D.S. in Biophysics, London University, 1991
Current position
Emeritus Professor, Institute of Food Research, Norwich, United Kingdom
Liu, D., Wellner, N., Parker, M. L., Morris, V. J. and Cheng, F. (2015). In situ mapping of the effect of additional mutations on starch granule structure in amylose-extender (ae) maize kernels. Carbohydr Polym 118: 199-208.
Posé, S., Kirby, A. R., Paniagua, C., Waldron, K. W., Morris, V. J., Quesada, M. A. and Mercado, J. A. (2015). The nanostructural characterization of strawberry pectins in pectate lyase or polygalacturonase silenced fruits elucidates their role in softening. Carbohydr Polym 132: 134-145.
Paniagua, C., Posé, S., Morris, V. J., Kirby, A. R., Quesada, M. A. and Mercado, J. A. (2014). Fruit softening and pectin disassembly: an overview of nanostructural pectin modifications assessed by atomic force microscopy. Ann Bot 114(6): 1375-1383.
Gunning, A. P., Pin, C. and Morris, V. J. (2013). Galectin 3-beta-galactobiose interactions. Carbohydr Polym 92(1): 529-533.
Gunning A. P., Kirby A. R., Wilde P. J., Penfold R., Woodward N. C., Morris V. J. (2013). Probing the role of interfacial rheology in the relaxation behaviour between deformable oil droplets using force spectroscopy. Soft Matter 9 (48): 11473-11479.
Liu, D., Parker, M. L., Wellner, N., Kirby, A. R., Cross, K., Morris, V. J. and Cheng, F. (2013). Structural variability between starch granules in wild type and in ae high-amylose mutant maize kernels. Carbohydr Polym 97(2): 458-468.
Morris V. J., Belshaw N. J., Waldron K. W., Maxwell E. G. (2013). The bioactivity of modified pectin fragments. Bioactive Carbohydrates and Dietary Fibre 1 (1): 21-37.
Westwood, M., Kirby, A. R., Parker, R. and Morris, V. J. (2012). Combined QCMD and AFM studies of lysozyme and poly-L-lysine-poly-galacturonic acid multilayers. Carbohydr Polym 89(4): 1222-1231.
Pose, S., Kirby, A. R., Mercado, J. A. (2012). Structural characterization of cell wall pectin fractions in ripe strawberry fruits using AFM. Carbohyd Polym 88: 882-890.
Maxwell, E. G., Belshaw, N. J., Waldron, K. W., Morris, V. J. (2012). Pectin - An emerging new bioactive food polysaccharide. Trends Food Sci Tech 24: 64-73.
Julia, M. V., Wilde, P. J., Mulholland, F. (2012). Protein unfolding at fluid interfaces and its effect on proteolysis in the stomach. Soft Matter 8: 4402-4414.
Gulrez, S. K. H., Saphwan, A. A. and Fang, Y. (2012). Revisiting the conformation of xanthan and the effect of industrially relevant treatments. Carbohydr Polym 90: 1235-1243.
Agbenorhevi, J. K., Kontogiorgos, V., Kirby, A. R. (2011). Rheological and microstructural investigation of oat beta-glucan isolates varying in molecular weight. Int J Biol Macromol 49: 369-377.
Blanc, F., Vissers, Y. M., Adel-Patient, K., Rigby, N. M., Mackie, A. R., Gunning, A. P., Wellner, N. K., Skov, P. S., Przybylski-Nicaise, L., Ballmer-Weber, B., Zuidmeer-Jongejan, L., Szepfalusi, Z., Ruinemans-Koerts, J., Jansen, A. P., Bernard, H., Wal, J. M., Savelkoul, H. F., Wichers, H. J. and Mills, E. N. (2011). Boiling peanut Ara h 1 results in the formation of aggregates with reduced allergenicity. Mol Nutr Food Res 55(12): 1887-1894.
Morris, V. J. (2011). Emerging roles of engineered nanomaterials in the food industry. Trends Biotechnol 29(10): 509-516.
Hassan, N., Maldonado-Valderrama, J., Gunning, A. P., Morris, V. J. and Ruso, J. M. (2011). Investigating the effect of an arterial hypertension drug on the structural properties of plasma protein. Colloids Surf B Biointerfaces 87(2): 489-497.
Hassan, N., Maldonado-Valderrama, J., Gunning, A. P., Morris, V. J. and Ruso, J. M. (2011). Surface characterization and AFM imaging of mixed fibrinogen-surfactant films. J Phys Chem B 115(19): 6304-6311.
Morris, V. J.,Gromer, A., Kirby, A. R. (2011). Using AFM and force spectroscopy to determine pectin structure and (bio) functionality. Food Hydrocolloid 25: 230-237.
Morris, V. J., Woodward, N. C. and Gunning, A. P. (2011). Atomic force microscopy as a nanoscience tool in rational food design. J Sci Food Agric 91(12): 2117-2125.
Gunning, A. P., Kirby, A. R., Parker, M. L. (2010). Utilizing atomic force microscopy in Food Research. Food Technology 64: 32-37.
Woodward, N. C., Gunning, A. P., Maldonado-Valderrama, J., Wilde, P. J. and Morris, V. J. (2010). Probing the in situ competitive displacement of protein by nonionic surfactant using atomic force microscopy. Langmuir 26(15): 12560-12566.
Chu, B. S., Gunning, A. P., Rich, G. T., Ridout, M. J., Faulks, R. M., Wickham, M. S., Morris, V. J. and Wilde, P. J. (2010). Adsorption of bile salts and pancreatic colipase and lipase onto digalactosyldiacylglycerol and dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine monolayers. Langmuir 26(12): 9782-9793.
Lalor, R., Gunning, A. P., Morris, V. J. and Matthews, S. E. (2010). Taking multicalixarenes into the nanoworld: first third-generation calixarene dendrimer. Chem Commun (Camb) 46(45): 8665-8667.
Julia, M. V., Gunning, A. P., Wilde, P. J. (2010). In vitro gastric digestion of interfacial protein structures: visualisation by AFM. Soft Matter 6: 4908-4915.
Maldonado-Valderrama, J., Miller, R., Fainerman, V. B., Wilde, P. J. and Morris, V. J. (2010). Effect of gastric conditions on beta-lactoglobulin interfacial networks: influence of the oil phase on protein structure. Langmuir 26(20): 15901-15908.
Round, A. N., Rigby, N. M., MacDougall, A. J., Morris, V. J. (2010). A new view of pectin structure revealed by acid hydrolysis and atomic force microscopy. Carbohyd Res 345: 487-497.
Gromer, A., Penfold, R., Gunning, A. P., Kirby, A. R., Morris, V. J. (2010). Molecular basis of the emulsifying properties of sugar beet pectin studied by atomic force microscopy and force spectroscopy. Soft Matter 6 (2010): 3957–3969.