., Katano, H. and Okada, S. (2012). Antitumor effect of berberine against primary effusion lymphoma via inhibition of NF-κB pathway. Cancer sci 103: 775-781.
• Taura, M., Suico, M. A., Koyama, K., Komatsu, K., Miyakita, R., Matsumoto, C., Kudo, E., Kariya, R., Goto, H., Kitajima, S., Takahashi, C., Shuto, T., Nakao, M., Okada, S. and Kai, H. (2012). Rb/E2F1 regulates the innate immune receptor Toll-like receptor 3 in epithelial cells. Mol Cell Biol 32(8): 1581-1590.