Associate Professor, Department of Molecular Neuroscience, George Mason University, United States
Sanders, E.M., Nyarko-Odoom, A.O., Zhou, K.C., Nguyen, M.A., Liao, H.H., Keith, M., Pyon, J., Kozma, A., Sanyal, M., McHail, D.G., Dumas T.C. (2018) Separate functional properties of NMDARs regulate distinct aspects of spatial cognition. Learn. Mem. In press.
McHail, D.G., Valibeigi, N., Dumas, T.C. (2018) Barnes maze for juvenile rats delineates the emergence of spatial navigation ability. Learn. Mem. 25(3):138-146.
Stoneham ET, McHail DG, Boggs KN, Albani SH, Carty JA, Evans RC, Hamilton KA, Saadat VM, Hussain S, Greer ME, Dumas TC. (2017) Functional perturbation of forebrain principal neurons reveals differential effects in novel and well-learned tasks. Brain Res. 1671:1-13.
Simon DM, Charkhkar H, St John C, Rajendran S, Kang T, Reit R, Arreaga-Salas D, McHail DG, Knaack GL, Sloan A, Grasse D, Dumas TC, Rennaker RL, Pancrazio JJ, Voit WE. (2017) Design and demonstration of an intracortical probe technology with tunable modulus. J. Biomed. Mater. Res. A. 105(1):159-168.
Knaack, G.L., McHail, D.G., Borda, G., Beom, S.K., Peixoto, N., Cogan, S.F., Dumas, T.C., Pancrazio, J.J. (2016) In vivo Characterization of Amorphous Silicon Carbide as a Biomaterial for Chronic Neural Interfaces. Front. Neurosci. Neural Tech. 10:301.
Gardner, R.S., Uttaro, M.R., Fleming, S.E., Suarez, D.F., Ascoli, G.A., Dumas, T.C. (2016) Differential Arc expression in the hippocampus and striatum during the transition from attentive to automatic navigation on a plus maze. Neurobiol. Learn. Mem. 131:36-45.
Charkhkar, H., Knaack, G.L., McHail, D.G., Mandal, H.S., Peixoto, N., Rubinson, J.F., Dumas, T.C., Pancrazio, J.J. (2016) Chronic intracortical neural recordings using microelectrode arrays coated with PEDOT-TFB. Acta Biomaterialia. 32:57-67.
Hawes, S.L., Evans, R.C., Unruh, B.A., Benkert, E.E., Gillani, F., Dumas, T.C., Blackwell, K.T. (2015) Multimodal Plasticity in Dorsal Striatum While Learning a Lateralized Navigation Task. J. Neurosci. 35(29):10535-49.
Albani, S.H., Andrawis, M.M, Abella, R.J., Fulghum, J., Vafamand, N., Dumas, T.C. (2015) Behavior in the elevated plus maze is differentially affected by testing conditions in rats under and over three weeks of age. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience. 9:31.
Mandal, H.S., Kastee, J., McHail, D.G., Rubinson, J.F., Pancrazio, J.J., Dumas, T.C. (2015) Improved Poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) (PEDOT) for neural stimulation. Neuromodulation. 18(8):657-63.
McHail, D.G., Dumas, T.C. (2015) Multiple forms of metaplasticity at a single hippocampal synapse during late postnatal development. Dev Cogn Neuroscience, 2015 Apr;12:145-54
Mandal HS, Kastee JS, McHail DG, Rubinson JF, Pancrazio JJ, Dumas TC. Improved Poly(3,4-Ethylenedioxythiophene) (PEDOT) for Neural Stimulation. Neuromodulation, 2015 Mar 21. doi: 10.1111/ner.12285
Albani, S.H.*, McHail, D.G.*, & Dumas, T.C. Developmental studies of the hippocampus and hippocampal-dependent behaviors: Insights from interdisciplinary studies and tips for new investigators. (*authors contributed equally)Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, In press
Mandal, H.S., Knaack, G.L., Charkhkar, H., McHail, D.G., Kastee, J., Dumas, T.C., Peixoto, N., Rubinson, J.F., & Pancrazio, J.J. Improving the performance of poly (3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) (PEDOT) for brain machine interface applications. Acta Biomaterialia, In press
Gardner, R.S., Uttaro, M., Fleming, S.E., Suarez, D.F., Ascoli,G.A., & Dumas, T.C. (2013) Secondary spatial working memory preserves primary place strategies despite over-training. Learning and Memory, 2013 Oct 17; 20(11): 648-656
Blair, M,. Nguyen, N., Albani, S., L'Etoile, M., Andrawis, M., Owen, L., Oliveira, R., Johnson, M., Purvis, D., Sanders, E., Stoneham, E., Xu, H., & Dumas, T.C. (2013) Developmental changes in structural and functional properties of hippocampal AMPA receptors parallels the emergence of deliberative spatial navigation in juvenile rats. Journal of Neuroscience, 2013 Jul 24; 33(30): 12218-12228
Sanders, E.M., Nguyen, M.A., Zhou, K.C., Hanks, M E., Yusuf, K A., Cox, D.N., & Dumas, T C. (2013) Developmental modification of synaptic NMDAR composition and maturation of glutamatergic synapses: matching postsynaptic slots with receptor pegs. Biological Bulletin, 224(1): 1-13
Dumas, T.C. (2012) Postnatal alterations in induction threshold and expression magnitude of long-term potentiation and long-term depression at hippocampal synapses. Hippocampus, 22: 188-99
Stoneham, E.T., Sanders, E.M., Sanyal, M., & Dumas, T.C. (2010) Rules of engagement: Factors that regulate activity dependent synaptic plasticity during neural network development. Biological Bulletin, 219: 81-99
