Ph. D in Cell Biology, University Paris XI, 2008
Current Position
Core Engineer on cytometry facility, The Institute for Integrative Biology of the Cell (I2BC), France
Publications (since 2011)
Pedroza-Garcia, J. A., Domenichini, S., Mazubert, C., Bourge, M., White, C., Hudik, E., Bounon, R., Tariq, Z., Delannoy, E., Del Olmo, I., Pineiro, M., Jarillo, J. A., Bergounioux, C., Benhamed, M. and Raynaud, C. (2016). Role of the Polymerase sub-unit DPB2 in DNA replication, cell cycle regulation and DNA damage response in Arabidopsis. Nucleic Acids Res 44(15): 7251-7266.
Chaintreuil, C., Gully, D., Hervouet, C., Tittabutr, P., Randriambanona, H., Brown, S. C., Lewis, G. P., Bourge, M., Cartieaux, F., Boursot, M., Ramanankierana, H., D'Hont, A., Teaumroong, N., Giraud, E. and Arrighi, J. F. (2016). The evolutionary dynamics of ancient and recent polyploidy in the African semiaquatic species of the legume genus Aeschynomene. New Phytol 211(3): 1077-1091.
Guefrachi, I., Pierre, O., Timchenko, T., Alunni, B., Barriere, Q., Czernic, P., Villaecija-Aguilar, J. A., Verly, C., Bourge, M., Fardoux, J., Mars, M., Kondorosi, E., Giraud, E. and Mergaert, P. (2015). Bradyrhizobium BclA Is a Peptide Transporter Required for Bacterial Differentiation in Symbiosis with Aeschynomene Legumes. Mol Plant Microbe Interact 28(11): 1155-1166.
Maisonnasse, P., Bouguyon, E., Piton, G., Ezquerra, A., Urien, C., Deloizy, C., Bourge, M., Leplat, J. J., Simon, G., Chevalier, C., Vincent-Naulleau, S., Crisci, E., Montoya, M., Schwartz-Cornil, I. and Bertho, N. (2016). The respiratory DC/macrophage network at steady-state and upon influenza infection in the swine biomedical model. Mucosal Immunol 9(4): 835-849.
Jegu, T., Domenichini, S., Blein, T., Ariel, F., Christ, A., Kim, S. K., Crespi, M., Boutet-Mercey, S., Mouille, G., Bourge, M., Hirt, H., Bergounioux, C., Raynaud, C. and Benhamed, M. (2015). A SWI/SNF Chromatin Remodelling Protein Controls Cytokinin Production through the Regulation of Chromatin Architecture. PLoS One 10(10): e0138276.
Hajrudinovic, A., Siljak-Yakovlev, S., Brown, S. C., Pustahija, F., Bourge, M., Ballian, D. and Bogunic, F. (2015). When sexual meets apomict: genome size, ploidy level and reproductive mode variation of Sorbus aria s.l. and S. austriaca (Rosaceae) in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Ann Bot 116(2): 301-312.
Vu Manh, T. P., Elhmouzi-Younes, J., Urien, C., Ruscanu, S., Jouneau, L., Bourge, M., Moroldo, M., Foucras, G., Salmon, H., Marty, H., Quere, P., Bertho, N., Boudinot, P., Dalod, M. and Schwartz-Cornil, I. (2015). Defining Mononuclear Phagocyte Subset Homology Across Several Distant Warm-Blooded Vertebrates Through Comparative Transcriptomics. Front Immunol 6: 299.
Bourbousse, C., Mestiri, I., Zabulon, G., Bourge, M., Formiggini, F., Koini, M. A., Brown, S. C., Fransz, P., Bowler, C. and Barneche, F. (2015). Light signaling controls nuclear architecture reorganization during seedling establishment. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 112(21): E2836-2844.
Bourge, M., Fort, C., Soler, M. N., Satiat-Jeunemaitre, B. and Brown, S. C. (2015). A pulse-chase strategy combining click-EdU and photoconvertible fluorescent reporter: tracking Golgi protein dynamics during the cell cycle. New Phytol 205(2): 938-950.
