Ph.D in Cell and Developmental Biology, Department of Cell and Developmental Biology, Harvard University, USA, 1986
Professor of Molecular Biology- Developmental Neurobiology, University of Crete Medical School and Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, FoRTH, Heraklion, Crete, Greece
Konstantoudaki, X., Chalkiadaki, K., Tivodar, S., Karagogeos, D. and Sidiropoulou, K. (2016). Impaired synaptic plasticity in the prefrontal cortex of mice with developmentally decreased number of interneurons. Neuroscience 322: 333-345.
Bastakis, G. G., Savvaki, M., Stamatakis, A., Vidaki, M. and Karagogeos, D. (2015). Tag1 deficiency results in olfactory dysfunction through impaired migration of mitral cells. Development 142(24): 4318-4328.
Pinatel, D., Hivert, B., Boucraut, J., Saint-Martin, M., Rogemond, V., Zoupi, L., Karagogeos, D., Honnorat, J. and Faivre-Sarrailh, C. (2015). Inhibitory axons are targeted in hippocampal cell culture by anti-Caspr2 autoantibodies associated with limbic encephalitis. Front Cell Neurosci 9: 265.
Kastriti, M. E., Sargiannidou, I., Kleopa, K. A. and Karagogeos, D. (2015). Differential modulation of the juxtaparanodal complex in Multiple Sclerosis. Mol Cell Neurosci 67: 93-103.
Tsikala, G., Karagogeos, D. and Strigini, M. (2014). Btk-dependent epithelial cell rearrangements contribute to the invagination of nearby tubular structures in the posterior spiracles of Drosophila. Dev Biol 396(1): 42-56.
Schmidt, E. R., Brignani, S., Adolfs, Y., Lemstra, S., Demmers, J., Vidaki, M., Donahoo, A. L., Lillevali, K., Vasar, E., Richards, L. J., Karagogeos, D., Kolk, S. M. and Pasterkamp, R. J. (2014). Subdomain-mediated axon-axon signaling and chemoattraction cooperate to regulate afferent innervation of the lateral habenula. Neuron 83(2): 372-387.
Tivodar, S., Kalemaki, K., Kounoupa, Z., Vidaki, M., Theodorakis, K., Denaxa, M., Kessaris, N., de Curtis, I., Pachnis, V. and Karagogeos, D. (2015). Rac-GTPases Regulate Microtubule Stability and Axon Growth of Cortical GABAergic Interneurons. Cereb Cortex 25(9): 2370-2382.
Zoupi, L., Markoullis, K., Kleopa, K. A. and Karagogeos, D. (2013). Alterations of juxtaparanodal domains in two rodent models of CNS demyelination. Glia 61(8): 1236-1249.
Katidou, M., Tavernarakis, N. and Karagogeos, D. (2013). The contactin RIG-6 mediates neuronal and non-neuronal cell migration in Caenorhabditis elegans. Dev Biol 373(1): 184-195.
Zoupi, L., Savvaki, M. and Karagogeos, D. (2011). Axons and myelinating glia: An intimate contact. IUBMB Life 63(9): 730-735.
Vaghi, V., Pennucci, R., Talpo, F., Corbetta, S., Montinaro, V., Barone, C., Croci, L., Spaiardi, P., Consalez, G. G., Biella, G. and de Curtis, I. (2014). Rac1 and rac3 GTPases control synergistically the development of cortical and hippocampal GABAergic interneurons. Cereb Cortex 24(5): 1247-1258.
Wang, W., Karagogeos, D. and Kilpatrick, D. L. (2011). The effects of Tag-1 on the maturation of mouse cerebellar granule neurons. Cell Mol Neurobiol 31(3): 351-356.
Savvaki, M., Theodorakis, K., Zoupi, L., Stamatakis, A., Tivodar, S., Kyriacou, K., Stylianopoulou, F. and Karagogeos, D. (2010). The expression of TAG-1 in glial cells is sufficient for the formation of the juxtaparanodal complex and the phenotypic rescue of tag-1 homozygous mutants in the CNS. J Neurosci 30(42): 13943-13954.
Sakurai, K., Toyoshima, M., Ueda, H., Matsubara, K., Takeda, Y., Karagogeos, D., Shimoda, Y. and Watanabe, K. (2009). Contribution of the neural cell recognition molecule NB-3 to synapse formation between parallel fibers and Purkinje cells in mouse. Dev Neurobiol 69(12): 811-824.
