PhD, Max-Planck Institute for Chemical Ecology and Friedrich-Schiller University, Germany, 2012
Plant biotechnology, physiology, molecular biology, plant-insect interaction, ecology, gene engineering, bioinformatics, small RNAs, microbiology, biotechnology, tissue culture, microbial producents Z.O. Toshmatov, Shixing Zhou, N.N. Kuchkarova, T.A. Bozorov, Chi Zhang, Hua Shao. Alkaloids of Solanum rostratum seeds and their role in plant growth regulation. South African Journal of Botany, 2024, 175, 755-760,
2. Zhang, Y., Yang, H., Jiamahate, A., Yang, H., Cao, L.; Dang,Y., Lu, Z., Yang, Z., Bozorov, T.A., Wang, X. Potential Ecological Distribution of the Beetle Agrilus mali Matsumura (Coleoptera: Buprestidae) in China under Three Climate Change Scenarios, with Consequences for Commercial and Wild Apple Forests. Biology 2024, 13, 803.
3. Murodova, S.M.; Bozorov, T.A.*; Aytenov, I.S.; Ochilov, B.O.; Qulmamatova, D.E.; Salakhutdinov, I.B.; Isokulov, M.Z.; Khalillaeva, G.O.; Azimova, L.A.; Meliev, S.K. Uncovering Fusarium Species Associated with Fusarium Wilt in Chickpeas (Cicer arietinum L.) and the Identification of Significant Marker–Trait Associations for Resistance in the International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas’ Chickpea Collection Using SSR Markers. Agronomy 2024, 14, 1943.
4. Aytenov I.S., Bozorov T.A.*, Zhang D., Samadiy S.A., Muhammadova D.A., Isokulov M.Z., Murodova S.M., Zakirova O.R., Chinikulov B.K. and Sherimbetov A.G. Uncovering the Antifungal Potential of Plant-Associated Cultivable Bacteria from the Aral Sea Region against Phytopathogenic Fungi. Pathogens 2024, 13, 585.
5. Zhang J, Jiamahate A, Feng H, Bozorov TA, Zhang D, Guo J, Yang H, Zhang D. Distribution and Pathogenicity Differentiation of Physiological Races of Verticillium dahliae from Cotton Stems in Western China. Pathogens. 2024; 13(7):525.
6. Kahar G, Haxim Y, Waheed A, Bozorov TA, Liu X, Wen X, Zhao M, Zhang D. Multi-Omics approaches provide new insights into the identification of putative fungal effectors from Valsa mali. Microorganisms. 2024; 12(4):655.
7. Bozorov TA*, Toshmatov ZO, Kahar G, Muhammad SM, Liu X, Zhang D, Aytenov IS, Turakulov KS. Uncovering the antifungal activities of wild apple-associated bacteria against two canker-causing fungi, Cytospora mali and C. parasitica. Sci Rep. 2024 Mar 15;14(1):6307. doi: 10.1038/s41598-024-56969-4
8. Wen, X., Yuan, J., Bozorov, T.A., Waheed A., Kahar G., Haxim Y., Liu X., Huang L., Zhang D. An efficient screening system of disease-resistant genes from wild apple, Malus sieversii in response to Valsa mali pathogenic fungus. Plant Methods 19, 138 (2023).
9. Yang Q, Wang J, Zhang D, Feng H, Bozorov TA, Yang H and Zhang D (2023) Effects of multi-resistant ScALDH21 transgenic cotton on soil microbial communities. Front. Microbiomes 2:1248384. doi: 10.3389/frmbi.2023.1248384
10. Meliev S., Chinniqulov B., Aytenov I., Isoqulov S., Ochilov B., Shokirova D., Murodova S., Dolimov A., Turakulov Kh., Bozorov T. and Baboev S., Сharacterization of CIMMYT bread wheat germplasm for resistance to yellow rust and environmental factors. SABRAO JOURNAL of breeding and genetics, 2023. 55 (6) 1865-1877, 2023,
11. Djabbarov I, Sobirov F, Bozorov T, Turakulov K, Baboev S (2023). Aegilops L. genetic diversity in Southwestern Region of Uzbekistan. SABRAO J. Breed. Genet. 55(5): 1510-1525.
12. Meliev S.K., Turakulov Kh.S., Bozorov T.A., Melikuziev F.A., Asranova M.K. Buzrukov S.S. 2023. Impact of climate change on wheat productivity. Biological sciences of Kazakhstan. 1, 34-40. DOI:10.52301/1684-940X-2023-1-34-40.
13. Yang, H.; Yang, Q.; Zhang, D.;Wang, J.; Cao, T.; Bozorov, T.A.; Cheng, L.; Zhang, D. Transcriptome Reveals the Molecular Mechanism of the ScALDH21 Gene from the Desert Moss Syntrichia caninervis Conferring Resistance to Salt Stress in Cotton. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2023, 24, 5822.