Marquet, F., Vu Manh, T. P., Maisonnasse, P., Elhmouzi-Younes, J., Urien, C., Bouguyon, E., Jouneau, L., Bourge, M., Simon, G., Ezquerra, A., Lecardonnel, J., Bonneau, M., Dalod, M., Schwartz-Cornil, I. and Bertho, N. (2014). Pig skin includes dendritic cell subsets transcriptomically related to human CD1a and CD14 dendritic cells presenting different migrating behaviors and T cell activation capacities. J Immunol 193(12): 5883-5893.
Hudik, E., Yoshioka, Y., Domenichini, S., Bourge, M., Soubigout-Taconnat, L., Mazubert, C., Yi, D., Bujaldon, S., Hayashi, H., De Veylder, L., Bergounioux, C., Benhamed, M. and Raynaud, C. (2014). Chloroplast dysfunction causes multiple defects in cell cycle progression in the Arabidopsis crumpled leaf mutant. Plant Physiol 166(1): 152-167.
Pirrello, J., Bourdon, M., Cheniclet, C., Bourge, M., Brown, S. C., Renaudin, J. P., Frangne, N. and Chevalier, C. (2014). How fruit developmental biology makes use of flow cytometry approaches. Cytometry A 85(2): 115-125.
Pineau, B., Bourge, M., Marion, J., Mauve, C., Gilard, F., Maneta-Peyret, L., Moreau, P., Satiat-Jeunemaitre, B., Brown, S. C., De Paepe, R. and Danon, A. (2013). The importance of cardiolipin synthase for mitochondrial ultrastructure, respiratory function, plant development, and stress responses in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell 25(10): 4195-4208.
Ruscanu, S., Jouneau, L., Urien, C., Bourge, M., Lecardonnel, J., Moroldo, M., Loup, B., Dalod, M., Elhmouzi-Younes, J., Bevilacqua, C., Hope, J., Vitour, D., Zientara, S., Meyer, G. and Schwartz-Cornil, I. (2013). Dendritic cell subtypes from lymph nodes and blood show contrasted gene expression programs upon Bluetongue virus infection. J Virol 87(16): 9333-9343.
Jegu, T., Latrasse, D., Delarue, M., Mazubert, C., Bourge, M., Hudik, E., Blanchet, S., Soler, M. N., Charon, C., De Veylder, L., Raynaud, C., Bergounioux, C. and Benhamed, M. (2013). Multiple functions of Kip-related protein5 connect endoreduplication and cell elongation. Plant Physiol 161(4): 1694-1705.
Contreras, V., Urien, C., Jouneau, L., Bourge, M., Bouet-Cararo, C., Bonneau, M., Zientara, S., Klonjkowski, B. and Schwartz-Cornil, I. (2012). Canine recombinant adenovirus vector induces an immunogenicity-related gene expression profile in skin-migrated CD11b(+) -type DCs. PLoS One 7(12): e52513.
Dufay Wojcicki, A., Hillaireau, H., Nascimento, T. L., Arpicco, S., Taverna, M., Ribes, S., Bourge, M., Nicolas, V., Bochot, A., Vauthier, C., Tsapis, N. and Fattal, E. (2012). Hyaluronic acid-bearing lipoplexes: physico-chemical characterization and in vitro targeting of the CD44 receptor. J Control Release 162(3): 545-552.
Domenichini, S., Benhamed, M., De Jaeger, G., Van De Slijke, E., Blanchet, S., Bourge, M., De Veylder, L., Bergounioux, C. and Raynaud, C. (2012). Evidence for a role of Arabidopsis CDT1 proteins in gametophyte development and maintenance of genome integrity. Plant Cell 24(7): 2779-2791.
