Dana Manuela Savulescu
  • Senior Science and Medical Writer, Independent
Research fields
  • Immunology
Personal information


PhD, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, 2013

Research focus

Reproductive immunology; Immune tolerance; Cell biology; Human pregnancy; Molecular biology



• M Suchard, N Martinson, S Malfeld, D de Assis Rosa, R Mackelprang, J Lingappa, X Hou, D Coetzee, H Rees, S Delaney-Moretlwe, H Goldfein, L Morris, C Tiemessen, D Savulescu. Alloimmunity to class 2 human leucocyte antigens may reduce HIV-1 acquisition - a nested case-control study in HIV-1 serodiscordant couples. Frontiers in Immunology. 2021: 13:813412.
• W Jassat, C Cohen, S Tempia, M Masha, S Goldstein, T Kufa, P Murangandi, D Savulescu, S Walaza, J Bam, M Davies, DATCOV author group, L Blumberg. COVID-19 in-hospital mortality in South Africa: the intersection of communicable and non-communicable chronic diseases in a high HIV prevalence setting. The Lancet HIV 2021:
• C Adu-Gyamfi, D Savulescu, L Mikhathani, K Otwombe, N Salazar-Austin, R Chaisson, N Martinson, J George, M Suchard. Plasma kynurenine-to-tryptophan ratio, a highly sensitive blood-based diagnostic tool for Tuberculosis in HIV-infected pregnant women. Clinical Infectious Diseases 2021: Sep 15;73(6):1027-1036.
• M Suchard, D Savulescu. Macrophage nicotinamide pathways – An evolutionary perspective relevant to SARS-CoV-2 and other causes of sepsis. The FEBS Journal 2021: doi:10.1111/febs.15807.
• W Howard, D Savulescu, L Berrie, AJ Puren. Description of non-polio enteroviruses identified in two national surveillance programmes in South Africa. Southern African Journal of Infectious Diseases 2020: Vol 35, No 1, a196.
• M Suchard, C Adu-Gyamfi, BM Cumming, D. Savulescu. Evolutionary views of Tuberculosis: indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase catalysed nicotinamide synthesis reflects shifts in macrophage metabolism. BioEssays 2020: 42, 1900220. Highlighted in Medicine Innovates (
• D Savulescu, V Duxbury, K Scheuemaier, S Malfeld, A Koen, S Jones, M Groome, S Madhi, C Cutland, M Suchard. The prevalence of HLA antibodies during pregnancy and in new-born babies. American Journal of Reproductive Immunology 2020: 84:e13264.
• CG Adu-Gyamfi, T Snyman, L Makhathini, F Darboe, A Penn-Nicholson, M Fisher, D Savulescu, CJ Hoffman, RE Chaisson, NA Martinsson, TJ Scriba, JA George, MS Suchard. Diagnostic accuracy of plasma kynurenine/tryptophan ratio, measured by enzyme immunosorbent assay, for pulmonary Tuberculosis. International Journal of Infectious Diseases 2020: 99:441-8.
• CG Adu-Gyamfi, D Savulescu, JA George, M Suchard. Indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase (IDO)-mediated tryptophan catabolism: leading star or supporting act in TB and HIV pas-de-deux? Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology. 2019: 9:372.
• R Nagler, D Savulescu, M Gavish. Cigarette Smoke-induced reduction in binding of the salivary translocator protein is not mediated by free radicals. Biochimie. 2016:121:1-4. Summary featured on World Biomedical Frontiers ISSN: 2328-0116, Cancer Issue (
• R Nagler, D Savulescu, M Gavish. Cigarette Smoke-induced reduction in binding of the salivary Translocator protein is not mediated by free radicals. Biochimie. 2016:121:1-4.
• E Shahar, U Attias, D Savulescu, J Genizin, M Gavish, R Nagler. Oxidative stress, metalloproteinase and LDH in children with intractable and non-intractable epilepsy as reflected in salivary analysis. Epilepsy Research. 2014:108(1):117-24.
• D Savulescu, J Feng, YS Ping, O Mai, U Boehm, B He, B. O’Malley, P Melamed. Goandotropin-releasing hormone-regulated prohibitin mediates apoptosis of the gonadotrope cells. Molecular Endocrinology. 2013:27(11):1856-70.
• P Melamed, D Savulescu, S Lim, A Wijeweera, L Zhuojuan, L Min, L Pnueli. Gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH)-signaling downstream of calmodulin. Journal of Neuroendocrinology. 2012:24(12):1463-75.
• Y Ullmann, Y Klein, D Savulescu, I Borovoi, D Egozi, M Gavish, R Nagler. Salivary monitoring related to major surgery. European Journal of Clinical Investigation. 2010:40(12):1074-80.
• R Nagler, S Cohen, D Savulescu, S Leschiner, I Otradnov, M Gavish. Penicilamine as a potent protector against injurious effects of cigarette smoke in aerodigestive tract cancer. Oncology. 2010:78(1):12-9.
• R Kremer, LA Best, D Savulescu, M Gavish, RM Nagler. Pleural fluid analysis of lung cancer vs. benign inflammatory disease patients. British Journal of Cancer. 2010:102(7):1180-4.
• R Nagler, O Ben-Izhak, D Savulescu, E Krayzler, S Akrish, S Leschiner, I Otradnov, S Zeno, L Veenman, M Gavish. Oral cancer, cigarette smoke and mitochondrial 18 kDa translocator protein (TSPO) – in vitro, in vivo, salivary analysis. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta – Molecular Basis of Disease. 2010:1802(5):545-61.
• R Brik, I Rosen, D Savulescu, I Borovoi, M Gavish, R Nagler. Salivary antioxidants and metalloproteinases in juvenile idiopathic arthritis. Molecular Medicine. 2010:16(3-4):122-8.
• R Nagler*, D Savulescu*, E Krayzler, S Leschiner, L Veenman, M Gavish (*equal contribution). Cigarette smoke decreases salivary 18 kDa translocator protein binding affinity – in association with oxidative stress. Current Medicinal Chemistry. 2010: 17(23):2539-46.
• T Shpitzer, Y Hamzany, G Bahar, R Feinmesser, D Savulescu, I Borovoi, M Gavish, RM Nagler. Salivary analysis of oral cancer biomarkers. British Journal of Cancer. 2009:101(7):1194-8.
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