Ph. D. Candidate (Major in Plant Breeding), Department of Agronomy, Iowa State University, 2016
Graduate Research and Teaching Assistant, Department of Agronomy, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa, 50011
Gonzaga, Z. J. C., Carandang, J. J., Sanchez, D. L., Mackill, D. J. and Septiningsih, E. M. (2016). Mapping additional QTLs from FR13A to increase submergence tolerance beyond SUB1. Euphytica 209(3).
Septiningsih, E. M., Hidayatun, N., Sanchez, D. L., Nugraha, Y., Carandang, J., Pamplona, A. M., Collard, B. C. Y., Ismail, A. and Mackill, D. J. (2015). Accelerating the development of new submergence tolerant rice varieties: the case of Ciherang-Sub1 and PSB Rc18-Sub1. Euphytica 202:259-268.
Septiningsih, E. M., Ignacio, J. C., Sendon, P. M., Sanchez, D. L., Ismail, A. M. and Mackill, D. J. (2013). QTL mapping and confirmation for tolerance of anaerobic conditions during germination derived from the rice landrace Ma-Zhan Red. Theor Appl Genet 126(5): 1357-1366.
Collard, B. C. Y., Septiningsih, E. M., Das, S. R., Carandang, J. J., Pamplona, A. M., Sanchez, D. L., Kato, Y., Ye, G., Reddy, J. N., Singh, U. S., Ifterkharuddaula, K. M., Venuprasad, R., Vera-Cruz, C. N., Mackill, D. J. and Ismail, A. M. (2013). Developing new flood-tolerant varieties at the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI). SABRAO Journal of Breeding and Genetics 45(1):42-56.
Iftekharuddaula, K. M., Salam, M. A., Newaz, M. A., Ahmed, H. U., Collard, B. C., Septiningsih, E. M., Sanchez, D. L., Pamplona, A. M. and Mackill, D. J. (2012). Comparison of phenotypic versus marker-assisted background selection for the SUB1 QTL during backcrossing in rice. Breed Sci 62(3): 216-222.
Septiningsih, E. M., Sanchez, D. L., Singh, N., Sendon, P. M., Pamplona, A. M., Heuer, S. and Mackill, D. J. (2012). Identifying novel QTLs for submergence tolerance in rice cultivars IR72 and Madabaru. Theor Appl Genet 124(5): 867-874.
Iftekharuddaula, K. M., Newaz, M. A., Salam, M. A., Ahmed, H. U., Mahbub, M. A. A., Septiningsih, E. M., Collard, B. C. Y., Sanchez, D. L., Pamplona, A. M. and Mackill, D. J. (2011). Rapid and high-precision marker assisted backcrossing to introgress the SUB1 QTL into BR11, the rainfed lowland rice mega variety of Bangladesh. Euphytica 178:83-97.
Singh, N., Dang, T. T., Vergara, G. V., Pandey, D. M., Sanchez, D., Neeraja, C. N., Septiningsih, E. M., Mendioro, M., Tecson-Mendoza, E. M., Ismail, A. M., Mackill, D. J. and Heuer, S. (2010). Molecular marker survey and expression analyses of the rice submergence-tolerance gene SUB1A. Theor Appl Genet 121(8): 1441-1453.
Mackill, D. J., Ismail, A. M., Pamplona, A. M., Sanchez, D. L., Carandang, J. J. Septiningsih, E. (2010). Stress tolerant rice varieties for adaptation to a changing climate. In: Yang, C. M., Hou, F. F. and Yang, A. H. (Eds). Climate change and food crisis. Chinese Society of Agrometeorology, Taichung, Taiwan, pp 11-22.
Septiningsih, E. M., Pamplona, A. M., Sanchez, D. L., Neeraja, C. N., Vergara, G. V., Heuer, S., Ismail, A. M. and Mackill, D. J. (2009). Development of submergence-tolerant rice cultivars: the Sub1 locus and beyond. Ann Bot 103(2): 151-160.
Mackill, D. J., Ismail, A. M., Heuer, S., Septiningsih, E., Pamplona, A. M., Rodriguez, R. M., Neeraja, C. N., Sanchez, D., Iftekhar, K., Vergara, G. (2008). Breeding for submergence tolerance. In: Improving productivity and livelihood for fragile environments. IRRI Technical Bulletin No. 13. Los Baños (Philippines): IRRI. pp 20-26.
Neeraja, C. N., Maghirang-Rodriguez, R., Pamplona, A., Heuer, S., Collard, B. C., Septiningsih, E. M., Vergara, G., Sanchez, D., Xu, K., Ismail, A. M. and Mackill, D. J. (2007). A marker-assisted backcross approach for developing submergence-tolerant rice cultivars. Theor Appl Genet 115(6): 767-776.
Nas, T. M. S., Sanchez, D. L., Diaz, M. G. Q., Mendioro, M. S. and Virmani, S. S. (2005). Pyramiding of thermosensitive genetic male sterility (TGMS) genes and identification of a candidate tms5 gene in rice. Euphytica 145:67-75.
Sanchez, D. L. and Virmani, S. S. (2005). Identification of thermosensitive genic male sterile lines with low critical sterility point for hybrid rice breeding. The Philippine Journal of Crop Science 30 (1): 19-28.
Mou, T. M., Li, C. H., Xu, J. Y., Sanchez, D. L. and Virmani, S. S. (2004). Development of TGMS lines and two-line rice hybrids through a shuttle-breeding program between IRRI and China. IRRN 29.2 pp 14-15.