14. Honglan Yang, Dawei Zhang, Tohir A. Bozorov, Abdul Waheed, Jiancheng Wang, Xiaoshuang Li and Zhang Daoyuan. Transgenic Technology can Accelerate Cotton Breeding: Transgenic ScALDH21 Cotton Significantly Improve Drought Tolerance in Southern and Northern Xinjiang. 2022. First online. DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.103833.
15. Jabborova, D., T. Bozorov, L. Li, A. Kistaubayeva, and D. Egamberdieva. 2021. Identification and Characterization of endophytic bacteria isolated from root nodules of lentil (Lens culinaris L.) grown on saline soils. International Journal of Biology and Chemistry 14 (2).
16. Boonmee, S., Wanasinghe, D.N., Calabon, M.S. Huanraluek N., Chandrasiri S.K.U., Jones G.E.B., Rossi W., Leonardi M., Singh S.K., Rana S., Singh P.N., Maurya D.K. Lagashetti A.C., Choudhary D., Dai Y., Zhao Ch., Mu Y., Yuan H., He Sh., Phookamsak R., Jiang H., Martín M.P., Duenas M., Telleria M.T., Kałucka I.L., Jagodziński A.M., Liimatainen K., Pereira D.S., Phillips A.J.L., Suwannarach N., Kumla J., Khuna S., Lumyong S., Potter T.B., Shivas R.G., Sparks A.H., Vaghefi N., Abdel‑Wahab M.A., Abdel‑Aziz F.A., Li G., Lin W., Singh U., Bhatt R.P., Lee H.B., Nguyen T.T.T., Kirk P.M, Dutta A.K., Acharya K., Sarma V.V., Niranjan M., Rajeshkumar K.C., Ashtekar N., Lad S., Wijayawardene N.N., Bhat D.J., Xu R., Wijesinghe S.N., Shen H., Luo Z., Zhang J., Sysouphanthong P., Thongklang N., Bao D., Aluthmuhandiram J.V.S., Abdollahzadeh J., Javadi A., Dovana F., Usman M., Khalid A.N., Dissanayake A.J., Telagathoti A., Probst M., Peintner U., Garrido‑Benavent I., Bóna L., Merény Z., Boros L., Zoltán B., Stielow J.B., Jiang N., Tian Ch., Shams E., Dehghanizadeh F., Pordel A., Javan‑Nikkhah M., Denchev T.T., Denchev C.M., Kemler M., Begerow D., Deng Ch., Harrower E., Bozorov T., Kholmuradova T., Gafforov Yu., Abdurazakov A., Xu J., Mortimer P.E., Ren G., Jeewon R., Maharachchikumbura S.S.N., Phukhamsakda Ch., Mapook A., Hyde K.D. Fungal diversity notes 1387–1511: taxonomic and phylogenetic contributions on genera and species of fungal taxa. Fungal Diversity (2021).
17. Bozorov TA*, Toshmatov ZO, Kahar G, Zhang D, Shao H and Gafforov Y (2021) Wild apple-associated fungi and bacteria compete to colonize the larval gut of an invasive wood-borer Agrilus mali in Tianshan forests. Front. Microbiol. 12:743831. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2021.743831
18. Zhang Y., Zhou P., Bozorov T.A. and Zhang D. Application of CRISPR/Cas9 technology in wild apple (Malus sieverii) for paired sites gene editing. Plant Methods 17, 79 (2021).
19. Yang H., Bozorov T.A.., Chen X., Zhang D., Wang J., Li X., Gui D., Qi Z. and Zhang D. Yield comparisons between cotton variety Xin Nong Mian 1 and its transgenic ScALDH21 lines under different water deficiencies in a desert‐oasis ecotone. Agronomy, 2021, 11(5), 1019.
20. Wang J., Yang H., Gao B., Bozorov T.A., Li X., Zhang D., and Wood A.J. Analysis and characterization of the aldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH) gene superfamily in the desert moss Syntrichia caninervis in response to abiotic stress. Environmental and Experimental Botany, 2020, 178,104176
21. Adilova Sh. Sh., Qulmamatova D.E., Baboev S.K., Bozorov T.A., A.I. Morgunov. Multivariate cluster and principle component analyses of selected yield traits in Uzbek bread wheat cultivars. American Journal of Plant Sciences, 2020, 11, 903-912.
22. Wang J., Yang H., Bozorov T.A., Albach D.C., Zhang D. Evolutionary Pattern of High Variation Traits in Subfamily Zygophylloideae (Zygophyllaceae). Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae. 2020, 89:1.
