Doc. rer. nat., FSU, Jena, DE, 2007
Current position
Junior professor of Molecular Ecology, Institute of Biology, Freie Universität Berlin, DE (01/2009-present)
Publications (since 2004)
Lortzing, T., Calf, O. W., Bohlke, M., Schwachtje, J., Kopka, J., Geuss, D., Kosanke, S., van Dam, N. M. and Steppuhn, A. (2016). Extrafloral nectar secretion from wounds of Solanum dulcamara. Nat Plants 2(5): 16056.
Lortzing, T. and Steppuhn, A. (2016). Jasmonate signalling in plants shapes plant-insect interaction ecology. Current Opinion in Insect Science. 14: 32–39
Pappas, M. L., Steppuhn, A. and Broufas, G. D. (2016). The role of phytophagy by predators in shaping plant interactions with their pests. Commun Integr Biol 9(2): e1145320.
Nguyen, D., D'Agostino, N., Tytgat, T. O., Sun, P., Lortzing, T., Visser, E. J., Cristescu, S. M., Steppuhn, A., Mariani, C., van Dam, N. M. and Rieu, I. (2016). Drought and flooding have distinct effects on herbivore-induced responses and resistance in Solanum dulcamara. Plant Cell Environ. (Epub ahead of print)
Bandoly, M., Grichnik, R., Hilker, M. and Steppuhn, A. (2016). Priming of anti-herbivore defence in Nicotiana attenuata by insect oviposition: herbivore-specific effects. Plant Cell Environ 39(4): 848-859.
Bandoly, M. and Steppuhn, A. (2016). A push-button: Spodoptera exigua oviposition on Nicotiana attenuata dose-independently primes the feeding-induced plant defense. Plant Signal Behav 11(1): e1114198.
Hilker, M., Schwachtje, J., Baier, M., Balazadeh, S., Baurle, I., Geiselhardt, S., Hincha, D. K., Kunze, R., Mueller-Roeber, B., Rillig, M. C., Rolff, J., Romeis, T., Schmulling, T., Steppuhn, A., van Dongen, J., Whitcomb, S. J., Wurst, S., Zuther, E. and Kopka, J. (2015). Priming and memory of stress responses in organisms lacking a nervous system. Biol Rev Camb Philos Soc. (Epub ahead of print)
andoly, M., Hilker, M. and Steppuhn, A. (2015). Oviposition by Spodoptera exigua on Nicotiana attenuata primes induced plant defence against larval herbivory. Plant J 83(4): 661-672.
Pappas, M. L., Steppuhn, A., Geuss, D., Topalidou, N., Zografou, A., Sabelis, M. W. and Broufas, G. D. (2015). Beyond Predation: The Zoophytophagous Predator Macrolophus pygmaeus Induces Tomato Resistance against Spider Mites. PLoS One 10(5): e0127251.
Kumar, P., Pandit, S. S., Steppuhn, A. and Baldwin, I. T. (2014). Natural history-driven, plant-mediated RNAi-based study reveals CYP6B46's role in a nicotine-mediated antipredator herbivore defense. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 111(4): 1245-1252.
Gaquerel, E., Steppuhn, A. and Baldwin, I. T. (2012). Nicotiana attenuata alpha-DIOXYGENASE1 through its production of 2-hydroxylinolenic acid is required for intact plant defense expression against attack from Manduca sexta larvae. New Phytol 196(2): 574-585.
Steppuhn, A., Gaquerel, E. and Baldwin, I. T. (2010). The two alpha-dox genes of Nicotiana attenuata: overlapping but distinct functions in development and stress responses. BMC Plant Biol 10: 171.
Steppuhn A. & Baldwin I.T. (2008) Induced Defenses and the Cost-Benefit Paradigm. In: Schaller, A. (ed). Induced plant resistance to herbivory. Springer, 61-83.
Steppuhn, A., Schuman, M. C. and Baldwin, I. T. (2008). Silencing jasmonate signalling and jasmonate-mediated defences reveals different survival strategies between two Nicotiana attenuata accessions. Mol Ecol 17(16): 3717-3732.
Steppuhn, A. and Baldwin, I. T. (2007). Resistance management in a native plant: nicotine prevents herbivores from compensating for plant protease inhibitors. Ecol Lett 10(6): 499-511.
Roda, A., Halitschke, R., Steppuhn, A. and Baldwin, I. T. (2004). Individual variability in herbivore-specific elicitors from the plant's perspective. Mol Ecol 13(8): 2421-2433.
Steppuhn, A., Gase, K., Krock, B., Halitschke, R. and Baldwin, I. T. (2004). Nicotine's defensive function in nature. PLoS Biol 2(8): E217.