Peer reviewed original articles (since 2014):
• Nichterwitz S*, Storvall H, Nijssen J, Comley LH, Allodi I, van der Lee M, Schweingruber C, Deng Q, Sandberg R and Hedlund E* (2019) LCM-seq reveals unique transcriptional adaption mechanisms of resistant neurons in spinal muscular atrophy. bioRxiv doi: * corresponding author. Genome Research – in revision
• Aguila J, Cheng S, Kee N, Cao M, Deng Q* and Hedlund E* (2019) Spatial transcriptomics and in silico random pooling identify novel marker of vulnerable and resistant dopamine neurons. bioRxiv doi: * corresponding author. Cell Reports – accepted pending revision
• Allodi I, Nijssen J, Aguila Benitez J, Schweingruber C, Fuchs A, Bonvicini G, Cao M, Kiehn O and Hedlund E* (2019) Modeling motor neuron resilience in ALS using stem cells. * corresponding author. Stem Cell Reports 12(6):1329-1341. IF: 6.537
Press coverage from Karolinska Institutet:
• Cheng AJ, Allodi I, Chaillou T, Schlittler M, Ivarsson N, Lanner JT, Thams S, Hedlund E and Andersson DC (2019) Intact single muscle fibres from SOD1G93A ALS mice display preserved specific force, fatigue resistance, and training-like adaptations. The Journal of Physiology 597(12):3133-3146. IF: 4.54
• Newton PT, Li L, Zhou B, Schweingruber C, Hovorakova M, Xie M, Sun X, Sandhow L, Artemov AV, Ivashkin E, Suter S, Dyachuk V, El Shahawy M, Gritli-Linde A, Bouderlique T, Petersen J, Mollbrink A, Lundeberg J, Enikolopov G, Qian H, Fried K, Kasper M, Hedlund E, Adameyko I, Sävendahl L, Chagin AS (2019) A radical switch in clonality reveals the formation of a stem cell niche in the epiphyseal growth plate. Nature 567(7747):234-238. IF: 41.577
Nature News and Views article:
Press coverage from Karolinska Institutet:
• Sancho P, Bartesaghi L, Miossec O, García-García F, Ramírez-Jiménez L, Siddell A, Åkesson E, Hedlund E, Laššuthová P, Pascual-Pascual SI, Sevilla T, Kennerson M, Lupo V, Chrast C and Espinós C (2019) Characterization of molecular mechanisms underlying the axonal Charcot-Marie-Tooth neuropathy caused by MORC2 mutations. Human Molecular Genetics 28(10):1629-1644. IF: 4.902
• Nijssen J, Aguila Benitez J, Hoogstraten R, Kee N and Hedlund E* (2018) Axon-seq decodes the motor axon transcriptome and its modulation in response to ALS. * corresponding author. Stem Cell Reports 11(6):1565-1578. doi: IF: 6.537
Cover article:
Press coverage from Karolinska Institutet:
• Lund H, Pieber M, Parsa R, Grommisch D, Ewing E, Kular L, Han J, Zhu K, Nijssen J, Hedlund E, Needhamsen M, Ruhrmann S, Ortlieb Guerreiro Cacais A, Berglund R, Forteza MJ, Ketelhuth D, Butovsky O, Jagodic M, Zhang XM and Harris RA (2018) Fatal demyelinating disease is induced by monocyte-derived macrophages in the absence of TGF- signaling. Nature Immunology 19(5):1-7. IF: 21.506
• Reber S, Mechtersheimer J, Nasif S, Aguila Benitez J, Colombo M, Domanski M, Jutzi D, Hedlund E and Ruepp MD (2018) CRISPR-Trap: A clean approach for the generation of gene knockouts and gene replacements in human cells. Molecular Biology of the Cell 29(2):75-83. IF: 4.60
• Mills R, Taylor-Weiner H, Correia JC, Agudelo LZ, Allodi I, Kolonelou C, Martinez-Redondo V, Ferreira DMS, Nichterwitz S, Comley LH, Lundin V, Hedlund E, Ruas JL and Teixeira AI (2018) Neurturin is a PGC-1α1-controlled myokine that promotes motor neuron recruitment and neuromuscular junction formation. Molecular Metabolism 7:12-22. IF: 6.799
• Pereira M, Birtele M, Shrigley S, Aguila Benitez J, Hedlund E, Parmar M and Rylander Ottosson D (2017) Direct reprogramming of resident NG2 glia into neurons with properties of fast spiking parvalbumin containing interneurons. Stem Cell Reports 9(3):742-751. IF: 6.537
