Ph.D. in Molecular Parasitology, Université Libre de Bruxelles, 1986
Director of Research 1st class CNRS, Team Leader at TIMC-IMAG, UMR5525 Université Grenoble Alpes – CNRS, Grenoble, France
Amiar, S., MacRae, J. I., Callahan, D. L., Dubois, D., van Dooren, G. G., Shears, M. J., Cesbron-Delauw, M. F., Marechal, E., McConville, M. J., McFadden, G. I., Yamaryo-Botte, Y. and Botte, C. Y. (2016). Apicoplast-Localized Lysophosphatidic Acid Precursor Assembly Is Required for Bulk Phospholipid Synthesis in Toxoplasma gondii and Relies on an Algal/Plant-Like Glycerol 3-Phosphate Acyltransferase. PLoS Pathog 12(8): e1005765.
Lopez, J., Bittame, A., Massera, C., Vasseur, V., Effantin, G., Valat, A., Buaillon, C., Allart, S., Fox, B. A., Rommereim, L. M., Bzik, D. J., Schoehn, G., Weissenhorn, W., Dubremetz, J. F., Gagnon, J., Mercier, C., Cesbron-Delauw, M. F. and Blanchard, N. (2015). Intravacuolar Membranes Regulate CD8 T Cell Recognition of Membrane-Bound Toxoplasma gondii Protective Antigen. Cell Rep 13(10): 2273-2286.
Bittame, A., Effantin, G., Petre, G., Ruffiot, P., Travier, L., Schoehn, G., Weissenhorn, W., Cesbron-Delauw, M. F., Gagnon, J. and Mercier, C. (2015). Toxoplasma gondii: biochemical and biophysical characterization of recombinant soluble dense granule proteins GRA2 and GRA6. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 459(1): 107-112.
Mercier, C. and Cesbron-Delauw, M. F. (2015). Toxoplasma secretory granules: one population or more? Trends Parasitol 31(2): 60-71.
Cavailles, P., Flori, P., Papapietro, O., Bisanz, C., Lagrange, D., Pilloux, L., Massera, C., Cristinelli, S., Jublot, D., Bastien, O., Loeuillet, C., Aldebert, D., Touquet, B., Fournie, G. J. and Cesbron-Delauw, M. F. (2014). A highly conserved Toxo1 haplotype directs resistance to toxoplasmosis and its associated caspase-1 dependent killing of parasite and host macrophage. PLoS Pathog 10(4): e1004005.
Witola, W. H., Liu, S. R., Montpetit, A., Welti, R., Hypolite, M., Roth, M., Zhou, Y., Mui, E., Cesbron-Delauw, M. F., Fournie, G. J., Cavailles, P., Bisanz, C., Boyer, K., Withers, S., Noble, A. G., Swisher, C. N., Heydemann, P. T., Rabiah, P., Muench, S. P. and McLeod, R. (2014). ALOX12 in human toxoplasmosis. Infect Immun 82(7): 2670-2679.
Saidani, N., Botte, C. Y., Deligny, M., Bonneau, A. L., Reader, J., Lasselin, R., Merer, G., Niepceron, A., Brossier, F., Cintrat, J. C., Rousseau, B., Birkholtz, L. M., Cesbron-Delauw, M. F., Dubremetz, J. F., Mercier, C., Vial, H., Lopez, R. and Marechal, E. (2014). Discovery of compounds blocking the proliferation of Toxoplasma gondii and Plasmodium falciparum in a chemical space based on piperidinyl-benzimidazolone analogs. Antimicrob Agents Chemother 58(5): 2586-2597.
Lebrun M., Carruthers V. and Cesbron-Delauw, M. F. (2013). Toxoplasma Secretory Proteins and their Roles in Cell invasion and Intracellular Survival. In: Weiss, L. M. and Kim, K. (eds). Toxoplasma gondii. The Model Apicomplexan- Perspectives and Methods, 380-455. Academic Press, London.
Azzouz, N., Kamena, F., Laurino, P., Kikkeri, R., Mercier, C., Cesbron-Delauw, M. F., Dubremetz, J. F., De Cola, L. and Seeberger, P. H. (2013). Toxoplasma gondii secretory proteins bind to sulfated heparin structures. Glycobiology 23(1): 106-120.