Derfuss, T., Parikh, K., Velhin, S., Braun, M., Mathey, E., Krumbholz, M., Kumpfel, T., Moldenhauer, A., Rader, C., Sonderegger, P., Pollmann, W., Tiefenthaller, C., Bauer, J., Lassmann, H., Wekerle, H., Karagogeos, D., Hohlfeld, R., Linington, C. and Meinl, E. (2009). Contactin-2/TAG-1-directed autoimmunity is identified in multiple sclerosis patients and mediates gray matter pathology in animals. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 106(20): 8302-8307.
Lieberoth, A., Splittstoesser, F., Katagihallimath, N., Jakovcevski, I., Loers, G., Ranscht, B., Karagogeos, D., Schachner, M. and Kleene, R. (2009). Lewis(x) and alpha2,3-sialyl glycans and their receptors TAG-1, Contactin, and L1 mediate CD24-dependent neurite outgrowth. J Neurosci 29(20): 6677-6690.
Katidou, M., Vidaki, M., Strigini, M. and Karagogeos, D. (2008). The immunoglobulin superfamily of neuronal cell adhesion molecules: lessons from animal models and correlation with human disease. Biotechnol J 3(12): 1564-1580.
Savvaki, M., Panagiotaropoulos, T., Stamatakis, A., Sargiannidou, I., Karatzioula, P., Watanabe, K., Stylianopoulou, F., Karagogeos, D. and Kleopa, K. A. (2008). Impairment of learning and memory in TAG-1 deficient mice associated with shorter CNS internodes and disrupted juxtaparanodes. Mol Cell Neurosci 39(3): 478-490.
Chatzopoulou, E., Miguez, A., Savvaki, M., Levasseur, G., Muzerelle, A., Muriel, M. P., Goureau, O., Watanabe, K., Goutebroze, L., Gaspar, P., Zalc, B., Karagogeos, D. and Thomas, J. L. (2008). Structural requirement of TAG-1 for retinal ganglion cell axons and myelin in the mouse optic nerve. J Neurosci 28(30): 7624-7636.
Ma, Q. H., Futagawa, T., Yang, W. L., Jiang, X. D., Zeng, L., Takeda, Y., Xu, R. X., Bagnard, D., Schachner, M., Furley, A. J., Karagogeos, D., Watanabe, K., Dawe, G. S. and Xiao, Z. C. (2008). A TAG1-APP signalling pathway through Fe65 negatively modulates neurogenesis. Nat Cell Biol 10(3): 283-294.
McLaughlin, D., Vidaki, M. and Karagogeos, D. (2008). Localization of CRMP5 mRNA by in situ hybridisation during development of the mouse forebrain. Neurosci Lett 432(2): 117-120.
Tzimourakas, A., Giasemi, S., Mouratidou, M. and Karagogeos, D. (2007). Structure-function analysis of protein complexes involved in the molecular architecture of juxtaparanodal regions of myelinated fibers. Biotechnol J 2(5): 577-583.
Strigini, M., Cantera, R., Morin, X., Bastiani, M. J., Bate, M. and Karagogeos, D. (2006). The IgLON protein Lachesin is required for the blood-brain barrier in Drosophila. Mol Cell Neurosci 32(1-2): 91-101.
McLaughlin, D., Vidaki, M., Renieri, E. and Karagogeos, D. (2006). Expression pattern of the maternally imprinted gene Gtl2 in the forebrain during embryonic development and adulthood. Gene Expr Patterns 6(4): 394-399.
Denaxa, M., Kyriakopoulou, K., Theodorakis, K., Trichas, G., Vidaki, M., Takeda, Y., Watanabe, K. and Karagogeos, D. (2005). The adhesion molecule TAG-1 is required for proper migration of the superficial migratory stream in the medulla but not of cortical interneurons. Dev Biol 288(1): 87-99.
Alpantaki, K., McLaughlin, D., Karagogeos, D., Hadjipavlou, A. and Kontakis, G. (2005). Sympathetic and sensory neural elements in the tendon of the long head of the biceps. J Bone Joint Surg Am 87(7): 1580-1583.
Ekonomou, A., Kazanis, I., Malas, S., Wood, H., Alifragis, P., Denaxa, M., Karagogeos, D., Constanti, A., Lovell-Badge, R. and Episkopou, V. (2005). Neuronal migration and ventral subtype identity in the telencephalon depend on SOX1. PLoS Biol 3(6): e186.
Soares, S., Traka, M., von Boxberg, Y., Bouquet, C., Karagogeos, D. and Nothias, F. (2005). Neuronal and glial expression of the adhesion molecule TAG-1 is regulated after peripheral nerve lesion or central neurodegeneration of adult nervous system. Eur J Neurosci 21(5): 1169-1180.