Bharath Kumar
  • Department of Agronomy, Iowa State University, USA
Personal information


Ph. D. in Plant Breeding and Genetics, Iowa State University, Ames, IA, USA, 2013

Current position

Technical Agronomist in DEKALB/Asgrow National Brands, Monsanto


  1. Abdel-Ghani, A. H., Hu, S., Chen, Y., Brenner, E. A., Kumar, B., Blanco, M. and Lübberstedt, T. (2016). Genetic architecture of plant height in maize phenotype-selected introgression families. Plant Breeding.

  2. Jansen, C., Zhang, Y., Liu, H., Gonzalez-Portilla, P. J., Lauter, N., Kumar, B., Trucillo-Silva, I., Martin, J. P., Lee, M., Simcox, K., Schussler, J., Dhugga, K. and Lubberstedt, T. (2015). Genetic and agronomic assessment of cob traits in corn under low and normal nitrogen management conditions. Theor Appl Genet 128(7): 1231-1242.

  3. Abdel-Ghani, A. H., Kumar, B., Pace, J., Jansen, C., Gonzalez-Portilla, P. J., Reyes-Matamoros, J., San Martin, J. P., Lee, M. and Lubberstedt, T. (2015). Association analysis of genes involved in maize (Zea mays L.) root development with seedling and agronomic traits under contrasting nitrogen levels. Plant Mol Biol 88(1-2): 133-147.

  4. Kumara, B., Abdel-Ghanib, A. H., Pacea, J., Reyes-Matamorosc, J., Hochholdingerd, Frank. and Lübberstedta, T. (2014). Association analysis of single nucleotide polymorphisms in candidate genes with root traits in maize (Zea mays L.) seedlings. Plant Science 224: 9-19.

  5. Abdel-Ghani, A. H., Kumar, B., Reyes-Matamoros, J., Gonzalez-Portilla, P. J., Jansen, C., San Martin, J. P., Lee, M. and Lubberstedt, T. (2013). Genotypic variation and relationships between seedling and adult plant traits in maize (Zea mays L.) inbred lines grown under contrasting nitrogen levels. Euphytica 189: 123-133.

  6. Kumer, B., Abdel-Ghani, A. H., Reyes-Matamoros, J., Hochholdinger, F. and Lubberstedt, T. (2012). Genotypic variation for root architecture traits in seedlings of maize (Zea mays L.) inbred lines. Plant Breeding 131: 465-478.

  7. Sathyanarayana, N., Vikas, P. B., Kumar, T. N. B. and Rajesha, R. (2010). RAPD markers for genetic characterization in Mucuna species. The Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding 70(3): 296-298.

  8. Hong, Y., Devaiah, S. P., Bahn, S. C., Thamasandra, B. N., Li, M., Welti, R. and Wang, X. (2009). Phospholipase D epsilon and phosphatidic acid enhance Arabidopsis nitrogen signaling and growth. Plant J 58(3): 376-387.

  9. Sathyanarayana, N., Kumar, T. N. B., Vikas, P. B. and Rajesha, R. (2008). In vitro clonal propagation of Mucuna pruriens var. utilis and its evaluation of genetic stability through RAPD markers. African Journal of Biotechnology 7(8): 973-980.

  10. Sathyanarayana, N., Rajesha, R., Vikas, P. B. and Kumar, T. N. B. (2008). Somatic embryogenesis and plant regeneration from stem explants of Leptadenia reticulata (Retz.) Wight. & Arn. Indian Journal of Biotechnology 7(2): 250-254.

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