Ph.D., University of Cambridge, UK
Current position
Research associate, IRCM, Montreal, Canada
Montamat-Sicotte, D., Litzler, L. C., Abreu, C., Safavi, S., Zahn, A., Orthwein, A., Muschen, M., Oppezzo, P., Munoz, D. P. and Di Noia, J. M. (2015). HSP90 inhibitors decrease AID levels and activity in mice and in human cells. Eur J Immunol 45(8): 2365-2376.
Methot, S. P., Litzler, L. C., Trajtenberg, F., Zahn, A., Robert, F., Pelletier, J., Buschiazzo, A., Magor, B. G. and Di Noia, J. M. (2015). Consecutive interactions with HSP90 and eEF1A underlie a functional maturation and storage pathway of AID in the cytoplasm. J Exp Med 212(4): 581-596.
Collin, R., Dugas, V., Chabot-Roy, G., Salem, D., Zahn, A., Di Noia, J. M., Rauch, J. and Lesage, S. (2015). Autoimmunity and antibody affinity maturation are modulated by genetic variants on mouse chromosome 12. J Autoimmun 58: 90-99.
Zahn, A., Eranki, A. K., Patenaude, A. M., Methot, S. P., Fifield, H., Cortizas, E. M., Foster, P., Imai, K., Durandy, A., Larijani, M., Verdun, R. E. and Di Noia, J. M. (2014). Activation induced deaminase C-terminal domain links DNA breaks to end protection and repair during class switch recombination. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 111(11): E988-997.
Cortizas, E. M., Zahn, A., Hajjar, M. E., Patenaude, A. M., Di Noia, J. M. and Verdun, R. E. (2013). Alternative end-joining and classical nonhomologous end-joining pathways repair different types of double-strand breaks during class-switch recombination. J Immunol 191(11): 5751-5763.
Zahn, A., Daugan, M., Safavi, S., Godin, D., Cheong, C., Lamarre, A. and Di Noia, J. M. (2013). Separation of function between isotype switching and affinity maturation in vivo during acute immune responses and circulating autoantibodies in UNG-deficient mice. J Immunol 190(12): 5949-5960.
Orthwein, A., Zahn, A., Methot, S. P., Godin, D., Conticello, S. G., Terada, K. and Di Noia, J. M. (2012). Optimal functional levels of activation-induced deaminase specifically require the Hsp40 DnaJa1. EMBO J 31(3): 679-691.
Zahn, A., Li, C., Danso, K., Candotti, D., Owusu-Ofori, S., Temple, J. and Allain, J. P. (2008). Molecular characterization of occult hepatitis B virus in genotype E-infected subjects. J Gen Virol 89(Pt 2): 409-418.
Zahn, A. and Allain, J. P. (2005). Hepatitis C virus and hepatitis B virus bind to heparin: purification of largely IgG-free virions from infected plasma by heparin chromatography. J Gen Virol 86(Pt 3): 677-685.
Zahn, A. and Allain, J. P. (2005). Hepatitis C virus and hepatitis B virus bind to heparin: purification of largely IgG-free virions from infected plasma by heparin chromatography. J Gen Virol 86(Pt 3): 677-685.
Zahn, A., Furlong, L. I., Biancotti, J. C., Ghiringhelli, P. D., Marijn-Briggiler, C. I. and Vazquez-Levin, M. H. (2002). Evaluation of the proacrosin/acrosin system and its mechanism of activation in human sperm extracts. J Reprod Immunol 54(1-2): 43-63.