Lab information
Our developmental biology questions include regulation of gynoecium shape, number, and size. We mostly use the Arabidopsis as a model system, but also study other species, such as fish. We use RNAseq and CHIP methods to study gene networks involved in gynoecium development.
Research focus
Evo-Devo and gynoecium development.
1. Marsch-Martínez, N., Zúñiga Mayo, V.M., Reyes Olalde, J.I, Salazar Moya, O.R., and de Folter, S. (2009) Genómica Funcional de Plantas: Estudio del desarrollo de flores y frutos. Acta Universitaria, 19, Enero-Abril: 21-29.
2. Marsch-Martínez, N., Ramos-Cruz, D., Reyes-Olalde, J. I, Lozano-Sotomayor, P., Zúñiga-Mayo, V.M., and de Folter S. (2012). The role of cytokinin during Arabidopsis gynoecia and fruit morphogenesis and patterning. The Plant Journal, 2012 Oct; 72(2):222-34.
3. Marsch-Martínez N, Reyes-Olalde J. I, Ramos-Cruz D, Lozano-Sotomayor P, M Zúñiga-Mayo V, de Folter S (2012). Hormones talking: Does hormonal cross-talk shapes the Arabidopsis gynoecium?. Plant Signal Behav. 2012 Oct 16;7(12).
4. Reyes-Olalde J. I, Zuñiga-Mayo VM, Chávez Montes RA, Marsch-Martínez N, de Folter S (2013). Inside the gynoecium: at the carpel margin. Trends Plant Sci. Volume 18, Issue 11, November 2013, Pages 644–655.
5. Victor M. Zúñiga-Mayo, Reyes-Olalde, J. I, Nayelli Marsch-Martinez and Stefan De Folter (2014). Cytokinin treatments affect the apical-basal patterning of the Arabidopsis gynoecium and resemble the effects of polar auxin transport inhibition. Frontiers in Plant Science, Vol.5, Pag.1-8
6. Reyes-Olalde J. I, Marsch-Martínez N, de Folter S (2015). Imaging early stages of the female reproductive structure of Arabidopsis by confocal laser scanning microscopy. Dev Dyn. Oct;244(10):1286-90.
7. Reyes-Olalde J. I, Zúñiga-Mayo VM, Serwatowska J, Chavez Montes RA, Lozano-Sotomayor P, Herrera-Ubaldo H, Gonzalez-Aguilera KL, Ballester P, Ripoll JJ, Ezquer I, Paolo D, Heyl A, Colombo L, Yanofsky MF, Ferrandiz C, Marsch-Martínez N, de Folter S (2017). The bHLH transcription factor SPATULA enables cytokinin signaling, and both activate auxin biosynthesis and transport genes at the medial domain of the gynoecium. PLoS Genet. 2017 Apr 7; 13 (4):e1006726.
8. Reyes-Olalde J. I, Zúñiga-Mayo VM, Marsch-Martínez N, de Folter S (2017). Synergistic relationship between auxin and cytokinin in the ovary and the participation of the transcription factor SPATULA. Plant Signal Behav. 2017 Sep 7:0. doi: 10.1080/15592324.2017.1376158.
9. Durán Y., Serwatowska J., Reyes-Olalde J. I., de Folter S., Marsch-Martinez N (2017). The AP2/ERF transcription factor DRNL modulates gynoecium development and affects its response to cytokinin. Front. in Plant Sci. 26 October 2017,
In acknowledgments: Pelagio-Flores R, Esparza-Reynoso S, Garnica-Vergara A, López-Bucio J, Herrera-Estrella A. (2017) Trichoderma-Induced Acidification Is an Early Trigger for Changes in
Arabidopsis Root Growth and Determines Fungal Phytostimulation. Front Plant Sci. 2017 May 17;8:822. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2017.00822.