Ph.D. in Physics, Physics Department, Technical University of Munich, 2016.
de Vries, S. J., Chauvot de Beauchene, I., Schindler, C. E. and Zacharias, M. (2016). Cryo-EM Data Are Superior to Contact and Interface Information in Integrative Modeling. Biophys J 110(4): 785-797.
Schindler, C. E., de Vries, S. J. and Zacharias, M. (2015). Fully Blind Peptide-Protein Docking with pepATTRACT. Structure 23(8): 1507-1515.
de Vries, S. J., Schindler, C. E., Chauvot de Beauchene, I. and Zacharias, M. (2015). A web interface for easy flexible protein-protein docking with ATTRACT. Biophys J 108(3): 462-465.
Zhang, Z., Schindler, C. E., Lange, O. F. and Zacharias, M. (2015). Application of Enhanced Sampling Monte Carlo Methods for High-Resolution Protein-Protein Docking in Rosetta. PLoS One 10(6): e0125941.
ChrisSchindler, C. E., de Vries, S. J. and Zacharias, M. (2015). iATTRACT: simultaneous global and local interface optimization for protein-protein docking refinement. Proteins 83(2): 248-258.
Hsu, H. J., Lin, M. H., Schindler, C. and Fischer, W. B. (2015). Structure based computational assessment of channel properties of assembled ORF-8a from SARS-CoV. Proteins 83(2): 300-308.
Schindler, C. and Fischer, W. B. (2012). Sequence alignment of viral channel proteins with cellular ion channels. J Comput Biol 19(9): 1060-1072.