Ph.D. in Biological Chemistry, Sheffield University,1975
Current position
Professor and Chair in Plant Genomics, Division of Plant Sciences, University of Dundee at JHI, Invergowrie, Dundee, United Kingdom.
Publications (since 2010)
Ouiji, A., El-Bo, S., Syed, N.H., Flavell, A.J., Rouaissi, M., Ben, Y.M., El, G.M., Kharrat, M. (2016). A comparative study between molecular and agro-morphological methods for describing genetic relationships in Tunisian faba bean populations. J. New Sci. Agric. & Biotech. 27:1513-1518.
Ribeiro, A., Golicz, A., Hackett, C. A., Milne, I., Stephen, G., Marshall, D., Flavell, A. J. and Bayer, M. (2015). An investigation of causes of false positive single nucleotide polymorphisms using simulated reads from a small eukaryote genome. BMC Bioinformatics 16: 382.
Baker, K., Dhillon, T., Colas, I., Cook, N., Milne, I., Milne, L., Bayer, M. and Flavell, A. J. (2015). Chromatin state analysis of the barley epigenome reveals a higher-order structure defined by H3K27me1 and H3K27me3 abundance. Plant J 84(1): 111-124.
Baker, K., Bayer, M., Cook, N., Dreissig, S., Dhillon, T., Russell, J., Hedley, P. E., Morris, J., Ramsay, L., Colas, I., Waugh, R., Steffenson, B., Milne, I., Stephen, G., Marshall, D. and Flavell, A. J. (2014). The low-recombining pericentromeric region of barley restricts gene diversity and evolution but not gene expression. Plant J 79(6): 981-992.
Waugh, R., Flavell, A.J., Russell, J., Thomas, B., Ramsay, L., Comadran, J. (2014). Exploiting Barley Genetic Resources for Genome Wide Association Scans (GWAS) in R. Tuberosa et al. (eds.), ‘Genomics of Plant Genetic Resources’, Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg DOI 10.1007/978-94-007-7572-5_10, pp 237-254.
Sato, K., Flavell, A.J., Russell, J., Borner, A., Valkoun, J. (2014). Genetic diversity and germplasm management – wild Barley, landraces, breeding materials. in (Kumlehn J and Stein N Eds) 'Biotechnological Approaches to Barley Improvement' Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg DOI 10.1007/978-3-662-44406-1_2, pp21-36.
Konecna, E., Safarova, D., Navratil, M., Hanacek, P., Coyne, C., Flavell, A., Vishnyakova, M., Ambrose, M., Redden, R. and Smykal, P. (2014). Geographical gradient of the eIF4E alleles conferring resistance to potyviruses in pea (Pisum) germplasm. PLoS One 9(3): e90394.
Tondelli, A., Pagani, D., Ghafoori, I.N., Ataei, M.R.R., Rizza, F., Flavell, A.J, Cattivelli, L. (2014). Allelic variation at Fr-H1/Vrn-H1 and Fr-H2 loci is the main determinant of frost tolerance in spring barley. Environmental and Experimental Botany doi: 10.1016/j.envexpbot.2014.02.014.
Tondelli, A., Xin, X., Moragues, M., Sharma, R., Schnaithmann, F., Ingvardsen, C., Manninen, O., Comadran, J., Russell, J., Waugh, R., Schulman, A.H., Pillen, K., Rasmussen, S.K., Kilian, B., Cattivelli, L., Thomas, B., Flavell, A.J. (2013). Structural and temporal variation in genetic diversity of European spring 2-row barley cultivars and association mapping of quantitative traits. The Plant Genome 6: doi:10.3835/plantgenome2013.03.0007.
Smykal, P., Aubert, G., Burstin, J., Coyne, C., Ellis, T.H.N., Flavell, A.J., Ford, R., Hybl, M., Macas, J., Neumann, P., McPhee, K.E., Redden, R.J., Rubiales, D., Weller, J.L., Warkentin, T.D. (2012). Pea (Pisum sativum L.) in the genomic era. Agronomy 2:74-115
Hubner, S., Gunther, T., Flavell, A., Fridman, E., Graner, A., Korol, A. and Schmid, K. J. (2012). Islands and streams: clusters and gene flow in wild barley populations from the Levant. Mol Ecol 21(5): 1115-1129.
Newton, A.C., Flavell, A.J., George, T.S., Leat, P., Mulholland, B., Ramsay, L., Revoredo-Giha, C., Russell, J., Steffenson, B., Swanston, S., Thomas, W.T.B., Waugh, R., White, P.J., Bingham, I.J. (2011). Crops the feed the World 4. Barley: a resilient crop? Strengths and weaknesses in the face of food security. Food Security 3:141-178.
Schulman, A. H., Flavell, A. J., Paux, E. and Ellis, T. H. (2012). The application of LTR retrotransposons as molecular markers in plants. Methods Mol Biol 859: 115-153.
Russell, J., Dawson, I. K., Flavell, A. J., Steffenson, B., Weltzien, E., Booth, A., Ceccarelli, S., Grando, S. and Waugh, R. (2011). Analysis of >1000 single nucleotide polymorphisms in geographically matched samples of landrace and wild barley indicates secondary contact and chromosome-level differences in diversity around domestication genes. New Phytol 191(2): 564-578.
Moragues, M., Comadran, J., Waugh, R., Milne, I., Flavell, A. J. and Russell, J. R. (2010). Effects of ascertainment bias and marker number on estimations of barley diversity from high-throughput SNP genotype data. Theor Appl Genet 120(8): 1525-1534.
Jing, R., Vershinin, A., Grzebyta, J., Shaw, P., Smykal, P., Marshall, D., Ambrose, M. J., Ellis, T. H. and Flavell, A. J. (2010). The genetic diversity and evolution of field pea (Pisum) studied by high throughput retrotransposon based insertion polymorphism (RBIP) marker analysis. BMC Evol Biol 10: 44.