Ph.D. in Biochemistry, Department of Biochemistry, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brazil, 2007
Current position
Research Assistant Professor, Division of Rheumatology, Department of Medicine, Northwestern University, Chicago, United States
de Almeida, L., Khare, S., Misharin, A. V., Patel, R., Ratsimandresy, R. A., Wallin, M. C., Perlman, H., Greaves, D. R., Hoffman, H. M., Dorfleutner, A. and Stehlik, C. (2015). The PYRIN Domain-only Protein POP1 Inhibits Inflammasome Assembly and Ameliorates Inflammatory Disease. Immunity 43(2): 264-276.
Khare, S., Ratsimandresy, R. A., de Almeida, L., Cuda, C. M., Rellick, S. L., Misharin, A. V., Wallin, M. C., Gangopadhyay, A., Forte, E., Gottwein, E., Perlman, H., Reed, J. C., Greaves, D. R., Dorfleutner, A. and Stehlik, C. (2014). The PYRIN domain-only protein POP3 inhibits ALR inflammasomes and regulates responses to infection with DNA viruses. Nat Immunol 15(4): 343-353.
Khare, S., Dorfleutner, A., Bryan, N. B., Yun, C., Radian, A. D., de Almeida, L., Rojanasakul, Y. and Stehlik, C. (2012). An NLRP7-containing inflammasome mediates recognition of microbial lipopeptides in human macrophages. Immunity 36(3): 464-476.
Bachstetter, A. D., Xing, B., De Almeida, L., Dimayuga, E. R., Watterson, D. M. and Van Eldik, L. J. (2011). Microglial p38alpha MAPK is a key regulator of proinflammatory cytokine upregulation induced by toll-like receptor (TLR) ligands or beta-amyloid (Abeta). Journal of Neuroinflammation, 2011, 8-79.
Nardin, P., Tortorelli, L., Quincozes-Santos, A., de Almeida, L. M., Leite, M. C., Thomazi, A. P., Gottfried, C., Wofchuk, S. T., Donato, R. and Goncalves, C. A. (2009). S100B secretion in acute brain slices: modulation by extracellular levels of Ca(2+) and K (+). Neurochem Res 34(9): 1603-1611.
Vicente, E., Degerone, D., Bohn, L., Scornavaca, F., Pimentel, A., Leite, M. C., Swarowsky, A., Rodrigues, L., Nardin, P., de Almeida, L. M., Gottfried, C., Souza, D. O., Netto, C. A. and Goncalves, C. A. (2009). Astroglial and cognitive effects of chronic cerebral hypoperfusion in the rat. Brain Res 1251: 204-212.
Vieira de Almeida, L. M., Pineiro, C. C., Leite, M. C., Brolese, G., Leal, R. B., Gottfried, C. and Goncalves, C. A. (2008). Protective effects of resveratrol on hydrogen peroxide induced toxicity in primary cortical astrocyte cultures. Neurochem Res 33(1): 8-15.
Leite, M. C., Galland, F., Brolese, G., Guerra, M. C., Bortolotto, J. W., Freitas, R., Almeida, L. M., Gottfried, C. and Goncalves, C. A. (2008). A simple, sensitive and widely applicable ELISA for S100B: Methodological features of the measurement of this glial protein. J Neurosci Methods 169(1): 93-99.
de Almeida, L., Leite, M. C., Thomazi, A., Battu, C., Nardin, P., Tortorelli, L., Zanotto, C., Posser, T., Wofchuk, S., Leal, R., Goncalves, C. A. and Gottfried, C. (2008). Resveratrol protects against oxidative injury induced by H2O2 in acute hippocampal slice preparation from Wistar rats. Archives of Biochemistry and Byophysics, 480, 27-32.
Swarowsky, A., Rodrigues, L., Biasibetti, R., Leite, M. C., de Oliveira, L. F., de Almeida, L. M., Gottfried, C., Quillfeldt, J. A., Achaval, M. and Goncalves, C. A. (2008). Glial alterations in the hippocampus of rats submitted to ibotenic-induced lesion of the nucleus basalis magnocellularis. Behav Brain Res 190(2): 206-211.
de Almeida, L. M., Pineiro, C. C., Leite, M. C., Brolese, G., Tramontina, F., Feoli, A. M., Gottfried, C. and Goncalves, C. A. (2007). Resveratrol increases glutamate uptake, glutathione content, and S100B secretion in cortical astrocyte cultures. Cell Mol Neurobiol 27(5): 661-668.
