PhD, University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, 2016
Lab information
Giaccia Lab
Research focus
Renal Cell carcinoma
S Appikonda, KN Thakkar, PK Shah, SYR Dent, JN Andersen, MC Barton. “Cross-talk between chromatin acetylation and SUMOylation of tripartite motif–containing protein 24 (TRIM24) impacts cell adhesion”. JBC, 2018, 293(19), 7476-7485 (JBC Editor’s Pick).
S Appikonda, KN Thakkar, MC Barton. “Regulation of gene expression in human cancers by TRIM24”. Drug Discovery Today: Technologies, 2016, 19, 57-63.
KN Thakkar, S Stratton, MC Barton. Tissue specific regulation of metabolism by Histone reader TRIM24. Aging 2015, 7 (10), 736-737
TN Pathiraja*, KN Thakkar*, S Jiang, S Stratton, Z Liu, M Gagea, X Shi, PK Shah, L Phan, M-H Lee, J Andersen, M Stampfer and MC Barton. TRIM24 links Glucose metabolism with transformation of Human mammary epithelial cells. Oncogene 2015, 34, 2836-2845
*Equal contribution
KN Thakkar, SS Mhatre, RY Parikh. Biological synthesis of metallic nanoparticles. Nanomedicine: NBM 2010; 6:257-262 (2nd highest cited article for Nanomedicine to date)