Molly OhAinle
  • Faculty, UC Berkeley
Research fields
  • Molecular Biology, -
Personal information


PhD, University of Washington, USA, 2007


• Ohainle, M., Kim, K., Keceli, S., Felton, A., Campbell, E., Luban, J. and Emerman, M. (2019). TRIM34 acts with TRIM5 to restrict HIV and SIV capsids. bioRxiv: 820886.
• Sharma, A., McLaughlin, R. N., Jr., Basom, R. S., Kikawa, C., OhAinle, M., Yount, J. S., Emerman, M. and Overbaugh, J. (2019). Macaque interferon-induced transmembrane proteins limit replication of SHIV strains in an Envelope-dependent manner. PLoS Pathog 15(7): e1007925.
• OhAinle, M., Helms, L., Vermeire, J., Roesch, F., Humes, D., Basom, R., Delrow, J. J., Overbaugh, J. and Emerman, M. (2018). A virus-packageable CRISPR screen identifies host factors mediating interferon inhibition of HIV. Elife 7.
• Roesch, F., OhAinle, M. and Emerman, M. (2018). A CRISPR screen for factors regulating SAMHD1 degradation identifies IFITMs as potent inhibitors of lentiviral particle delivery. Retrovirology 15(1): 26.
• Lohman-Payne, B., Sandifer, T., OhAinle, M., Crudder, C., Lynch, J., Omenda, M. M., Maroa, J., Fowke, K., John-Stewart, G. C. and Farquhar, C. (2014). In-utero infection with HIV-1 associated with suppressed lymphoproliferative responses at birth. Clin Exp Immunol 178(1): 86-93.
• OhAinle, M. and Harris, E. (2014) Chapter 12: Dengue pathogenesis – viral factors. In: D. J. Gubler, G. Kuno (ed.) Dengue and Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever. London, United Kingdom.
• OhAinle, M., Balmaseda, A., Macalalad, A. R., Tellez, Y., Zody, M. C., Saborio, S., Nunez, A., Lennon, N. J., Birren, B. W., Gordon, A., Henn, M. R. and Harris, E. (2011). Dynamics of dengue disease severity determined by the interplay between viral genetics and serotype-specific immunity. Sci Transl Med 3(114): 114ra128.
• OhAinle, M., Kerns, J. A., Li, M. M., Malik, H. S. and Emerman, M. (2008). Antiretroelement activity of APOBEC3H was lost twice in recent human evolution. Cell Host Microbe 4(3): 249-259.
• OhAinle, M., Kerns, J. A., Malik, H. S. and Emerman, M. (2006). Adaptive evolution and antiviral activity of the conserved mammalian cytidine deaminase APOBEC3H. J Virol 80(8): 3853-3862.
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