Ph.D, University of Maine, USA, 2016
Current position
Research Fellow, Department of Surgery, Massachusetts General Hospital, USA
Hopke, A., Nicke, N., Hidu, E. E., Degani, G., Popolo, L. and Wheeler, R. T. (2016). Neutrophil Attack Triggers Extracellular Trap-Dependent Candida Cell Wall Remodeling and Altered Immune Recognition. PLoS Pathog 12(5): e1005644.
Hasim, S., Allison, D. P., Retterer, S. T., Hopke, A., Wheeler, R. T., Doktycz, M. J. and Reynolds, T. B. (2017). beta-(1,3)-Glucan Unmasking in Some Candida albicans Mutants Correlates with Increases in Cell Wall Surface Roughness and Decreases in Cell Wall Elasticity. Infect Immun 85(1).
Davis, S. E., Hopke, A., Minkin, S. C., Jr., Montedonico, A. E., Wheeler, R. T. and Reynolds, T. B. (2014). Masking of beta(1-3)-glucan in the cell wall of Candida albicans from detection by innate immune cells depends on phosphatidylserine. Infect Immun 82(10): 4405-4413.
Marakalala, M. J., Vautier, S., Potrykus, J., Walker, L. A., Shepardson, K. M., Hopke, A., Mora-Montes, H. M., Kerrigan, A., Netea, M. G., Murray, G. I., Maccallum, D. M., Wheeler, R., Munro, C. A., Gow, N. A., Cramer, R. A., Brown, A. J. and Brown, G. D. (2013). Differential adaptation of Candida albicans in vivo modulates immune recognition by dectin-1. PLoS Pathog 9(4): e1003315.
Palmer, R. K., Hutchinson, L. M., Burpee, B. T., Tupper, E. J., Pelletier, J. H., Kormendy, Z., Hopke, A. R., Malay, E. T., Evans, B. L., Velez, A. and Gosse, J. A. (2012). Antibacterial agent triclosan suppresses RBL-2H3 mast cell function. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol 258(1): 99-108.