Nardin, P., Tramontina, F., Leite, M. C., Tramontina, A. C., Quincozes-Santos, A., de Almeida, L. M., Battastini, A. M., Gottfried, C. and Goncalves, C. A. (2007). S100B content and secretion decrease in astrocytes cultured in high-glucose medium. Neurochem Int 50(5): 774-782.
Andreazza, A. C., Cassini, C., Rosa, A. R., Leite, M. C., de Almeida, L. M., Nardin, P., Cunha, A. B., Cereser, K. M., Santin, A., Gottfried, C., Salvador, M., Kapczinski, F. and Goncalves, C. A. (2007). Serum S100B and antioxidant enzymes in bipolar patients. J Psychiatr Res 41(6): 523-529.
Leite, M. C., Brolese, G., de Almeida, L. M., Pinero, C. C., Gottfried, C. and Goncalves, C. A. (2006). Ammonia-induced alteration in S100B secretion in astrocytes is not reverted by creatine addition. Brain Res Bull 70(2): 179-185.
de Vasconcellos, A. P., Nieto, F. B., Crema, L. M., Diehl, L. A., de Almeida, L. M., Prediger, M. E., da Rocha, E. R. and Dalmaz, C. (2006). Chronic lithium treatment has antioxidant properties but does not prevent oxidative damage induced by chronic variate stress. Neurochem Res 31(9): 1141-1151.
dos Santos, A. Q., Nardin, P., Funchal, C., de Almeida, L. M., Jacques-Silva, M. C., Wofchuk, S. T., Goncalves, C. A. and Gottfried, C. (2006). Resveratrol increases glutamate uptake and glutamine synthetase activity in C6 glioma cells. Arch Biochem Biophys 453(2): 161-167.
Feoli, A. M., Siqueira, I., Almeida, L. M., Tramontina, A. C., Battu, C., Wofchuk, S. T., Gottfried, C., Perry, M. L. and Goncalves, C. A. (2006). Brain glutathione content and glutamate uptake are reduced in rats exposed to pre- and postnatal protein malnutrition. J Nutr 136(9): 2357-2361.
Feoli, A. M., Siqueira, I. R., Almeida, L., Tramontina, A. C., Vanzella, C., Sbaraini, S., Schweigert, I. D., Netto, C. A., Perry, M. L. and Goncalves, C. A. (2006). Effects of protein malnutrition on oxidative status in rat brain. Nutrition 22(2): 160-165.
de Almeida, L. M., Funchal, C., Gottfried, C., Wajner, M. and Pessoa-Pureur, R. (2006). Propionic acid induces cytoskeletal alterations in cultured astrocytes from rat cerebral cortex. Metab Brain Dis 21(1): 51-62.
Funchal, C., Gottfried, C., de Almeida, L. M., dos Santos, A. Q., Wajner, M. and Pessoa-Pureur, R. (2005). Morphological alterations and cell death provoked by the branched-chain alpha-amino acids accumulating in maple syrup urine disease in astrocytes from rat cerebral cortex. Cell Mol Neurobiol 25(5): 851-867.
Battu, C. E., Godinho, G. F., Thomazi, A. P., de Almeida, L. M., Goncalves, C. A., Kommers, T. and Wofchuk, S. T. (2005). Ontogenetic changes in glial fibrillary acid protein phosphorylation, glutamate uptake and glutamine synthetase activity in olfactory bulb of rats. Neurochem Res 30(9): 1101-1108.
Silva, M. C., Rocha, J., Pires, C. S., Ribeiro, L. C., Brolese, G., Leite, M. C., Almeida, L. M., Tramontina, F., Ziegler, D. R. and Goncalves, C. A. (2005). Transitory gliosis in the CA3 hippocampal region in rats fed on a ketogenic diet. Nutr Neurosci 8(4): 259-264.