Ph.D. in Analytical Chemistry, University of French Polynesia, 2014
Current position
Postdoctoral fellow, School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Geneva
Martin, N. J., Nicolas, M., Lecellier, G. and Raharivelomanana, P. (2015). Isolation and characterization procedure for indole alkaloids from the marquesan plant Rauvolfia nukuhivensis. Bio-protocol 5(20): e1625.
Martin, N. J., Ferreiro, S. F., Barbault, F., Nicolas, M., Lecellier, G., Paetz, C., Gaysinski, M., Alonso, E., Thomas, O. P., Botana, L. M. and Raharivelomanana, P. (2015). Indole alkaloids from the Marquesan plant Rauvolfia nukuhivensis and their effects on ion channels. Phytochemistry 109: 84-95.
Martin, N., Thomas, O., Lecellier, G., Nicolas, M., Christian, P. and Raharivelomanana, P. (2013). Alkaloid content of Rauvolfia nukuhivensis: genetical discrimination and new putative biosynthesis pathway. Planta Medica, GEORG THIEME VERLAG KG RUDIGERSTR 14, D-70469 STUTTGART, GERMANY.
Martin N.J., Thomas O., Prado S., Paetz C., Lecellier G. & Raharivelomanana P., (2013). “Bioactivity and phytochemistry study of Rauvolfia nukuhivensis, a Marquesan traditional medicinal plant.” Actes du 7ème CIPAM, Editions Applamedom, Saint-Denis. 37: 165-166.
Martin N.J., Thomas O., Lecellier G., Lopes, C., Nicolas, M, Prado S., Paetz C., & Raharivelomanana P. (2013). “Study of a Marquesan traditional medicinal plant: Rauvolfia nukuhivensis.” Short communication at the 12th Pacific Sciences Intercongress, Suva, Fiji, 8-12 July.
Martin N.J., Thomas O., Prado S., Paetz C., Lecellier G. & Raharivelomanana P., (2012). “Phytochemical investigation of Rauvolfia nukuhivensis, a Marquesan traditional medicinal plant.” International congress of Natural research products, New-York, scientific poster, 28 July-01 August.
Martin, N. J., Prado, S., Lecellier, G., Thomas, O. P. and Raharivelomanana, P. (2012). Nukuhivensiums, indolo[2,3-a]quinoliziniums from the Marquesan plant Rauvolfia nukuhivensis. Molecules 17(10): 12015-12022.