Ph.D. in Neurobiology, Department of Cell Biology, University of Barcelona, Spain
Current position
Assistant Professor, Department of Cell Biology and Human Anatomy, University of California School of Medicine, Davis, USA
La Torre, A., Hoshino, A., Cavanaugh, C., Ware, C. B. and Reh, T. A. (2015). The GIPC1-Akt1 Pathway Is Required for the Specification of the Eye Field in Mouse Embryonic Stem Cells. Stem Cells 33(9): 2674-2685.
Zhang, J., Taylor, R. J., La Torre, A., Wilken, M. S., Cox, K. E., Reh, T. A. and Vetter, M. L. (2015). Ezh2 maintains retinal progenitor proliferation, transcriptional integrity, and the timing of late differentiation. Dev Biol 403(2): 128-138.
Wilken, M. S., Brzezinski, J. A., La Torre, A., Siebenthall, K., Thurman, R., Sabo, P., Sandstrom, R. S., Vierstra, J., Canfield, T. K., Hansen, R. S., Bender, M. A., Stamatoyannopoulos, J. and Reh, T. A. (2015). DNase I hypersensitivity analysis of the mouse brain and retina identifies region-specific regulatory elements. Epigenetics Chromatin 8: 8.
La Torre, A., Georgi, S. and Reh, T. A. (2013). Conserved microRNA pathway regulates developmental timing of retinal neurogenesis. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 110(26): E2362-2370.
La Torre, A., del Mar Masdeu, M., Cotrufo, T., Moubarak, R. S., del Rio, J. A., Comella, J. X., Soriano, E. and Urena, J. M. (2013). A role for the tyrosine kinase ACK1 in neurotrophin signaling and neuronal extension and branching. Cell Death Dis 4: e602.
La Torre, A., Lamba, D. A., Jayabalu, A. and Reh, T. A. (2012). Production and transplantation of retinal cells from human and mouse embryonic stem cells. Methods Mol Biol 884: 229-246.
Quintana, A., Sanz, E., Wang, W., Storey, G. P., Guler, A. D., Wanat, M. J., Roller, B. A., La Torre, A., Amieux, P. S., McKnight, G. S., Bamford, N. S. and Palmiter, R. D. (2012). Lack of GPR88 enhances medium spiny neuron activity and alters motor- and cue-dependent behaviors. Nat Neurosci 15(11): 1547-1555.
Simo, S., Pujadas, L., Segura, M. F., La Torre, A., Del Rio, J. A., Urena, J. M., Comella, J. X. and Soriano, E. (2007). Reelin induces the detachment of postnatal subventricular zone cells and the expression of the Egr-1 through Erk1/2 activation. Cereb Cortex 17(2): 294-303.
La Torre, A., del Rio, J. A., Soriano, E. and Urena, J. M. (2006). Expression pattern of ACK1 tyrosine kinase during brain development in the mouse. Gene Expr Patterns 6(8): 886-892.
Urena, J. M., La Torre, A., Martinez, A., Lowenstein, E., Franco, N., Winsky-Sommerer, R., Fontana, X., Casaroli-Marano, R., Ibanez-Sabio, M. A., Pascual, M., Del Rio, J. A., de Lecea, L. and Soriano, E. (2005). Expression, synaptic localization, and developmental regulation of Ack1/Pyk1, a cytoplasmic tyrosine kinase highly expressed in the developing and adult brain. J Comp Neurol 490(2): 119-132.
Gonzalez-Billault, C., Del Rio, J. A., Urena, J. M., Jimenez-Mateos, E. M., Barallobre, M. J., Pascual, M., Pujadas, L., Simo, S., Torre, A. L., Gavin, R., Wandosell, F., Soriano, E. and Avila, J. (2005). A role of MAP1B in Reelin-dependent neuronal migration. Cereb Cortex 15(8): 1134-1145.
Del Rio, J. A., Gonzalez-Billault, C., Urena, J. M., Jimenez, E. M., Barallobre, M. J., Pascual, M., Pujadas, L., Simo, S., La Torre, A., Wandosell, F., Avila, J. and Soriano, E. (2004). MAP1B is required for Netrin 1 signaling in neuronal migration and axonal guidance. Curr Biol 14(10): 840-850.