Persat, F., Mercier, C., Ficheux, D., Colomb, E., Trouillet, S., Bendridi, N., Musset, K., Loeuillet, C., Cesbron-Delauw, M. F. and Vincent, C. (2012). A synthetic peptide derived from the parasite Toxoplasma gondii triggers human dendritic cells' migration. J Leukoc Biol 92(6): 1241-1250.
Hester, J., Mullins, J., Sa, Q., Payne, L., Mercier, C., Cesbron-Delauw, M. F. and Suzuki, Y. (2012). Toxoplasma gondii antigens recognized by IgG antibodies differ between mice with and without active proliferation of tachyzoites in the brain during the chronic stage of infection. Infect Immun 80(10): 3611-3620.
Camara, D., Bisanz, C., Barette, C., Van Daele, J., Human, E., Barnard, B., Van der Straeten, D., Stove, C. P., Lambert, W. E., Douce, R., Marechal, E., Birkholtz, L. M., Cesbron-Delauw, M. F., Dumas, R. and Rebeille, F. (2012). Inhibition of p-aminobenzoate and folate syntheses in plants and apicomplexan parasites by natural product rubreserine. J Biol Chem 287(26): 22367-22376.
Mercier, C. and Delauw M. F. (2012). Safe living within a parasitophorous vacuole: the recipe of success by Toxoplasma gondii. In: Ghigo, E., Mottola, G. and Mege, J-L. (eds). Host-Pathogen interaction: At the frontier of cellular microbiology. Transworld Res. Network, Kerala, India. pp 217-250.
Muniz-Hernandez, S., Carmen, M. G., Mondragon, M., Mercier, C., Cesbron, M. F., Mondragon-Gonzalez, S. L., Gonzalez, S. and Mondragon, R. (2011). Contribution of the residual body in the spatial organization of Toxoplasma gondii tachyzoites within the parasitophorous vacuole. J Biomed Biotechnol 2011: 473983.
Aldebert, D., Hypolite, M., Cavailles, P., Touquet, B., Flori, P., Loeuillet, C. and Cesbron-Delauw, M. F. (2011). Development of high-throughput methods to quantify cysts of Toxoplasma gondii. Cytometry A 79(11): 952-958.
Fox, B. A., Falla, A., Rommereim, L. M., Tomita, T., Gigley, J. P., Mercier, C., Cesbron-Delauw, M. F., Weiss, L. M. and Bzik, D. J. (2011). Type II Toxoplasma gondii KU80 knockout strains enable functional analysis of genes required for cyst development and latent infection. Eukaryot Cell 10(9): 1193-1206.
Witola, W. H., Mui, E., Hargrave, A., Liu, S., Hypolite, M., Montpetit, A., Cavailles, P., Bisanz, C., Cesbron-Delauw, M. F., Fournie, G. J. and McLeod, R. (2011). NALP1 influences susceptibility to human congenital toxoplasmosis, proinflammatory cytokine response, and fate of Toxoplasma gondii-infected monocytic cells. Infect Immun 79(2): 756-766.
Loeuillet, C., Lemaire-Vieille, C., Naquet, P., Cesbron-Delauw, M. F., Gagnon, J. and Cesbron, J. Y. (2010). Prion replication in the hematopoietic compartment is not required for neuroinvasion in scrapie mouse model. PLoS One 5(10).
Loeuillet, C., Boelle, P. Y., Lemaire-Vieille, C., Baldazza, M., Naquet, P., Chambon, P., Cesbron-Delauw, M. F., Valleron, A. J., Gagnon, J. and Cesbron, J. Y. (2010). Sex effect in mouse and human prion disease. J Infect Dis 202(4): 648-654.
Gendrin, C., Bittame, A., Mercier, C. and Cesbron-Delauw, M. F. (2010). Post-translational membrane sorting of the Toxoplasma gondii GRA6 protein into the parasite-containing vacuole is driven by its N-terminal domain. Int J Parasitol 40(11): 1325-1334.
Mercier, C., Travier, L., Bittame, A., Gendrin, C. and Cesbron-Delauw, M. F. (2010). The dense granule proteins of Toxoplasma gondii. In: De Bruyn, O. and Peeters, S. (eds). Parasitology Research Trends. Nova Science Publishers, pp 1-31.