Ph.D. in Biology, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, 2002
Current position
Associate professor, Plant Science Department, Biology and Microbiology Department, South Dakota State University, Brookings, SD, USA.
Publications (since 2009)
White, L. Jg., Jothibasu, Kg., Reese, R. N., Brozel, V. S. and Subramanian, S.* (2015). Spatio Temporal Influence of Isoflavonoids on Bacterial Diversity in the Soybean Rhizosphere. Mol Plant Microbe Interact 28(1): 22-29.
Mittal, Ag., Balasubramanian, R., Cao, J., Singh, P., Subramanian, S., Hicks, G., Nothnagel, E. A., Abidi, N., Janda, J., Galbraith, D. W. and Rock, C. D. (2014). TOPOISOMERASE 6B is involved in chromatin remodelling associated with control of carbon partitioning into secondary metabolites and cell walls, and epidermal morphogenesis in Arabidopsis. J Exp Bot 65(15): 4217-4239.
Damodaran, Sg., Adhikari, Sg., Turner, M. and Subramanian, S*. (2014). Quantitative amplification of cleaved ends (qACE) to assay miRNA-directed target cleavage. F1000Research 3:240.
Tande, C. A., Hadi, B. A. R., Chowdhuryg, R., Subramanian, S. and Byamukama, E.* (2014). First report of sudden death syndrome of Soybean caused by Fusarium virguliforme in South Dakota. Plant Dis 98 (7): 1012.
Bustos, S. P., Mao, G., Deng, Y., Elouet, M., Khan, G. A., Bazin, J., Turner, M., Subramanian, S., Yu, O., Crespi, M. and Lelandais, B.* (2013). Overexpression of miR160 affects root growth and nitrogen-fixing nodule number in Medicago truncatula. Funct Plant Biol 40: 1208-1220.
Mao, G., Turner, M., Yu, O. and Subramanian, S.* (2013). miR393 and miR164 influence indeterminate but not determinate nodule development. Plant Signal Behav 8(10): doi: 10 4161/psb 26753.
Neupane, Ag., Nepal, M. P., Piyag, S., Subramanian, S., Rohila, J. S., Reese, R. N. and Benson, B. V. (2013). Identification, nomenclature, and evolutionary relationships of mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) genes in soybean. Evol Bioinform Online 9: 363-386.
Turner, M., Nizampatnam, N. R., Baron, M., Coppin, S., Damodaran, S., Adhikari, S., Arunachalam, S. P., Yu, O. and Subramanian, S.* (2013). Ectopic expression of miR160 results in auxin hypersensitivity, cytokinin hyposensitivity, and inhibition of symbiotic nodule development in soybean. Plant Physiol 162(4): 2042-2055. (Featured on the cover)
Turner, M., Adhikari, Sg. and Subramanian, S.* (2013). Optimizing stem-loop qPCR assays through multiplexed cDNA synthesis of U6 and miRNAs. Plant Signal Behav 8(8).
Adhikari, Sg., Turner, M. and Subramanian, S.* (2013). Hairpin priming is better suited than in vitro polyadenylation to generate cDNA for plant miRNA qPCR. Mol Plant 6(1): 229-231.
Turner, M., Yu, O. and Subramanian, S.* (2012). Genome organization and characteristics of soybean microRNAs. BMC Genomics 13: 169.
Subramanian, S.* (2012). microRNA regulation of symbiotic nodule development in legumes. In: Sunkar, R. (ed). MicroRNAs in plant development and stress responses. Series: Signaling and communication in plants Vol 15. Springer.
Li, H., Deng, Y., Wu, T., Subramanian, S.*, Yu, O.* (2010). Mis-expression of miR482, miR1512, and miR1515 Increases Soybean Nodulation. Plant Physiol 153:1759-1770.
Subramanian, S.*, Cho, U. H., Keyes, C. and Yu, O.* (2009). Distinct changes in soybean xylem sap proteome in response to pathogenic and symbiotic microbe interactions. BMC Plant Biol 9: 119.