Ph.D, University of Wuerzburg, 2011
Research focus
Basic Neuroscience, Optogenetics, Microscopy, Molecular Biology, Cloning, Animal Behavior, AAV,
Publications Dynamin 1 isoform roles in a mouse model of severe childhood epileptic encephalopathy.
Narayan Subramanian and Wayne N. Frankel.
Commentary in Journal of Rare Diseases Research & Treatment, Sept-2016)
EGF transactivation of Trk receptors regulates the migration of newborn cortical neurons.
Puehringer D, Orel N, Lüningschrör P, Subramanian N, Herrmann T, Chao MV, Sendtner M.
Nature Neuroscience. 2013 Apr;16(4):407-15.
Role of Na(v)1.9 in activity-dependent axon growth in motoneurons.
Subramanian N, Wetzel A, Dombert B, Yadav P, Havlicek S, Jablonka S, Nassar MA, Blum R, Sendtner M. Hum Mol Genet. 2012 Aug 15; 21(16):3655-67.
Drosophila KAP interacts with the kinesin II motor subunit KLP64D to assemble chordotonal sensory cilia, but not sperm tails.
Sarpal R, Todi SV, Sivan-Loukianova E, Shirolikar S, Subramanian N, Raff EC, Erickson JW, Ray K, Eberl DF. Current Biology. 2003 Sep 30; 13(19):1687-96.
Arfgef1 haploinsufficiency in mice alters neuronal endosome composition and decreases membrane surface postsynaptic GABAA receptors
Teoh J, Subramanian N, et al (Neurobiol Dis. 2019 Oct 31;134:104632. PMID:31678406)