Ph.D in Plant Breeding, Institute of Plant Breeding, Biotechnology and Population Genetics, University of Hohenheim, 2003
Professor Plant Breeding, Department of Plant Production, Mutah University, P. O. Box 7, Karak, Jordan
Abdel-Ghani, A. H., Kumar, B., Pace, J., Jansen, C., Gonzalez-Portilla, P. J., Reyes-Matamoros, J., San Martin, J. P., Lee, M. and Lubberstedt, T. (2015). Association analysis of genes involved in maize (Zea mays L.) root development with seedling and agronomic traits under contrasting nitrogen levels. Plant Mol Biol 88(1-2): 133-147.
Abdel-Ghani, A. H., Neumann, K., Wabila, C., Sharma, R., Dhanagond, S., Owais, S. J., Borner, A., Graner, A. and Kilian, B. (2015). Diversity of germination and seedling traits in a spring barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) collection under drought simulated conditions. Genet. Resour. Crop Evol. 62: 275–292.
Kumar, B., Abdel-Ghani, A. H., Pace, J., Reyes-Matamoros, J., Hochholdinger, F. and Lubberstedt, T. (2014). Association analysis of single nucleotide polymorphisms in candidate genes with root traits in maize (Zea mays L.) seedlings. Plant Sci 224: 9-19.
Abdel-Ghani, A. H. and Mahadeen, A. (2014). Genetic variation in snake melon (Cucumis melo var. flexuosus) populations from Jordan using morphological traits and RAPDs. Jordan Journal of Agricultural Sciences 10: 96-116.
Haddadin, M. F., Abdel-Ghani, A. H. and Al-Majali, N. F. (2013). Response of barely varieties to drought stress imposed at different developmental stages. Jordan Journal of Agricultural Sciences 9: 507-524.
Owais, S. J., Abdel-Ghani, A. H., Ghrair, A. M., Al-Dalain, S. A. and Almajali, N. (2013). Effect of natural Jordanian volcanic tuff on growth, irrigation water saving and leaves mineral content of Salvia officinalis. Jordan Journal of Agricultural Sciences 9:439-456.
Abdel-Ghani, A. H., Al-Dalain, S. A., Owais, S. J., Al-Majali, N., Al-Majali, D. and Al-Nasir, F. (2013). Effect of water deficit and soil nitrogen on dry matter and nitrogen accumulation and mobilization in durum wheat under semi-arid environment. Jordan Journal of Agricultural Sciences 9: 457-474.
Abdel-Ghani, A. H. (2013). Genetic diversity and population structure of Jordanian durum wheat (Triticum turgidum L. subsp. durum) landraces as revealed by RAPD markers. Jordan Journal of Agricultural Sciences 9: 369-382.
11. Abdel-Ghani, A. H. (2013). Selection of high yielding lines from heterogeneous Jordanian barley landraces under well watered and drought stress conditions. Bulletin of Faculty of Agriculture, Cairo University 64: 13-29.
Abdel-Ghani, A. H. and Lübberstedt, T. (2013). Parent selection – usefulness and prediction of hybrid performance. In: Lübberstedt, T. and Varshney, R. (eds). Diagnostics in Plant Breeding, Springer Publisher.
Abdel-Ghani, A. H., Frey, F. P. and Parzies, H. K. (2013). Effect of temperature on the expression of cytoplasmic male sterility in cultivated barley (Hordeum vulgare L.). Plant Breeding 132, 42–47.
Abdel-Ghani, A. H., Kumar, B., Reyes-Matamoros, J., Gonzalez-Portilla, P. J., Jansen, C., San Martin, J. P., Lee, M. and Lubberstedt, T. (2013). Genotypic variation and relationships between seedling and adult plant traits in maize (Zea mays L.) inbred lines grown under contrasting nitrogen levels. Euphytica 189: 123-133.
Kumer, B., Abdel-Ghani, A. H., Reyes-Matamoros, J., Hochholdinger, F. and Lubberstedt, T. (2012). Genotypic variation for root architecture traits in seedlings of maize (Zea mays L.) inbred lines. Plant Breeding 131: 465-478
Almajali, D., Abdel-Ghani, A. H. and Migdadi, H. (2012). Evaluation of genetic diversity among Jordanian fig germplasm accessions by morphological traits and ISSR markers. Scientia Horticulturae 147: 8–19.
Madanat, H. M., Al-Zyoud, F. A., Abdel-Ghani, A. H. and Al-Majali, N. F. (2012). Sources of Tolerance in Wheat and Barley Against the Cereal Leafminer Syringopais temperatella Led. (Lepidoptera: Scythridaidae) under Semi-arid Climate of Southern Jordan. Jordan Journal of Agricultural Sciences 8: 367-379
Karajeh, M. R., Abdel-Ghani, A. H. and Al-Majali, N. (2011). Response of wheat, barley and oat cultivars and accessions to Meloidogyne javanica. Nematol. medit. 39: 85-89.
Al-Quran, S., Abdel-Ghani, A. H. and Owais, S. J. (2010). A Study of Airborne Pollen Grains in Karak, Jordan for the Period Extending from March 2005 to February 2007. Botany Research Journal 4: 3-12.
Al-Joumayly, A., Owais, S. J. and Abdel-Ghani, A. H. (2010). Effect of self, open and cross pollination on fruit set of three apple cultivars in south Jordan. Bulletin Faculty of Agriculture, Cairo University 61: 294-298.
Al Nasir, F. and Abdel-Ghani, A. H. (2010). Studying the variation in nitrogen use, uptake and utilization efficiency in different barley genotypes under different N application levels in Jordan. J. King Saud Univ., Vol. 22, Agric. Sci. (2), 39-46.
Al Nasir, F., Batarseh M., Abdel-Ghani, A. H. and Jiries, A. (2010). Free Amino Acids Content in Some Halophytes under Salinity Stress in Arid Environment, Jordan. Jordan Clean – Soil, Air, Water, 38 (7), 592–600.