Baker, A.T., Boyd, R.J., Sarkar, D., Crespo, A.T., Chan, C.K., Bates, E., Waraich, K., Vant, J., Wilson, E., Truong, C.D., Lipka-Lloyd, M., Fromme, P., Vermaas, J., Williams, D., Machiesky, L., Heurich, M., Nagalo, B.M., Coughlan, L., Umlauf, S., Chiu, P.-L., Rizkallah, P.J., Cohen, T.S., Parker, A.L., Singharoy, A., and Borad, M.J. ChAdOx1 interacts with CAR and PF4 with implications for thrombosis with thrombocytopenia syndrome. Sci Adv 7 (2021). (10.1126/sciadv.abl8213)
Truong, C.D., Williams, D., Zhu, M., Wang, J.C.-H. and Chiu, P.-L. Sample preparation using lipid monolayer method for electron crystallographic studies. JoVE 177:e63015 (2021). (10.3791/63015) (
Zhang, X., Gui, L., Li, S., Nandi, P., Wong, D.E., Moen, D.R., Lin, H.J., #Chiu, P.-L., and #Chou, T.-F. Conserved L464 in p97 D1-D2 linker is critical for p97 cofactor regulated ATPase activity. Biochem J 478:3185-3204 (2021). (10.1042/BCJ20210288)
Nandi, P., Li, S., Columbres, R.C.A., Wang, F., Williams, D.R., Poh, Y.-P., #Chou, T.-F., and #Chiu, P.-L. Structural and functional analysis of disease-linked p97 mutant complexes. Int J Mole Sci 22:8079 (2021).
Truong, C.D., Craig, T.A., Cui, G., Botuyan, M.V., Serkasevich, R.A., Chan, K.-Y., #Mer, G., #Chiu, P.-L., and #Kumar, R. Cryo-EM reveals conformational flexibility in apo DNA polymerase zeta. J Biol Chem 297:100912 (2021).
March, K., Venkatraman, K., Truong, C.D., Williams, D., Chiu, P.-L., and Rez, P. Protein secondary structure signatures from energy loss spectra recorded in the electron microscope. J Microsc 282:215-223 (2021).
Chan, K.-Y., Truong, C.D., Poh, Y.-P., and Chiu, P.-L.. Sample preparation and data collection for electron crystallographic studies on membrane protein structures and lipid-protein interaction. Methods in Mole Biol 2215:247-265 (2021).
Yang, J.-Y., Williams, D., Kandiah, E., #Fromme, P., and #Chiu, P.-L.. Structural basis of redox modulation on chloroplast ATP synthase. Commun Biol 3:482 (2020).
Godeshala, S., Miryala, B., Dutta, S., Christensen, M.D., Nandi, P., Chiu, P.-L., and Rege, K. A library of aminoglycoside-derived lipopolymer nanoparticles for delivery of small molecules and nucleic acids. J Materials Chem B 8:8558-8572 (2020).
Chang, S.L.Y., Reineck, P., Williams, D., Bryant, G., Opletal, G., El-Demrdash, S.A., Chiu, P.-L., Õsawa, E., Barnard, A.S., and Dwyer, C. Dynamic self-assembly of detonation nanodiamond in water. Nanoscale 12:5363-5367 (2020).
Robertson, K.E., Truong, C.D., Craciunescu, F.M., Yang, J.-Y., Chiu, P.-L., Fromme, P., and Hansen, D.T. Membrane directed expression in Escherichia coli of BBA57 and other virulence factors from the Lyme disease agent Borrelia burgdorfeni. Sci Rep 9:1-15 (2019).
Steber, H.S., Gallante, C., Chiu, P.-L., and Mangone, M. The C. elegans 3’UTRome V2: an updated genomic resource to study 3’UTR biology. Genome Research 29:2104-2116 (2019).
Toporik, H., Li, J., Williams, D., Chiu, P.-L., and Mazor, Y. The structure of the photosystem I IsiA super-complex. Nat Struct Mole Biol 26:443-449 (2019).
