Ph.D. in Biology, Department of Genetics, University of Constance, 1986
Current position
Senior product manager at Carl Zeiss Microscopy GmbH, Jena, Germany
Publications (since 2010)
Schubert, V. and Weisshart, K. (2015). Abundance and distribution of RNA polymerase II in Arabidopsis interphase nuclei. J Exp Bot 66(6): 1687-1698.
Munch, S., Weidtkamp-Peters, S., Klement, K., Grigaravicius, P., Monajembashi, S., Salomoni, P., Pandolfi, P. P., Weisshart, K. and Hemmerich, P. (2014). The tumor suppressor PML specifically accumulates at RPA/Rad51-containing DNA damage repair foci but is nonessential for DNA damage-induced fibroblast senescence. Mol Cell Biol 34(10): 1733-1746.
Elstner M., Weisshart K., Mullen K., Schiller A. (2012). Molecular logic with a saccharide probe on the few-molecules level. J Am Chem Soc 134(19): 8098-8100.
Anikovsky M., Wiltshire Z. D., Weisshart K. and Petersen N. O. (2011). Photon counting histogram analysis for two-dimensional systems. Chemphyschem 12(13): 2439-2448.
Yordanov S., Best A., Weisshart K. and Koynov K. (2011). Note: An easy way to enable total internal reflection-fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (TIR-FCS) by combining commercial devices for FCS and TIR microscopy. Rev Sci Instrum 82(3): 036105.
Lenser T., Weisshart K., Ulbricht T., Klement K. and Hemmerich P. (2010). Fluorescence fluctuation microscopy to reveal 3D architecture and function in the cell nucleus. Methods Cell Biol 98: 2-33.
Chinali A., Vater W., Rudakoff B., Sponner A., Unger E., Grosse F., Guehrs K. H. and Weisshart K. (2010). Containment of extended length polymorphisms in silk proteins. J Mol Evol 70(4): 325-338.