PhD, University of California Riverside, 2013
Research focus
Cytoskeleton, megakaryocytes, G protein coupled receptor signaling
1. Pal K, Nowak R, Billington N, Li R, Ghosh A, Sellers J, Fowler V. (2020). Megakaryocyte migration defects due to nonmuscle myosin IIA mutations underly thrombocytopenia in MYH9-Related Disease. Blood.
2. Smith AS, Pal K, Nowak RB, Demenko A, Da Costa L, Favier R, Pecci A, Fowler V. (2019). MYH9-related disease mutations cause abnormal red blood cell morphology through increased myosin-actin binding at the membrane. Am J Hematol. 94(6):667-766
3. Nichols H, Yee M, Polley D, Saifeddine M, Lee K, Pal K, Daines M, Wilson E, Boitano S, Hollenberg M, DeFea K. (2017). Protease-activated-Receptor-2-Induced signaling through β-arrestin-2 Mediates Alternaria Serine Protease-induced Asthma. (In review)
4. Mukhopadhyay S, Badgandi H, Hwang SH, Somatilaka B, Shimada I, Pal K. (2017). Trafficking to the primary cilium membrane. Mol Biol Cell. 28(2): 233-239.
5. Pal K, Hwang SH, Somatilaka B, Badgandi H, Jackson P, Defea K, Mukhopadhyay S. (2015). Smoothened and β-arrestins cooperate to determine steady state and sonic hedgehog mediated removal of the G-protein- coupled receptor Gpr161 from the primary cilium. J Cell Biol.
212(7): 861-75 *Article in focus by Ben Short.
6. Pal K, Badgandi H, Mukhopadhyay S. (2015). Studying G-protein-coupled receptors: Immunoblotting, immunoprecipitation, phosphorylation, surface labeling, and cross-linking protocols. Methods Cell Biol. 127:303-22. doi: 10.1016/bs.mcb.2014.12.003
7. Pal K, Mukhopadhyay S. (2015). Primary Cilium and sonic hedgehog signaling during neural tube patterning: Role of GPCRs and second messengers. Developmental Neurobiology. 75(4): 337-48. doi: 10.1002/dneu.22193.
8. Mittal N, Roberts K, Pal K, Bentolila LA, Fultz E, Minasyan A, Cahill C, Pradhan A, Conner D, Defea K, Evans C, Walwyn W. (2013). Select G-Protein-Coupled Receptors Modulate Agonist-Induced Signaling via a ROCK, LIMK, and β-Arrestin 1 Pathway. Cell Rep. 5(4): 1010-21.
9. Pal K, Mathur M, Kumar P, DeFea K. (2013). Divergent β-arrestin-dependent signaling events are dependent upon sequences within G-protein-coupled-receptor C-termini. J Biol Chem. 288(5): 3265-74.