#Aryal, R.P., #Kwak, P.B. #Tamayo, A.G., Chiu, P.-L., Walz, T., and Weitz, C.J. Macromolecular assemblies of the mammalian circadian clock. Mol Cell 67:770-782 (2017). (#equal contributions)
#Kalbermatter, D., #Chiu, P.-L., Jeckelmann, J.-M., Ucurum, Z., Walz, T., and Fotiadis, D. Electron crystallography reveals that substrate release from the PTS IIC glucose transporter is coupled to a subtle conformational change. J Struct Biol 199:39 45 (2017). (#equal contributions)
Leksa, N.C., Chiu, P.-L., Bou-Assaf, G.M., Quan, C., Liu, Z., Goodman, A.B., Chambers, M.G., Tsutakawa, S.E., Hammal, M., Peters, R.T., Walz, T., and Kulman, J.D. The structural basis for the functional comparability of factor VIII and the long-acting variant rFVIIIFc. J Thromb Haemost 15:1167-1179 (2017).
Klara, S.S., Saboe, P.O., Sines, I.T., Babaei, M., Chiu, P.-L., DeZorzi, R., Dayal, K., Walz, T., Kumar, M., and Mauter, M.S. Magnetically directed two-dimensional crystallization of OmpF membrane proteins in block copolymers. J Am Chem Soc 138:28-31 (2016).
#Chiu, P.-L., #Li, X., Li, Z., Beckett, B., Brilot, A.F., Grigorieff, N., Agard, D.A., Cheng, Y., and Walz, T. Evaluation of super-resolution performance of the K2 electron counting camera using 2D crystals of aquaporin-0. J Struct Biol 192:163-173 (2015).
Kalbermatter, D., Jeckelmann, J.-M., Chiu, P.-L., Ucurum, Z., Walz, T., and Fotiadis, D. 2D and 3D crystallization of the wild-type IIC domain of the glucose PTS transporter from Escherichia coli. J Struct Biol 191:376-380 (2015).
#Chiu, P.-L., #Bou-Assaf, G., Chhabra, E.S., Chambers, M.G., Liu, L., Peters, R., Kulman, J.D., and Walz, T. Mapping the interaction between factor VIII and von Willebrand factor by electron microscopy and mass spectrometry. Blood 126:935-938 (2015). (*equal contributions)
#Hite, R.K., #Chiu, P.-L., Schuller, J., and Walz, T. Effect of lipid head groups on double-layered two-dimensional crystals formed by aquaporin-0. PLoS ONE 10:e0117371 (2015). (10.137/journal.pone.0117371)
Kowal, J., Chami, M., Baumgartner, P., Arheit, M., Chiu, P.-L., Rangl, M., Scheuring, S., #Nimigean, C.M., and #Stahlberg, H. Ligand-induced structural changes in the cyclic nucleotide-modulated potassium channel MloK1. Nat Commun 5:3106-3115 (2014).
Hopkins, L.E., Patchin, E.S., Chiu, P.-L., Brandenberger, C., Smiley-Jewell, S., and Pinkerton, K.E. Nose-to-brain transport of aerosolized quantum dots following acute exposure. Nanotoxicol 8:885-893 (2014).
Evans, J.E., Jungjohann, K.L., Wong, P.C.K., Chiu, P.-L., Dutrow, G.H., Arslan, I., and Browning, N.D. Visualizing macromolecular complexes with in situ liquid scanning transmission electron microscopy. Micron 43:1085-1090 (2013).
Chiu, P.-L., Kelly, D.F., and Walz, T. The use of trehalose in the preparation of specimens for electron microscopy. Micron 42:762-772 (2011).
Paoli, E.-E., Kruse, D.E., Seo, J.W., Zhang, H., Kheirolomoom, A., Watson, K.D., Chiu, P.-L., Stahlberg, H., and Ferrara, K.W. An optical and microPET assessment of thermally-sensitive liposome biodistribution in the Met-1 tumor model: importance of formulation. J Control Release 143:13-22 (2010).
Chiu, P.-L., Pagel, M.D., Evans, J.E., Chou, H.-T., Zeng, X., Gipson, B., #Stahlberg, H., and #Nimigean, C.M. The structure of the prokaryotic cyclic nucleotide-modulated potassium channel MloK1 at 16 Å resolution. Structure 15:1053-1064 (2007).
Renault, L., Chou, H.-T., Chiu, P.-L., Hill, R.M., Zeng, X., Gipson, B., Zhang, Z.Y., Cheng, A., Unger, V., and Stahlberg, H. Milestones in electron crystallography. J Comput Aided Mol Des 20:519-527 (2006).
Chiu, P.-L., Wu, C.-Y., Taso, J.-H., and Chang, F.-H. Drug delivery through liposome by ultrasonic cavitation. Biomed Eng-App, Basis, & Comm 13:47-52 (2001).