nanobiotechnology; biomaterials for tissue engineering and regenerative medicine; enzyme biotechnology; silk; polymer nanocomposites
1. Mehrotra, S., Chouhan, D., Konwarh, R., Kumar, M., Kumar J.P., & Mandal, B,B, Comprehensive review on silk at nanoscale for regenerative medicine and allied applications ACS Biomater. Sci. Eng. 5, 2058--2074, 2019 (IF: 4.511)
2. Konwarh, R. Can the venerated silk be the next-generation nanobiomaterial for biomedical-device designing, regenerative medicine and drug delivery? Prospects and hitches. Bio-des. Manuf. 2, 278--286, 2019
3. Konwarh, R. Oliver Howe Lowry - the ‘incorrigible addict’ of micro-analytical methods. Curr. Sci. 117, 2067--2068, 2019 (IF: 0.756)
4. Konwarh, R. Exploring North East India's non-mulberry silk based bioinks for three dimensional bioprinting. Curr Sci. 118, 345-347, 2020 (IF: 0.756)
5. Konwarh R. Silk based nano fibrous biomaterials for tissue engineering and regenerative medicine (TERM): transcending new frontiers. Mat. Sci. Res. India 16 (1). 2019 (Editorial article)
6. Kumar, J.P., Konwarh, R., Kumar, M., Gangrade, A., & Mandal, B.B. Potential nanomedicine applications of multifunctional carbon nanoparticles developed using green technology. ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng., 6, 1235—1245, 2018 (IF: 6.97)
7. Christakiran, M. J, Reardon, P.J.T., Konwarh, R, Knowles, J.C., & Mandal, B.B. Mimicking hierarchical complexity of the osteochondral interface using electrospun silk-bioactive glass composites. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 9, 8000--8013, 2017 (IF: 8.456)
8. Konwarh, R., Bhunia B.K., & Mandal B.B. Opportunities and challenges in exploring Indian nonmulberry silk for biomedical applications. Proc. Indian Natn. Sci. Acad. 83, 85--101, 2017
9. Konwarh, R., Gupta P., & Mandal B.B. Silk-microfluidics for advanced biotechnological applications: A progressive review. Biotechnol. Adv. 34, 845--858, 2016 (IF: 12.831)
10. Baruah, V., Satapathy S.S., Powdel, B. R., Konwarh, R., Buragohain, A.K., & Ray S.K. Comparative analysis of codon usage bias in crenarchaea and euryarchaea genome reveals differential preference of synonymous codons to encode highly expressed ribosomal and RNA polymerase proteins. J. Genetics. 95, 1--13, 2016. (IF: 0.825)
11. Pramanik, S., Konwarh, R., Barua N., Buragohain, A.K., & Karak, N. Bio-based hyperbranched poly(ester amide)/MWCNT nanocomposites: multimodalities at biointerface. Biomater. Sci., 2, 192--202, 2014 (IF: 5.251)
12. Konwarh, R., Shail, M., Medhi, T., Mandal, M., & Karak, N. Sonication assisted assemblage of exotic polymer supported nanostructured bio-hybrid system and prospective application. Ultrason. Sonochem, 21, 634--642, 2014 (IF: 7.279)
13. Konwarh, R., Karak, N., & Misra, M. Electrospun cellulose acetate nanofibers: the present status and gamut of biotechnological applications. Biotechnol. Adv. 31, 421--437, 2013 (IF: 12.831)
14. Konwarh, R., Misra, M., Mohanty, A.K., & Karak, N. Diameter-tuning of electrospun cellulose acetate fibers: a Box-Behnken design (BBD) study. Carbohyd. Polym. 92, 1100--1106, 2013. (IF: 6.044)
15. Pramanik, S., Konwarh, R., Deka, R.C., Aidew, L., Barua, N., Buragohain, A.K., Mohanta, D., & Karak, N. Microwave-assisted poly(glycidyl methacrylate)-functionalized multiwall carbon nanotubes with a 'tendrillar' nanofibrous polyaniline wrapping and their interaction at bio-interface. Carbon 55, 34-43, 2013 (IF: 7.466)
