Yusuke V. Morimoto
  • Department of Bioscience and Bioinformatics, Faculty of Computer Science and Systems Engineering, Kyushu Institute of Technology, Japan, Japan,
Research fields
  • Microbiology
Personal information


Ph.D., Osaka University, Japan, 2011

Current Position

Assistant professor, Department of Bioscience and Bioinformatics, Faculty of Computer Science and Systems Engineering, Kyushu Institute of Technology, Japan


  1. Furukawa, A., Yoshikaie, K., Mori, T., Mori, H., Morimoto, Y. V., Sugano, Y., Iwaki, S., Minamino, T., Sugita, Y., Tanaka, Y. and Tsukazaki, T. (2017). Tunnel Formation Inferred from the I-Form Structures of the Proton-Driven Protein Secretion Motor SecDF. Cell Rep 19(5): 895-901.
  2. Hiraoka, K. D., Morimoto, Y. V., Inoue, Y., Fujii, T., Miyata, T., Makino, F., Minamino, T. and Namba, K. (2017). Straight and rigid flagellar hook made by insertion of the FlgG specific sequence into FlgE. Sci Rep 7: 46723.
  3. Morimoto, Y. V., Kami-ike, N., Miyata, T., Kawamoto, A., Kato, T., Namba, K. and Minamino, T. (2016). High-resolution pH imaging of living bacterial cell to detect local pH differences. mBio 7: e01911-16.
  4. Minamino, T., Kinoshita, M., Inoue, Y., Morimoto, Y. V., Ihara, K., Koya, S., Hara, N., Nishioka, N., Kojima, S., Homma, M. and Namba, K. (2016). FliH and FliI ensure efficient energy coupling of flagellar type III protein export in Salmonella. Microbiologyopen 5(3): 424-435.
  5. Minamino, T., Morimoto, Y. V., Hara, N., Aldridge, P. D. and Namba, K. (2016). The Bacterial Flagellar Type III Export Gate Complex Is a Dual Fuel Engine That Can Use Both H+ and Na+ for Flagellar Protein Export. PLoS Pathog 12(3): e1005495.
  6. Baker, M. A., Hynson, R. M., Ganuelas, L. A., Mohammadi, N. S., Liew, C. W., Rey, A. A., Duff, A. P., Whitten, A. E., Jeffries, C. M., Delalez, N. J., Morimoto, Y. V., Stock, D., Armitage, J. P., Turberfield, A. J., Namba, K., Berry, R. M. and Lee, L. K. (2016). Domain-swap polymerization drives the self-assembly of the bacterial flagellar motor. Nat Struct Mol Biol 23(3): 197-203.
  7. Islam, M. S., Morimoto, Y. V., Kudo, S. and Nakamura, S. (2015). H(+) and Na(+) are involved in flagellar rotation of the spirochete Leptospira. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 466(2): 196-200.
  8. Nakamura, S., Morimoto, Y. V. and Kudo, S. (2015). A lactose fermentation product produced by Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis, acetate, inhibits the motility of flagellated pathogenic bacteria. Microbiology 161(Pt 4): 701-707.
  9. Minamino, T., Morimoto, Y. V., Kinoshita, M., Aldridge, P. D. and Namba, K. (2014). The bacterial flagellar protein export apparatus processively transports flagellar proteins even with extremely infrequent ATP hydrolysis. Sci Rep 4: 7579.
  10. Bai, F., Morimoto, Y. V., Yoshimura, S. D. J., Hara, N., Kami-ike, N., Namba, K. and Minamino, T. (2014). Assembly dynamics and the roles of FliI ATPase of the bacterial flagellar export apparatus. Sci Rep 4: 6528.
  11. Morimoto, Y. V., Ito, M., Hiraoka, K. D., Che, Y. S., Bai, F., Kami-Ike, N., Namba, K. and Minamino, T. (2014). Assembly and stoichiometry of FliF and FlhA in Salmonella flagellar basal body. Mol Microbiol 91(6): 1214-1226.
  12. Che, Y. S., Nakamura, S., Morimoto, Y. V., Kami-Ike, N., Namba, K. and Minamino, T. (2014). Load-sensitive coupling of proton translocation and torque generation in the bacterial flagellar motor. Mol Microbiol 91(1): 175-184.
