Ph.D, Department of Biosciences, University of Oslo, Norway, 2014
Current position
Researcher, Department of Biosciences, University of Oslo, Norway
Lofstad, M., Gudim, I., Hammerstad, M., Rohr, A. K. and Hersleth, H. P. (2016). Activation of the Class Ib Ribonucleotide Reductase by a Flavodoxin Reductase in Bacillus cereus. Biochemistry 55(36): 4998-5001.
Hammerstad, M., Hersleth, H. P., Tomter, A. B., Rohr, A. K. and Andersson, K. K. (2014). Crystal structure of Bacillus cereus class Ib ribonucleotide reductase di-iron NrdF in complex with NrdI. ACS Chem Biol 9(2): 526-537.
Hammerstad, M., Rohr, A. K., Andersen, N. H., Graslund, A., Hogbom, M. and Andersson, K. K. (2014). The class Ib ribonucleotide reductase from Mycobacterium tuberculosis has two active R2F subunits. J Biol Inorg Chem 19(6): 893-902.
Skramo, S., Hersleth, H. P., Hammerstad, M., Andersson, K. K. and Rohr, A. K. (2014). Cloning, expression, purification, crystallization and preliminary X-ray diffraction analysis of a ferredoxin/flavodoxin-NADP(H) oxidoreductase (Bc0385) from Bacillus cereus. Acta Crystallogr F Struct Biol Commun 70(Pt 6): 777-780.
Rohr, A. K., Hammerstad, M. and Andersson, K. K. (2013). Tuning of thioredoxin redox properties by intramolecular hydrogen bonds. PLoS One 8(7): e69411.
Tomter, A. B., Zoppellaro, G., Andersen, N. H., Hersleth, H. P., Hammerstad, M., Røhr, Å. K., Sandvik, G. K., Strand, K. R., Nilsson, G. E., Bell, C. B., Barra, A. L., Blasco, E., Le Pape, L., Solomon, E. I. and Andersson, K. K. (2013). Ribonucleotide reductase class I with different radical generating clusters. Coordination chemistry reviews 257(1): 3- 26.