16. Barua, S., Konwarh, R., Bhattacharya, S.S., Das, P., Devi, K.S.P., Maiti, T.K., Mandal, M., & Karak, N. Non-hazardous anticancerous and antibacterial colloidal 'green' silver nanoparticles. Colloid Surf. B 105, 37--42, 2013 (IF: 3.973)
17. Pramanik, S., Konwarh, R., Sagar, K., Konwar, B.K., & Karak, N. Bio-degradable vegetable oil based hyperbranched poly(ester amide) as an advanced surface coating material. Prog. Org. Coat. 76, 689--697, 2013 (IF:3.420)
18. Saikia, J.P., Konwarh, R., Konwar, B.K., & Karak, N. Isolation and immobilization of aroid polyphenol on magnetic nanoparticles: enhancement of potency on surface immobilization. Colloid Surf. B 102, 450--456, 2013. (IF: 3.973)
19. Singh, S.P., Konwarh, R., Konwar, B.K., & Karak, N. Molecular docking studies on analogues of quercetin with D-alanine–D-alanine ligase of Helicobacter pylori. Med. Chem. Res. 22, 2139--2150, 2013 (IF: 1.720)
20. Barua, S., Konwarh, R., Mandal, M., Gopalakrishnan, R., Kumar, D., & Karak, N. Biomimetically prepared antibacterial, free radical scavenging poly(ethylene glycol) supported silver nanoparticles as Aedes albopictus larvicidal agent. Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 5, 201--208, 2013. (IF: Not Assigned)
21. Konwarh, R., Pramanik, S., Devi, K. S. P., Saikia, N., Boruah, R., Maiti, T. K., Deka, R. C., & Karak N. Lycopene coupled ‘trifoliate’ polyaniline nanofibers as multi-functional biomaterial. J. Mat. Chem. 22, 15062--15070, 2012. (IF: 6.626)
22. Konwarh, R., Pramanik, S., Kalita, D., Mahanta, C.L., & Karak, N. Ultrasonication – A complementary ‘green chemistry’ tool to biocatalysis: A laboratory-scale study of lycopene extraction. Ultrason. Sonochem. 19, 292--299, 2012. (IF: 7.279)
23. Konwarh, R., Gogoi, B., Philip, R., Laskar, M. A., & Karak, N. Biomimetic preparation of polymer- supported free radical scavenging, cytocompatible and antimicrobial "green" silver nanoparticles using aqueous extract of Citrus sinensis peel. Colloid Surf. B 84, 338--345, 2011. (IF: 3.973)
24. Konwarh, R., Karak, N., Sawian, C.E., Baruah, S., & Mandal, M. Effect of sonication and aging on the templating attribute of starch for “green” silver nanoparticles and their interactions at bio-interface. Carbohyd. Polym. 83, 1245--1252, 2011. (IF: 6.044)
25. Konwarh, R., Saikia, J.P., Karak, N., & Konwar, B K. ‘Poly(ethylene glycol)-magnetic nanoparticles-curcumin’ trio: directed morphogenesis and synergistic free radical scavenging. Colloid Surf. B 81, 578--586, 2010. (IF: 3.973)
26. Konwarh, R., Kalita, D., Mahanta, C.L., Mandal, M., & Karak, N. Magnetically recyclable, antimicrobial, and catalytically enhanced polymer-assisted “green” nanosystem-immobilized Aspergillus niger amyloglucosidase. Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 87, 1983--1992, 2010. (IF: 3.670)
27. Karak, N., Konwarh, R., & Voit, B. Catalytically active vegetable-oil based thermoplastic hyperbranched polyurethane/silver nanocomposite. Macromol. Mater. Eng 295, 159--169, 2010. (IF: 2.69)
28. Konwarh, R., Karak, N., Rai, S.K., & Mukherjee, A.K. Polymer-assisted iron oxide magnetic nanoparticle immobilized keratinase. Nanotechnol. 20, 225107, 2009. (IF: 3.399)
29. Rai, S.K., Konwarh, R., Mukherjee, A. K. Purification, characterization and biotechnological application of an alkaline β-keratinase produced by Bacillus subtilis RM-01 in solid-state fermentation using chicken-feather as substrate. Biochem. Eng. J. 45, 218--225, 2009. (IF: 3.371)