Master Degree, Université de Lorraine, France, 2014
Current position
Ph.D student, CNRS/UPMC UMR8227, Station Biologique de Roscoff, France
Torode, T. A., Simeon, A., Marcus, S. E., Jam, M., Le Moigne, M. A., Duffieux, D., Knox, J. P. and Herve, C. (2016). Dynamics of cell wall assembly during early embryogenesis in the brown alga Fucus. J Exp Bot 67(21): 6089-6100.
Herve, C., Simeon, A., Jam, M., Cassin, A., Johnson, K. L., Salmean, A. A., Willats, W. G., Doblin, M. S., Bacic, A. and Kloareg, B. (2016). Arabinogalactan proteins have deep roots in eukaryotes: identification of genes and epitopes in brown algae and their role in Fucus serratus embryo development. New Phytol 209(4): 1428-1441.