Ph.D. in Life Sciences, French Blood Center, University of Besançon, 2001, France
Current position
CNRS Researcher in Parasitology, LAPM, UMR CNRS 5163, Grenoble 1 University, France
Yazdanparast, E., Dos Anjos, A., Garcia, D., Loeuillet, C., Shahbazkia, H. R. and Vergnes, B. (2014). INsPECT, an open-source and versatile software for automated quantification of (Leishmania) intracellular parasites. PLoS Negl Trop Dis 8(5): e2850.
Cavailles, P., Flori, P., Papapietro, O., Bisanz, C., Lagrange, D., Pilloux, L., Massera, C., Cristinelli, S., Jublot, D., Bastien, O., Loeuillet, C., Aldebert, D., Touquet, B., Fournie, G. J. and Cesbron-Delauw, M. F. (2014). A highly conserved Toxo1 haplotype directs resistance to toxoplasmosis and its associated caspase-1 dependent killing of parasite and host macrophage. PLoS Pathog 10(4): e1004005.
Lemaire-Vieille, C., Bailly, Y., Erlich, P., Loeuillet, C., Brocard, J., Haeberle, A. M., Bombarde, G., Rak, C., Demais, V., Dumestre-Perard, C., Gagnon, J. and Cesbron, J. Y. (2013). Ataxia with cerebellar lesions in mice expressing chimeric PrP-Dpl protein. J Neurosci 33(4): 1391-1399.
Persat, F., Mercier, C., Ficheux, D., Colomb, E., Trouillet, S., Bendridi, N., Musset, K., Loeuillet, C., Cesbron-Delauw, M. F. and Vincent, C. (2012). A synthetic peptide derived from the parasite Toxoplasma gondii triggers human dendritic cells' migration. J Leukoc Biol 92(6): 1241-1250.
Aldebert, D., Hypolite, M., Cavailles, P., Touquet, B., Flori, P., Loeuillet, C. and Cesbron-Delauw, M. F. (2011). Development of high-throughput methods to quantify cysts of Toxoplasma gondii. Cytometry A 79(11): 952-958.
Loeuillet, C., Lemaire-Vieille, C., Naquet, P., Cesbron-Delauw, M. F., Gagnon, J. and Cesbron, J. Y. (2010). Prion replication in the hematopoietic compartment is not required for neuroinvasion in scrapie mouse model. PLoS One 5(10).
Loeuillet, C., Boelle, P. Y., Lemaire-Vieille, C., Baldazza, M., Naquet, P., Chambon, P., Cesbron-Delauw, M. F., Valleron, A. J., Gagnon, J. and Cesbron, J. Y. (2010). Sex effect in mouse and human prion disease. J Infect Dis 202(4): 648-654.
Mayol, J. F., Loeuillet, C., Herodin, F. and Wion, D. (2009). Characterisation of normal and cancer stem cells: one experimental paradigm for two kinds of stem cells. Bioessays 31(9): 993-1001.
Kazadi, K., Loeuillet, C., Deutsch, S., Ciuffi, A., Munoz, M., Beckmann, J. S., Moradpour, D., Antonarakis, S. E. and Telenti, A. (2008). Genomic determinants of the efficiency of internal ribosomal entry sites of viral and cellular origin. Nucleic Acids Res 36(21): 6918-6925.
Loeuillet, C., Deutsch, S., Ciuffi, A., Robyr, D., Taffe, P., Munoz, M., Beckmann, J. S., Antonarakis, S. E. and Telenti, A. (2008). In vitro whole-genome analysis identifies a susceptibility locus for HIV-1. PLoS Biol 6(2): e32.
Loeuillet, C., Soranzo, N., Deutsch, S., Weale, M., Wyniger, J., Lettre, G., Lakshman, S., Thuillard, D., Beckmann, J. S., Antonarakis, S. E., Goldstein, D. B., Telenti, A. (2007). Characterization of ABCB1 allelic expression. Phar Macogenet Genomics 17(11): 951-9.
Loeuillet, C., Martinon, F., Perez, C., Munoz, M., Thome, M. and Meylan, P. R. (2006). Mycobacterium tuberculosis subverts innate immunity to evade specific effectors. J Immunol 177(9): 6245-6255.
Ciuffi, A., Bleiber, G., Munoz, M., Martinez, R., Loeuillet, C., Rehr, M., Fischer, M., Gunthard, H. F., Oxenius, A., Meylan, P., Bonhoeffer, S., Trono, D. and Telenti, A. (2004). Entry and transcription as key determinants of differences in CD4 T-cell permissiveness to human immunodeficiency virus type 1 infection. J Virol 78(19): 10747-10754.
Chalmers, D., Loeuillet, C., Herve, P., Kobari, L., Giarratana, M. C., Douay, L.(2003).Re-introduction of IGF-11 into immortalised human stromal cell lines to examine its effects on haematopoiesis. Exp. Hematol. 31 (7): 202-202.
Loeuillet, C., Douay, L., Herve, P. and Chalmers, D. E. (2001). Preservation of the myofibroblastic phenotype of human papilloma virus 16 E6/E7 immortalized human bone marrow cells using the lineage limited alpha-smooth muscle actin promoter. Cell Growth Differ 12(5): 233-242.
Loeuillet, C., Bernard, G., Remy-Martin, J., Saas, P., Herve, P., Douay, L. and Chalmers, D. (2001). Distinct hematopoietic support by two human stromal cell lines. Exp Hematol 29(6): 736-745.