• Chen G, Schell JP, Benitez JA, Petropoulos S, Yilmaz M, Reinius B, Alekseenko Z, Shi L, Hedlund E, Lanner F, Sandberg R and Deng Q (2016) Single-cell analyses of X Chromosome inactivation dynamics and pluripotency during differentiation. Genome Research 26:1342-1354. IF: 11.922
Cover article:
• Nichterwitz S1, Chen G1, Aguila Benitez J, Storvall H, Yilmaz M, Cao M, Sandberg R, Deng Q2* and Hedlund E2* (2016) Laser-capture microscopy coupled with Smart-seq2 (LCM-seq) for precise spatial transcriptome profiling. Nature Communications 7:12139 1,2 equal contribution, * corresponding authors. PMID: 27387371. IF: 12.124
Press release regarding the article from Karolinska Institutet:
• Allodi I1, Comley L1, Nichterwitz S1, Nizzardo M, Simone C, Aguila Benitez J, Cao M, Corti S2* and Hedlund E2* (2016) Differential neuronal vulnerability identifies IGF-2 as a protective factor in ALS. Scientific Reports 6:25960 1,2 equal contribution, * corresponding authors IF: 4.259
Press release regarding the article from Karolinska Institutet and ALS Research Forum:
• Hedlund E1*, Belnoue L1*, Theofilopoulos S, Salto C, Bye C, Parish C, Deng Q, Kadkhodaei B, Ericson J, Arenas E, Perlmann T2 and Simon A2 (2016) Enhancing Lmx1a-expressing midbrain progenitor proliferation and neurogenesis by dopamine receptor antagonists. Scientific Reports 6:26448. 1,2equal contribution, *corresponding authors. IF: 4.25
• Lewandowski SA, Nilsson I, Lönnerberg P, Fredriksson L, Muhl L, Nichterwitz S, Zeitelhofer M, Lawrence DA, Hedlund E and Eriksson U (2016) Presymptomatic activation of the PDGF-CC pathway accelerates onset of ALS neurodegeneration. Acta Neuropathologica 131(3):453-464. IF: 15.872
• Comley LH*, Nijssen J, Frost-Nylen J and Hedlund E* (2016) Cross disease comparison of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and spinal muscular atrophy reveals conservation of selective vulnerability but differential neuromuscular junction pathology. Journal of Comparative Neurology 524(7):1424-1442. *corresponding author
The article is recommended by Faculty1000: IF: 3.266
• Comley L, Allodi I, Nichterwitz S, Nizzardo M, Simone C, Corti S and Hedlund E* (2015) Motor neurons with differential vulnerability to degeneration in motor neuron diseases show distinct protein signatures in health and ALS. Neuroscience 291:216-229. * corresponding author IF: 3.277
• Aguila JC, Blak A, van Arensbergen J, Sousa A, Vázquez N, Aduriz A, Gayosso M, Lopez Mato MP, De Maturana RL, Hedlund E, Sonntag KC and Sanchez Pernaute R. (2014) Selection based on FOXA2 expression is not sufficient to enrich for dopamine neurons from human pluripotent stem cells. Stem Cells Translational Medicine 3:1-11. IF: 4.247
Research review articles (since 2014):
• Hedlund E and Deng Q (2018) Single-cell RNA sequencing: technical advancements and biological applications. Molecular Aspects of Medicine 59:36-46. IF: 5.686
• Nijssen J*, Comley LH and Hedlund E* (2017) Motor neuron vulnerability and resistance in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Acta Neuropathologica 133:863-885. * correspond author. IF: 15.872
Cover article:
• Allodi I and Hedlund E* (2014) Directed midbrain and spinal cord neurogenesis from pluripotent stem cells to model development and disease in a dish. Frontiers in Neurogenesis. 8:109 eCollection 2014. * correspond author. IF: 3.566
Book chapters:
• Nichterwitz S, Aguila Benitez J, Hoogstraaten R, Deng Q and Hedlund E* (2018) LCM-Seq: A Method for Spatial Transcriptomic Profiling Using Laser Capture Microdissection Coupled with PolyA-Based RNA sequencing. RNA Detection: Methods and Protocols. Methods in Molecular Biology. 1649:95-110. doi: 10.1007/978-1-4939-7213-5_6. * corresponding author