  13. Castillo, D. J., Nakamura, S., Morimoto, Y. V., Che, Y. S., Kami-Ike, N., Kudo, S., Minamino, T. and Namba, K. (2013). The C-terminal periplasmic domain of MotB is responsible for load-dependent control of the number of stators of the bacterial flagellar motor. Biophysics (Nagoya-shi) 9: 173-181.
  14. Kawamoto, A., Morimoto, Y. V., Miyata, T., Minamino, T., Hughes, K. T., Kato, T. and Namba, K. (2013). Common and distinct structural features of Salmonella injectisome and flagellar basal body. Sci Rep 3: 3369.
  15. Moriya, N., Minamino, T., Ferris, H. U., Morimoto, Y. V., Ashihara, M., Kato, T. and Namba, K. (2013). Role of the Dc domain of the bacterial hook protein FlgE in hook assembly and function. Biophysics (Nagoya-shi) 9: 63-72.
  16. Takekawa, N., Terauchi, T., Morimoto, Y. V., Minamino, T., Lo, C. J., Kojima, S. and Homma, M. (2013). Na+ conductivity of the Na+-driven flagellar motor complex composed of unplugged wild-type or mutant PomB with PomA. J Biochem 153(5): 441-451.
  17. Martinez-Argudo, I., Veenendaal, A. K., Liu, X., Roehrich, A. D., Ronessen, M. C., Franzoni, G., van Rietschoten, K. N., Morimoto, Y. V., Saijo-Hamano, Y., Avison, M. B., Studholme, D. J., Namba, K., Minamino, T. and Blocker, A. J. (2013). Isolation of Salmonella mutants resistant to the inhibitory effect of Salicylidene acylhydrazides on flagella-mediated motility. PLoS One 8(1): e52179.
  18. Morimoto, Y. V., Nakamura, S., Hiraoka, K. D., Namba, K. and Minamino, T. (2013). Distinct roles of highly conserved charged residues at the MotA-FliG interface in bacterial flagellar motor rotation. J Bacteriol 195(3): 474-481.
  19. Hara, N., Morimoto, Y. V., Kawamoto, A., Namba, K. and Minamino, T. (2012). Interaction of the extreme N-terminal region of FliH with FlhA is required for efficient bacterial flagellar protein export. J Bacteriol 194: 5353–5360.
  20. Minamino, T., Morimoto, Y. V., Hara, N. and Namba, K. (2011). An energy transduction mechanism used in bacterial flagellar type III protein export. Nat Commun 2: 475.
  21. Minamino, T., Imada, K., Kinoshita, M., Nakamura, S., Morimoto, Y. V. and Namba, K. (2011). Structural insight into the rotational switching mechanism of the bacterial flagellar motor. PLoS Biol 9(5): e1000616.
  22. Morimoto, Y. V., Kojima, S., Namba, K. and Minamino, T. (2011). M153R mutation in a pH-sensitive green fluorescent protein stabilizes its fusion proteins. PLoS One 6(5): e19598.
  23. Morimoto, Y. V., Nakamura, S., Kami-ike, N., Namba, K. and Minamino, T. (2010). Charged residues in the cytoplasmic loop of MotA are required for stator assembly into the bacterial flagellar motor. Mol Microbiol 78(5): 1117-1129.
  24. Morimoto, Y. V., Che, Y. S., Minamino, T. and Namba, K. (2010). Proton-conductivity assay of plugged and unplugged MotA/B proton channel by cytoplasmic pHluorin expressed in Salmonella. FEBS Lett 584(6): 1268-1272.
  25. Minamino, T., Yoshimura, S. D., Morimoto, Y. V., Gonzalez-Pedrajo, B., Kami-Ike, N. and Namba, K. (2009). Roles of the extreme N-terminal region of FliH for efficient localization of the FliH-FliI complex to the bacterial flagellar type III export apparatus. Mol Microbiol 74(6): 1471-1483.
  26. Nakamura, S., Morimoto, Y. V., Kami-ike, N., Minamino, T. and Namba, K. (2009). Role of a conserved prolyl residue (Pro173) of MotA in the mechanochemical reaction cycle of the proton-driven flagellar motor of Salmonella. J Mol Biol 393(2): 300-307.
  27. Okada, J., Morimoto, Y. and Toh, Y. (2009). Antennal motor activity induced by pilocarpine in the American cockroach. J Comp Physiol A Neuroethol Sens Neural Behav Physiol 195(4): 351-363.
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