Huiyan Huang
  • Department of Neuroscience, Brown University, USA
Personal information


Ph.D in Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology, Stony Brook University, USA, 2010

Current position

Postdoctoral Research Associate, Department of Neuroscience, Brown University, USA


  1. Anderson, E. N., Corkins, M. E., Li, J. C., Singh, K., Parsons, S., Tucey, T. M., Sorkac, A., Huang, H., Dimitriadi, M., Sinclair, D. A. and Hart, A. C. (2016). C. elegans lifespan extension by osmotic stress requires FUdR, base excision repair, FOXO, and sirtuins. Mech Ageing Dev 154: 30-42.
  2. Fry, A. L., Laboy, J. T., Huang, H., Hart, A. C. and Norman, K. R. (2016). A Conserved GEF for Rho-Family GTPases Acts in an EGF Signaling Pathway to Promote Sleep-like Quiescence in Caenorhabditis elegans. Genetics 202(3): 1153-1166.
  3. Singh, K., Huang, H. and Hart, A. C. (2013). Do C. elegans sleep? A closer look. Sleep 36(3): 307-308.
  4. Huang, H. Y., Zhu, C. T. and Hart, A. (2013). How to measure lethargus quiescence without monopolizing the dissection microscopes in your lab. THE WORM BREEDER’S GAZETTE 19(3).
  5. Huang, H. and Frohman, M. A. (2012). Visualizing mitochondrial lipids and fusion events in Mammalian cells. Methods Cell Biol 108: 131-145.
  6. Huang, H., Gao, Q., Peng, X., Choi, S. Y., Sarma, K., Ren, H., Morris, A. J. and Frohman, M. A. (2011). piRNA-associated germline nuage formation and spermatogenesis require MitoPLD profusogenic mitochondrial-surface lipid signaling. Dev Cell 20(3): 376-387.
  7. Ren, H., Federico, L., Huang, H., Sunkara, M., Drennan, T., Frohman, M. A., Smyth, S. S. and Morris, A. J. (2010). A phosphatidic acid binding/nuclear localization motif determines lipin1 function in lipid metabolism and adipogenesis. Mol Biol Cell 21(18): 3171-3181.
  8. Huang, H., Choi, S. Y., Frohman, M. A. (2010). A quantitative assay for mitochondrial fusion using Renilla luciferase complementation. Mitochondrion 10(5): 559-566.
  9. Schauss, A. C., Huang, H., Choi, S. Y., Xu, L., Soubeyrand, S., Bilodeau, P., Zunino, R., Rippstein, P., Frohman, M. A. and McBride, H. M. (2010). A novel cell-free mitochondrial fusion assay amenable for high-throughput screenings of fusion modulators. BMC Biol 8: 100.
  10. Huang, H. Y. (2010). Development of a quantitative assay for mitochondrial fusion and characterization of a lipid signaling pathway on the mitochondrial surface. Dissertation.
  11. Huang, H. and Frohman, M. A. (2009). Lipid signaling on the mitochondrial surface. Biochim Biophys Acta 1791(9): 839-844.
  12. Osisami, M., Huang, H. and Frohman, M. A. (2009). Monitoring insulin-stimulated production of signaling lipids at the plasma membrane. Methods Mol Biol 590: 61-70.
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