Ph.D. at the Institute for Plant Physiology and Biotechnology, University of Hohenheim, Germany, 2004
Reseach group leader at the Max Planck Institute for Developmental Biology, Department of Cell Biology
Musielak, T. J., Schenkel, L., Kolb, M., Henschen, A. and Bayer, M. (2015). A simple and versatile cell wall staining protocol to study plant reproduction. Plant Reprod 28(3-4): 161-169.
Slane, D., Kong, J., Schmid, M., Jurgens, G. and Bayer, M. (2015). Profiling of embryonic nuclear vs. cellular RNA in Arabidopsis thaliana. Genom Data 4: 96-98.
Babu, Y. and Bayer, M. (2014). Plant Polygalacturonases Involved in Cell Elongation and Separation-The Same but Different? Plants (Basel) 3(4): 613-623.
Slane, D., Kong, J., Berendzen, K. W., Kilian, J., Henschen, A., Kolb, M., Schmid, M., Harter, K., Mayer, U., De Smet, I., Bayer, M. and Jurgens, G. (2014). Cell type-specific transcriptome analysis in the early Arabidopsis thaliana embryo. Development 141(24): 4831-4840.
Bayer, M. (2014). Botany. Patterning cues from the altruistic sibling. Science 344(6180): 158-159.
Musielak, T. J. and Bayer, M. (2014). YODA signalling in the early Arabidopsis embryo. Biochem Soc Trans 42(2): 408-412.
Babu, Y., Musielak, T., Henschen, A. and Bayer, M. (2013). Suspensor length determines developmental progression of the embryo in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiol 162(3): 1448-1458.
Rademacher, E. H., Lokerse, A. S., Schlereth, A., Llavata-Peris, C. I., Bayer, M., Kientz, M., Freire Rios, A., Borst, J. W., Lukowitz, W., Jurgens, G. and Weijers, D. (2012). Different auxin response machineries control distinct cell fates in the early plant embryo. Dev Cell 22(1): 211-222.
Jeong, S., Bayer, M. and Lukowitz, W. (2011). Taking the very first steps: from polarity to axial domains in the early Arabidopsis embryo. J Exp Bot 62(5): 1687-1697.
Nawy, T., Bayer, M., Mravec, J., Friml, J., Birnbaum, K. D. and Lukowitz, W. (2010). The GATA factor HANABA TARANU is required to position the proembryo boundary in the early Arabidopsis embryo. Dev Cell 19(1): 103-113.
Schwab, R., Maizel, A., Ruiz-Ferrer, V., Garcia, D., Bayer, M., Crespi, M., Voinnet, O. and Martienssen, R. A. (2009). Endogenous TasiRNAs mediate non-cell autonomous effects on gene regulation in Arabidopsis thaliana. PLoS One 4(6): e5980.
Bayer, M., Nawy, T., Giglione, C., Galli, M., Meinnel, T. and Lukowitz, W. (2009). Paternal control of embryonic patterning in Arabidopsis thaliana. Science 323(5920): 1485-1488.
Nawy, T., Lukowitz, W. and Bayer, M. (2008). Talk global, act local-patterning the Arabidopsis embryo. Curr Opin Plant Biol 11(1): 28-33.
Bayer, M. and Hess, D. (2005). Restoring full pollen fertility in transgenic male-sterile tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) by Cre-mediated site-specific recombination. Mol Breeding 15, 193-203.