Andrea Paola Zuluaga
  • Research scientist, Universitat de Barcelona
Research fields
  • Plant science
Personal information


Ph.D. in Plant Pathology and Plant Microbe Biology, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, USA, 2011

Current position

Project manager and researcher R+D+I Biotech at Sustainable Agro Solutions, S. A., Almacelles, Spain (10/2013-present)


  1. Zuluaga, A. P., Vega‐Arreguín, J. C., Fei, Z., Ponnala, L., Lee, S. J., Matas, A. J., Patev, S., Fry, W. E. and Rose, J. K. (2015). Transcriptional dynamics of Phytophthora infestans during sequential stages of hemibiotrophic infection of tomato. Mol Plant Pathol. (Epub ahead of print)
  2. Zuluaga, A. P., Vega-Arreguin, J. C., Fei, Z., Matas, A. J., Patev, S., Fry, W. E. and Rose, J. K. (2015). Analysis of the tomato leaf transcriptome during successive hemibiotrophic stages of a compatible interaction with the oomycete pathogen Phytophthora infestans. Mol Plant Pathol. (Epub ahead of print)
  3. Zuluaga, A. P., Sole, M., Lu, H., Gongora-Castillo, E., Vaillancourt, B., Coll, N., Buell, C. R. and Valls, M. (2015). Transcriptome responses to Ralstonia solanacearum infection in the roots of the wild potato Solanum commersonii. BMC Genomics 16: 246.
  4. Cruz, A. P., Ferreira, V., Pianzzola, M. J., Siri, M. I., Coll, N. S. and Valls, M. (2014). A novel, sensitive method to evaluate potato germplasm for bacterial wilt resistance using a luminescent Ralstonia solanacearum reporter strain. Mol Plant Microbe Interact 27(3): 277-285.
  5. Zuluaga, A. P., Puigvert, M. and Valls, M. (2013). Novel plant inputs influencing Ralstonia solanacearum during infection. Front Microbiol 4: 349.
  6. Zuluaga, A. P., Vega-Arreguín, J. C. and Fry, W. E. (2013). Transcriptome profile of acibenzolar-S-methyl-induced genes in tomato suggests a complex polygenic effect on resistance to Phytophthora infestans. Physiol Mol Plant P 81: 97-106.
  7. Cai, G., Restrepo, S., Myers, K., Zuluaga, P., Danies, G., Smart, C. and Fry, W. (2013). Gene profiling in partially resistant and susceptible near-isogenic tomatoes in response to late blight in the field. Mol Plant Pathol 14(2): 171-184.
  8. Pianzzola, M. J. (2012). Manejo de enfermedades de la patata en Suramérica y su aplicación al campo europeo. Tierras de Castilla y León: Agricultura (188): 65-71.
  9. Vargas, A. M., Quesada Ocampo, L. M., Cespedes, M. C., Carreno, N., Gonzalez, A., Rojas, A., Zuluaga, A. P., Myers, K., Fry, W. E., Jimenez, P., Bernal, A. J. and Restrepo, S. (2009). Characterization of Phytophthora infestans populations in Colombia: first report of the A2 mating type. Phytopathology 99(1): 82-88.
  10. McLeod, A., Fry, B. A., Zuluaga, A. P., Myers, K. L. and Fry, W. E. (2008). Toward improvements of oomycete transformation protocols. J Eukaryot Microbiol 55(2): 103-109.
  11. Lopez, C. E., Zuluaga, A. P., Cooke, R., Delseny, M., Tohme, J. and Verdier, V. (2003). Isolation of Resistance Gene Candidates (RGCs) and characterization of an RGC cluster in cassava. Mol Genet Genomics 269(5): 658-671.
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