23. Zhang Y., Bozorov T.A*., Li D.X., Zhang D.Y. An efficient in vitro regeneration system from different wild apple (Malus sieversii) explants. Plant Methods, 2020, 16, 56.
24. Liu X., Li X., Ma R., Ma J., Yang H., Bozorov T.A., Li L., Zhang D. Characterization and pathogenicity of six fungal strains causing stem canker of wild apple (Malus sieversii) in the Tianshan forests, China. Forest Pathology, 2020,
25. Bozorov T.A.*, Rasulov B.A., Zhang D.Y. Characterization of the bacterial community of larval gut of invasive Agrilus mali Matsumara (Coleoptera: Buprestidae), and uncovering plant cell-wall degrading cultivable bacteria. Scientific Reports, 2019, 9: 4923.
26. Li X, Liang Y., Gao B., Mijiti M., Bozorov T.A., Yang H., Zhang D.Y. and Wood A.J. ScDREB10, an A-5c type of DREB gene of the desert moss Syntrichia caninervis, confers osmotic and salt tolerances to Arabidopsis. Genes, 2019, 10:146. doi:10.3390/genes10020146.
27. Yang H., Zhang D., Zhang D., Bozorov T.A., Abdullaev A.A., Wood A.J., Wang J., Li X., and Zhao J. Overexpressing of ALDH21 from Syntrichia caninervis moss in upland cotton enhances fibre quality and boll components traits, and physiological parameters during deficit irrigation. Crop Science. Crop Sci., 2019, 59:1–12 doi: 10.2135/cropsci2018.08.0477.
28. Bozorov T.A., Lou Zhao and Zhang D.Y. Agrilus mali Matsumara (Coleoptera: Buprestidae), a new invasive pest of wild apple in western China: DNA barcoding and life cycle. Ecology and Evolution, 2019, 9:1160–1172.
29. Bozorov T.A.*, Usmanov R.M., Yang H., Khamdullaev S.A., Musaev S., Shavkiev J., Nabiev S., Zhang D., Abdullaev A.A. Effect of water deficiency on relationships between metabolism, physiology, biomass, and yield of upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.). Journal of Arid Land, 2018, 10(3): 441–456. (corresponding author).
30. Baboev S.K., Buranov A.K., Bozorov T.A., Adilov B.S., Morgunov A.I. Studying of local wheat landraces of Uzbekistan. Journal of Agricultural Biology, 2017, 52(3), 553-560. doi10.15389.agrobiology.2017.3.553eng.
31. Bozorov T.A.*, Dinh S.T. and I.T. Baldwin. JA but not JA-Ile is the cell-nonautonomous signal activating JA mediated systemic defenses to herbivory in Nicotiana attenuata. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, 2017, 59(8), 552-571. (co-corresponding author).
32. Shavkiev J.Sh., Khamdullayev Sh.А., Nabiev S.M., Bozorov T.A., Abdishukirova S.K., Eshonkulov E.S. Chlorophyl content in leaves of cotton varieties under the conditions of optimal irrigation regime and drought. The Way of Science, 2017, 4 (48), 16-18.
33. Bozorov T.A., Usmanov R.M., Nabiev S., Shavkiev J.Sh., Hamdullaev Sh.A. Metabolome profiling during water deficiency in medium-fiber cotton varieties of Gossypium hirsutum L. species. Problems of modern science and education, 2016, 33(75), 10-12.
34. Bozorov T.A. and Baldwin I.T. Small RNAs and transcriptional regulation of plant defense responses against insect herbivory. Endocytobiosis and cell research. 2012, 22, 82-85.
35. Bozorov T.A., Baldwin I.T. and S.G. Kim. Identification and profiling of miRNAs during herbivory reveals jasmonate-dependent and -independent patterns of accumulation in Nicotiana attenuata. BMC Plant Biology, 2012, 12:209.
36. Bozorov T.A., Pandey S.P., Dinh S.T., Kim S.G., Heinrich M., Gase K. and I.T. Baldwin. Dicer-like proteins and their role in plant-herbivore interactions in Nicotiana attenuata. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 2012, 54:3, 189–206.
37. Gase K., Weinhold A., Bozorov T., Schuck S. and I.T. Baldwin. Efficient screening of transgenic plant lines for ecological research. Molecular Ecology Resources 2011 (11), 890–902.
38. Abdurakhmonov I.Y., Devor E.J., Buriev Z.T., Huang L., Makamov A., Shermatov S.E., Bozorov T., Kushanov F.N., Mavlonov G.T. and A. Abdukarimov. Annotation of small RNA and microRNA mature sequences from developing ovules of G. hirsutum L. BMC Plant Biology 2008, 8:93.