Dumas, T.C., Gillette, T., Ferguson, D., Hamilton, K. & Sapolsky, R.M. (2010) Anti-glucocorticoid gene therapy reverses the impairing effects of elevated corticosterone on spatial memory, hippocampal neuronal excitability, and synaptic plasticity. Journal of Neuroscience, 30: 1712-1720
Dumas, T.C. (2005a) Late postnatal maturation of excitatory synaptic transmission permits the expression of adult-like hippocampal-dependent behaviors. Hippocampus, 15: 562-578
Dumas, T.C. (2005b) Developmental regulation of cognitive abilities: Modified composition of a molecular switch turns on associative learning. Progress in Neurobiology, 76: 189-211
Xie, X., Dumas, T., Tang, L., Brennan, T., Reeder, T., Winston, T., Klein, R.D., Flores, J., O'Hara, B.F., Heller, H.C., & Franken, P. (2005) Lack of the alanine-serine-cysteine transporter 1 causes tremors, seizures, and early postnatal death in mice. Brain Research, 1052: 212-221
Nair, S., Karst, H., Dumas, T., Phillips, R., Sapolsky, R., Rumpff-van Essen, L., Maslam, S., Lucassen, P., & Joels, M. (2004) Gene expression profiles associated with survival of individual rat dentate cells after endogenous corticosteroid deprivation. European Journal of Neuroscience, 20: 3233-3243
Kaufer, D., Ogle, W.O., Pincus, Z.S., Clark, K., Nicholas A.C., Dinkel, K.M., Dumas, T.C., Ferguson, D., Lee, A.L., Winters, M. & Sapolsky, R.M. (2004) Restructuring the neuronal stress response with anti-glucocorticoid gene delivery. Nature Neuroscience, 7: 947-953
Dumas, T.C., Powers, E.C., Tarapore, P.E. & Sapolsky, R.M. (2004) Overexpression of calbindin D(28k) in dentate granule cells potentiates mossy fiber presynaptic function, reduces long-term potentiation and impairs hippocampal-dependent memory. Hippocampus, 14: 701-709
Dumas, T.C. (2004) Early eyelid opening enhances spontaneous alternation and accelerates the development of perforant path synaptic strength in the hippocampus of juvenile rats. Developmental Psychobiology, 45: 1-9
Lee, A.L., Dumas, T.C., Tarapore, P.E., Webster, B.R., Ho, D.Y., Kaufer, D. & Sapolsky, R.M. (2003) Potassium channel gene therapy can prevent neuron death resulting from necrotic insults. Journal of Neurochemistry, 86: 1079-88
Dumas, T.C. & Sapolsky, R.M. (2001) Gene therapy against neurological insults: sparing neurons versus sparing function. Trends in Neuroscience, 24: 695-700
Foster, T.C. & Dumas, T.C. (2001) Mechanism for increased hippocampal synaptic strength following differential experience. Journal of Neurophysiology, 85: 1377-1383
Yenari, M.A., Dumas, T.C., Sapolsky, R.M. & Steinberg, G.K., (2000) Gene therapy for treatment of cerebral ischemia using defective herpes simplex viral vectors. Neurology Research, 23: 543-552
Yenari, M.A., Dumas, T.C., Sapolsky, R.M. & Steinberg, G.K., (2000) Gene therapy for treatment of cerebral ischemia using defective herpes simplex viral vectors. In Slikker W & Trembly B (Eds), Neuroprotective Agents: 5th International Conference, Annals of the New York Acadamy of Sciences, 939: 340-357
McLaughlin, J.R., Roozendaal, B., Dumas, T.C., Gupta, A., Ajilore, O., Hsieh, J., Ho, D.Y., Lawrence, M.S., McGaugh, J.L. & Sapolsky, R.M. (2000) Sparing neuronal function post-seizure with gene therapy. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (USA), 97: 12804-12809
Dumas, T.C., McLaughlin, J.R., Ho, D.Y., Lawrence, M.S. & Sapolsky, R.M. (2000) Gene therapies that enhance hippocampal neuron survival after an excitotoxic insult are not equivalent in their ability to maintain synaptic transmission. Experimental Neurology, 166: 180-189
Dumas, T.C., McLaughlin, J.R., Ho, D.Y., Meier, T.J. & Sapolsky, R.M. (1999) Delivery of herpes simplex virus amplicon-based vectors to the dentate gyrus does not alter hippocampal synaptic transmission in vivo. Gene Therapy, 6: 1679-1684
Dumas, T.C. & Foster, T.C. (1998) GABA(b) receptors differentially regulate hippocampal CA1 excitatory synaptic transmission across postnatal development in the rat. Neuroscience Letters, 248: 138-140
Dumas, T.C. & Foster, T.C. (1998) Late developmental changes in the ability of adenosine A1 receptors to regulate synaptic transmission in the hippocampus. Developmental Brain Research, 105: 137-139
Dumas, T.C. & Foster, T.C. (1997) Development of metabotropic glutamate receptor-mediated synaptic inhibition. NeuroReport, 8: 2919-2924
Dumas, T.C. & Foster, T.C. (1995) Developmental increase in CA3-CA1 presynaptic function in the hippocampal slice. Journal of Neurophysiology, 73: 1821-1828
Dumas, T.C. & Rudy, J.W. (2010) Development of the hippocampal memory system: Creating networks and modifiable synapses. In Oxford Handbook of Developmental and Behavioral Neuroscience. Oxford University Press, Invited chapter, p. 587-606
Yenari, M.A., Dumas, T.C., Sapolsky, R.M. & Steinberg, G.K., (2000) The role of gene therapy in acute cerebral ischemia. In J. Krieglstein & S. Klumpp (Eds), Pharmacology of Cerebral Ischemia, Medpharm Scientific Publishers, Stuttgart, p. 457-472