Ph.D. in Genetics, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic, 1998
Current position
Deputy Director for Science, CEITEC, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic (since 4/2015)
Publications (since 2010)
Cifuentes, M., Jolivet, S., Cromer, L., Harashima, H., Bulankova, P., Renne, C., Crismani, W., Nomura, Y., Nakagami, H., Sugimoto, K., Schnittger, A., Riha, K. and Mercier, R. (2016). TDM1 Regulation Determines the Number of Meiotic Divisions. PLoS Genet 12(2): e1005856.
Fulcher, N. and Riha, K. (2015). Using Centromere Mediated Genome Elimination to Elucidate the Functional Redundancy of Candidate Telomere Binding Proteins in Arabidopsis thaliana. Frontiers in genetics 6.
Kazda, A., Akimcheva, S., Watson, J. M. and Riha, K. (2016). Cell Proliferation Analysis Using EdU Labeling in Whole Plant and Histological Samples of Arabidopsis. Methods Mol Biol 1370: 169-182.
Fulcher, N., Teubenbacher, A., Kerdaffrec, E., Farlow, A., Nordborg, M. and Riha, K. (2015). Genetic architecture of natural variation of telomere length in Arabidopsis thaliana. Genetics 199(2): 625-635.
Derboven, E., Ekker, H., Kusenda, B., Bulankova, P. and Riha, K. (2014). Role of STN1 and DNA polymerase alpha in telomere stability and genome-wide replication in Arabidopsis. PLoS Genet 10(10): e1004682.
Gloggnitzer, J., Akimcheva, S., Srinivasan, A., Kusenda, B., Riehs, N., Stampfl, H., Bautor, J., Dekrout, B., Jonak, C., Jimenez-Gomez, J. M., Parker, J. E. and Riha, K. (2014). Nonsense-mediated mRNA decay modulates immune receptor levels to regulate plant antibacterial defense. Cell Host Microbe 16(3): 376-390.
Plecenikova, A., Slaninova, M. and Riha, K. (2014). Characterization of DNA repair deficient strains of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii generated by insertional mutagenesis. PLoS One 9(8): e105482.
Gohring, J., Fulcher, N., Jacak, J. and Riha, K. (2014). TeloTool: a new tool for telomere length measurement from terminal restriction fragment analysis with improved probe intensity correction. Nucleic Acids Res 42(3): e21.
Fulcher, N., Derboven, E., Valuchova, S. and Riha, K. (2014). If the cap fits, wear it: an overview of telomeric structures over evolution. Cell Mol Life Sci 71(5): 847-865.
Samanic, I., Simunic, J., Riha, K. and Puizina, J. (2013). Evidence for distinct functions of MRE11 in Arabidopsis meiosis. PLoS One 8(10): e78760.
Bulankova, P., Akimcheva, S., Fellner, N. and Riha, K. (2013). Identification of Arabidopsis meiotic cyclins reveals functional diversification among plant cyclin genes. PLoS Genet 9(5): e1003508.
Kazda, A., Zellinger, B., Rossler, M., Derboven, E., Kusenda, B. and Riha, K. (2012). Chromosome end protection by blunt-ended telomeres. Genes Dev 26(15): 1703-1713.
Riehs-Kearnan N., Glognitzer J., Dekrout B., Jonak C. Riha K. (2012) Nonsense mediated RNA decay deficiency triggers autoimmune-like response in Arabidopsis. Nucl. Acids Res. 40, 2615-2624
Siomos M., Riha K. (2012) Telomere biology. p 71-82; in: Plant Genome Diversity. Eds. Greilhuber J., Wendel J., Leitch I.J., Dolezel J. Springer Verlag, Wien
Watson, J. M. and Riha, K. (2011). Telomeres, aging, and plants: from weeds to Methuselah - a mini-review. Gerontology 57(2): 129-136.
Bulankova, P., Riehs-Kearnan, N., Nowack, M. K., Schnittger, A. and Riha, K. (2010). Meiotic progression in Arabidopsis is governed by complex regulatory interactions between SMG7, TDM1, and the meiosis I-specific cyclin TAM. Plant Cell 22(11): 3791-3803.
Watson, J. M. and Riha, K. (2010). Comparative biology of telomeres: where plants stand. FEBS Lett 584(17): 3752-3759.
Vrbsky, J., Akimcheva, S., Watson, J. M., Turner, T. L., Daxinger, L., Vyskot, B., Aufsatz, W. and Riha, K. (2010). siRNA-mediated methylation of Arabidopsis telomeres. PLoS Genet 6(6): e1000986.