Bourdon, M., Pirrello, J., Cheniclet, C., Coriton, O., Bourge, M., Brown, S., Moise, A., Peypelut, M., Rouyere, V., Renaudin, J. P., Chevalier, C. and Frangne, N. (2012). Evidence for karyoplasmic homeostasis during endoreduplication and a ploidy-dependent increase in gene transcription during tomato fruit growth. Development 139(20): 3817-3826.
Ruscanu, S., Pascale, F., Bourge, M., Hemati, B., Elhmouzi-Younes, J., Urien, C., Bonneau, M., Takamatsu, H., Hope, J., Mertens, P., Meyer, G., Stewart, M., Roy, P., Meurs, E. F., Dabo, S., Zientara, S., Breard, E., Sailleau, C., Chauveau, E., Vitour, D., Charley, B. and Schwartz-Cornil, I. (2012). The double-stranded RNA bluetongue virus induces type I interferon in plasmacytoid dendritic cells via a MYD88-dependent TLR7/8-independent signaling pathway. J Virol 86(10): 5817-5828.
Janski, N., Masoud, K., Batzenschlager, M., Herzog, E., Evrard, J. L., Houlne, G., Bourge, M., Chaboute, M. E. and Schmit, A. C. (2012). The GCP3-interacting proteins GIP1 and GIP2 are required for gamma-tubulin complex protein localization, spindle integrity, and chromosomal stability. Plant Cell 24(3): 1171-1187.
Perazza, D., Laporte, F., Balague, C., Chevalier, F., Remo, S., Bourge, M., Larkin, J., Herzog, M. and Vachon, G. (2011). GeBP/GPL transcription factors regulate a subset of CPR5-dependent processes. Plant Physiol 157(3): 1232-1242.
Aubert, A., Marion, J., Boulogne, C., Bourge, M., Abreu, S., Bellec, Y., Faure, J. D. and Satiat-Jeunemaitre, B. (2011). Sphingolipids involvement in plant endomembrane differentiation: the BY2 case. Plant J 65(6): 958-971.
Argout, X., Salse, J., Aury, J. M., Guiltinan, M. J., Droc, G., Gouzy, J., Allegre, M., Chaparro, C., Legavre, T., Maximova, S. N., Abrouk, M., Murat, F., Fouet, O., Poulain, J., Ruiz, M., Roguet, Y., Rodier-Goud, M., Barbosa-Neto, J. F., Sabot, F., Kudrna, D., Ammiraju, J. S., Schuster, S. C., Carlson, J. E., Sallet, E., Schiex, T., Dievart, A., Kramer, M., Gelley, L., Shi, Z., Berard, A., Viot, C., Boccara, M., Risterucci, A. M., Guignon, V., Sabau, X., Axtell, M. J., Ma, Z., Zhang, Y., Brown, S., Bourge, M., Golser, W., Song, X., Clement, D., Rivallan, R., Tahi, M., Akaza, J. M., Pitollat, B., Gramacho, K., D'Hont, A., Brunel, D., Infante, D., Kebe, I., Costet, P., Wing, R., McCombie, W. R., Guiderdoni, E., Quetier, F., Panaud, O., Wincker, P., Bocs, S. and Lanaud, C. (2011). The genome of Theobroma cacao. Nat Genet 43(2): 101-108.
Bourge, M., Tlili, A., Dupre-Crochet, S., Nusse, O. and Sulpice, J. C. (2010). Amiloride derivatives modulate PS externalization in neutrophil-like PLB-985 cells. Biochem Pharmacol 80(7): 1012-1020.
Van de Velde, W., Zehirov, G., Szatmari, A., Debreczeny, M., Ishihara, H., Kevei, Z., Farkas, A., Mikulass, K., Nagy, A., Tiricz, H., Satiat-Jeunemaitre, B., Alunni, B., Bourge, M., Kucho, K., Abe, M., Kereszt, A., Maroti, G., Uchiumi, T., Kondorosi, E. and Mergaert, P. (2010). Plant peptides govern terminal differentiation of bacteria in symbiosis. Science 327(5969): 1122-1126.