Ph.D. in Organic Chemistry, University of Perpignan, France, 1982
Current position
Research scientist at CEA, Laboratoire de Biologie du Développement des Plantes, UMR 7265 CNRS, CEA, Aix-Marseille II, Saint-Paul-lez-Durance Cedex, France
Publications (since 2004)
Ayadi, A., David, P., Arrighi, J. F., Chiarenza, S., Thibaud, M. C., Nussaume, L. and Marin, E. (2015). Reducing the genetic redundancy of Arabidopsis PHOSPHATE TRANSPORTER1 transporters to study phosphate uptake and signaling. Plant Physiol 167(4): 1511-1526.
Arnaud, C., Clement, M., Thibaud, M. C., Javot, H., Chiarenza, S., Delannoy, E., Revol, J., Soreau, P., Balzergue, S., Block, M. A., Marechal, E., Desnos, T. and Nussaume, L. (2014). Identification of phosphatin, a drug alleviating phosphate starvation responses in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiol 166(3): 1479-1491.
Hirsch, J., Misson, J., Crisp, P. A., David, P., Bayle, V., Estavillo, G. M., Javot, H., Chiarenza, S., Mallory, A. C., Maizel, A., Declerck, M., Pogson, B. J., Vaucheret, H., Crespi, M., Desnos, T., Thibaud, M. C., Nussaume, L. and Marin, E. (2011). A novel fry1 allele reveals the existence of a mutant phenotype unrelated to 5'->3' exoribonuclease (XRN) activities in Arabidopsis thaliana roots. PLoS One 6(2): e16724.
Bayle, V., Arrighi, J. F., Creff, A., Nespoulous, C., Vialaret, J., Rossignol, M., Gonzalez, E., Paz-Ares, J. and Nussaume, L. (2011). Arabidopsis thaliana high-affinity phosphate transporters exhibit multiple levels of posttranslational regulation. Plant Cell 23(4): 1523-1535.
Nussaume, L., Maréchal, E., Thibaud, M. C. and Block, M. (2011). The Plant Plasma Membrane Series: Plant Cell Monographs.In: Murphy, Angus, S., Burkhard, S. and Wendy, P. (eds.). XV, 400 p. Hardcover.
Thibaud, M. C., Arrighi, J. F., Bayle, V., Chiarenza, S., Creff, A., Bustos, R., Paz-Ares, J., Poirier, Y. and Nussaume, L. (2010). Dissection of local and systemic transcriptional responses to phosphate starvation in Arabidopsis. Plant J 64(5): 775-789.
Hirsch, J., Marin, E., Floriani, M., Chiarenza, S., Richaud, P., Nussaume, L. and Thibaud, M. C. (2006). Phosphate deficiency promotes modification of iron distribution in Arabidopsis plants. Biochimie 88(11): 1767-1771.
Misson, J., Raghothama, K. G., Jain, A., Jouhet, J., Block, M. A., Bligny, R., Ortet, P., Creff, A., Somerville, S., Rolland, N., Doumas, P., Nacry, P., Herrerra-Estrella, L., Nussaume, L. and Thibaud, M. C. (2005). A genome-wide transcriptional analysis using Arabidopsis thaliana Affymetrix gene chips determined plant responses to phosphate deprivation. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 102(33): 11934-11939.
Misson, J., Thibaud, M. C., Bechtold, N., Raghothama, K. and Nussaume, L. (2004). Transcriptional regulation and functional properties of Arabidopsis Pht1;4, a high affinity transporter contributing greatly to phosphate uptake in phosphate deprived plants. Plant Mol Biol 55(5): 727-741.